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  1. hey @FreshLook, rjshae over at the neverwintervault dicsovered that hook points won't get converted to .mdb. i've also got a question about the material properties in blender. which properties of the principled bsdf shader will get written and used by the electron engine? in 3dsmax the specular level and glossiness is being used, does something similar apply to the specular, metallic and roughness values? thank you :wink:
  2. so, i did it right but at the wrong place. thanks for your explanation; got it working.
  3. Right now i am testing a blender/gimp pipeline, and so far all works well. while preparing a tileset for export though, i couldn't figure out how to add texture flags. does somebody know how to set them in blender? the custom properties within the material don't seem to work. do they even get exported to the fbx? the option was checked. in what way does your fbx2nw interpret those properties? in the end i checked them with rjshae's mdbconfig.
  4. well, i could be srewing up here but i really thought that there was a maximum of three bones per vertex. browsing the internet didn't reveal any old thread, especially nothing official from obsidian. only thing i encountered was the "vertex has more than 4 weights" error message from expotron, which faerzresssparkles talked about at the neverwintervault forums. so i guess you could be right.
  5. there's another constraint: one vertex is allowed to only be influenced by a maximum of three bones at once. i believe the default in most applications (and game engines nowadays) is set to 4. your tool could warn the user that there are vertices with more then three bone weights, and give an option to either cancel the exporting process or to automatically delete the fourth weight per vertex with the least influence.
  6. can't you just use neverblender for importing meshes along with animations? obj is not really helpful because this format doesn't support rigged meshes and animations, though with static models it should work.
  7. so does collada. it's an open format which is supported by every dcc tool, specifically created for editable assets being passed between different applications. it's free and not tied to a money greedy corp only interested in dominating the market with their products. i am aware of that. it's just that the future of blender's fbx support ain't that bright. it solely depends on one single developer. if one day he's gone, the integration of newer versions of fbx will be vacant. that has nothing to do with your tool, and i really don't want to pick a quarrel here, i was just interested in the decision to opt for fbx. thanks for answering.
  8. out of curiosity: why did you go for fbx in conjunction with blender? is it a data format you know in detail? are there any features only fbx supports? specifically i am asking because collada seems the "wiser" choice, being an open format and being supported by almost every dcc tool around. to my knowledge to get full feature support fbx has to be licensed from autodesk, and was only reverse engineered to get an addon running in blender.
  9. that's nothing short of amazing! thanks for your hard work and dedication.
  10. i should have watched the obsidian tutorial videos about animated placeables again. there you can clearly see that the skeleton is actually the model, no bones involved.
  11. I think animated placeables have a GR2 skeleton and can play GR2 animations. The tool is generic about converting FBX skeletons/animations to GR2, so I think it will work. animated placebales usually have no skeletons, just gr2 animations. it's just animated vertices. actually i am not that sure anymore because there's a skeleton column within the placeables.2da.
  12. Yes, the hashtag comments a line. The output files are placed in the same folder that the dragged files. You could drag c_wolf.mdb from any folder. Since you placed c_wolf.mdb in the mdk folder, the output files should be in the mdk folder. When you dragged it to nw2fbx-dragdrop.cmd, did a console window open for a moment or did absolutely nothing hapen? Could you execute this from the command line? > nw2fbx c_wolf.mdb Thanks for trying the tool. sorry for the late reply. i've installed the 0.1.1 version and tested with the same model. there's still nothing happening if i drag and drop the .mdb, .gr2 (skeleton) and .gr2 (animation) to the cmd file. no command prompt appears, not even for a split second. there's also no sign of activity if i only drag the mdb file. using the cmd window there's an appcrash popping up. my os is win7 sp1 with visual studio c++ redist (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015) installed. edit1) found a typo inside my config file. now it's generating the .fbx, but only through the cmd window. drag and drop still doesn't work. edit2) importing meshes and animation to blender works as intended. being free of 3dsmax is really something huge!
  13. thanks for all the work! i've downloaded the nwn2mdk-0.1.zip, extracted the folder and edited the config.yml. specifically i deleted the hashtag, because that comments a line, right? and i edited the installation path. after exporting c_wolf.mdb, placing it within the mdk folder and dragging it to the nw2fbx-dragdrop.cmd - nothing happens. there's no log.txt and no c_wolf.fbx. are those files placed somewhere else or did i something wrong?
  14. it's coming along. really impressive work you've done here! it will be the first time nwn2 is on par with nwn1's modding capabilities regarding free tools. perhaps this even pumps new life into the rather small modding community.
  15. looks promising. imo i don't think that nwn2 uses all the data stored. that should be a left over from the rad game tool which can be used in combination with physics middleware.
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