well I'm a little confused, on my direct t.v satellite i went to guide and fast forwarded in the future to tomorrow and the following day on spike channel and i can't find anything on more E3 Coverage, so I'm confused? any ideas?
i hope besthda doesn't make us download it through steam, i bought shogun 2 total war and i'ts taking me 18 days just to download it b/c my internet is slow. and i haven't even played it. i'm so mad. i found the demo btw. it's awesome.
is it just me or does that picture of the huge city and castle look awesome? my only concern is all these new photos and info coming out in the past few days, is the bunch of new information that's suppose to be revealed on the 8th. so what if this is it, until november? :(
i hope that this new bit of information the question and answering and the new pictures, isn't all of the new information bestheda is planning on giving out on the 8th
they're only showing skyrim for 20 minutes? :( http://games.ign.com/articles/117/1172302p1.html?RSSwhen2011-06-02_171000&RSSid=1172302&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ignfeeds/games+%28IGN+Videogames
that's the thing. i hope they fixed the problem in oblivion where u kept walking on air, on the sides of mountains until you found an invisible place where u can climb up lol
i have a sandy bridge, duel core intel processor, 5800 graphic card. regeon or something like that. 475 power supply, would i have a problem running skyrim on this? just got a custom made pc just for me this year.