Yes, the hashtag comments a line. The output files are placed in the same folder that the dragged files. You could drag c_wolf.mdb from any folder. Since you placed c_wolf.mdb in the mdk folder, the output files should be in the mdk folder. When you dragged it to nw2fbx-dragdrop.cmd, did a console window open for a moment or did absolutely nothing hapen? Could you execute this from the command line? > nw2fbx c_wolf.mdb Thanks for trying the tool. sorry for the late reply. i've installed the 0.1.1 version and tested with the same model. there's still nothing happening if i drag and drop the .mdb, .gr2 (skeleton) and .gr2 (animation) to the cmd file. no command prompt appears, not even for a split second. there's also no sign of activity if i only drag the mdb file. using the cmd window there's an appcrash popping up. my os is win7 sp1 with visual studio c++ redist (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015) installed. edit1) found a typo inside my config file. now it's generating the .fbx, but only through the cmd window. drag and drop still doesn't work. edit2) importing meshes and animation to blender works as intended. being free of 3dsmax is really something huge!