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Everything posted by RavveN

  1. Planescape Torment that is a hell of a game too. Took me 6 hours to get outta first area O.o on EASY! I mean the controls on PC are just not enough. I need joystick for God's sake! And when i tried playin' it on hard... Guess what?! I never came outta first area! xD I mean really if no one played this game you really have missed something. I mean the game is great RPG, yes it's old but it's still great! That is the game i think with largest dialogue of all games... I mean its like couple thousands of pages i don't know... But it's really worth playing, lot's of thinking lot's of strategy needed. I mean i am 15 and this game is like that bioshock daddy against me. O.o Mount&Blade: Warband ... Yea i know you will say now: " Wtf! That is not hard at all! " But by God i am playing that game for two years and i still can't go 50 against 50 army, they just have hulk stats!! That's the problem with some games.. The AI... Damn i mean they are still dumb as hell they put a shield in time when im 15 feet away from them and when i come they get that shield down. But that's not my problem the problem is they are hitting every 0.25 seconds they do like 25 damange of my 54 health and i don't know if i turn on 100% difficulty that i couldn't win battle 50 against 20. Really God damn hard -.-. -RavveN-
  2. Split Second? I was playing that once. Very nice game very nice. But in every game when u set "hard" -.- It is always someone faster,stronger etc. than you. Like in Mount&Blade Warband i set everything to hard...100% difficulty enemy hit me every 0.25 seconds and ofc once looter killed me with one single fu**ing hit!!!! Can u believe it? Ofc u can't ...It's a looter!!! Anyway my point is that every game cheats with that hard stuff... Hard is not when you give someone super-extra stats, it's when you set AI to be smarter than player -.-. Damn it.These new games, there is no inspiration and will...
  3. Woa.... I bow to you... I never play a game above medium difficulty Now where's the fun in nothing below medium? I dont know im a big noob -.-
  4. That is true.... But why such hard words my friend?
  5. Woa.... I bow to you... I never play a game above medium difficulty
  6. Sooo what is the hardest game you ever played?! :) ... I will start off! Ok the most hardest game evah i played was totally Another World. I don't know if you guys heard about it but it's damn hard!!! And i don't mean "hard" i mean "super-ultra-mega-ravaneous HARD!!@!!!!!" i mean you can get killed with like everything with one hit, it's full time thinking and guarding. If you never saw this game go ahead and download it...I guess you will find a way... Anyway it's a very old and very nice game, and i recommend for all of you to try it if you haven't! -Ravven-
  7. Introducing RavveN: Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Friendly Race:Wood Elf Weapons: Steel bow and steel arrows,Silver claymore Eye color: Blue Hair Color: Black Clothing: Black robe,black hood and black leather boots History:Father,noble but unlucky...Mother,poor and ill.. Born in the wilderness,his mother died on his birth and he lived with his father. Father teached him almost everything he knew about hunting and surviving in the wild, he passed the knowledge of reading and scribing on little Ravven too for him to have better future. After some period Ravven knew how to look for himself.Father gave him some old black robe,hood and his trusty,sneaky boots...He also gave him his old bow,then he stopped for a moment and said:" Father..." He rushed into the house and got bright silver sword up to Ravven...: " You see son this is our only heirloom ...Take it,take it and may it give you more luck than me."...So he abandoned home in a search of a new life... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the tavern enters RavveN his big blue eyes are too bright to look at 'em...He look kinda confused he never been here before in this ..."Town" or this "Tavern" he walks up to a bartender and asks: Ravven: " Do you happend to have some water please? " Bartender: " Hey kids aren't allowed in tavern! What are you doing here!? " Ravven: " Oh i am dreadfully sorry but i was looking for some kind of job and i wandered of in here... " Bartender: " Oh nevermind lad... Here...You wanted some water yeah? " *gives Ravven glass of water*... Ravven sits on a stool and starts drinking water very slowly...
  8. Dude you have my name! :D
  9. I was always noble warrior myself! Always heavy armor, being good to everyone, helping anyone if they need my help! I don't know i just like bein' warrior! Strong and fearsome! Ahhh those were the days...I can't wait for elder scrolls 5....I might actually try to be mage there <:-)]] -RavveN-
  10. I reinstalled oblivion in c:\program files\bethesda softworks.... But i still can't change video settings ...I dont get it?
  11. Ummm im not so professional about it but i think you could try deactivating one mod at a time and entering tha game and seein' if it changes something....Worked for me when i had some f* up s&it :D
  12. Operating system? I guess windows 7... Just installed oblivion so it doesn't have any patches,mods,expansions etc.
  13. Hey ppl... I have some problems with oblivion... It crashes when i try to change video options and i can't exit the prison. I don't know why i never had that problem with it -.-... Soo any suggestion what could it be?...Tnx -RavveN-
  14. I once had dream in Cloud Ruler Temple :/...It was fu*king wierd! It was i had this katana and i started cutting up everybodie there from no reason...^_^....But again 'twas not cool when they killed me....'Twas like: " Ohhh look there's my breakfest!" :D
  15. Guys i have seen it with my own eyes!!! I was so watching trailer of TES5 and i dreamed about it. It was like some storm coming along and me and my 4 friends were moving trough the storm and so we're going trough some tight pass and from all the sudden dragon appeared and tha fight started. I had like sword and shield and these other guys we're like...Archer,Mage,Paladin...And then when we fought off the dragon we we're like killed by some other dragon while protecting the city xD. Yea but i mean that was the God's gift for me, i never thought i would see it with my own eyes...Anyone had same thing happened to him? ^_^ I ammm so freaking out right nah, i love this forum, i love this community, i love u guys!!! Praised be Elder Scrolls 5!!!! _-_-_-_-RavveN_-_-_-_-_
  16. Hey guys i need help with finding tha starting prison cell in the construction set. I wanna do some mod on some new gear so i want to put that new gear right on the beggining in one coffin...Can you tell me how to get to that cell? Tnx! ~RavveN~
  17. You can do a lot of shield bashing in DA2 as well... But when you do it in TES V!!! ZOMGFSGAGHAGFHASf xD
  18. Oh my dear God.....I AM SO GONNA PRETEND THAT IM THAT GUY FROM 300! :D I will get a shield and a spear...(If there is one ^^) And just like " Splat!!! " """ Shield Bash """ Aghhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Sorry for a little spam i am so excited ><><>< when i heard of dual wielding too ...I think i got a fever...I still cough when i see this post O.o...:D Zomg zomg zomg zomg zomg zomg zomg!!!!!!!!! xD
  19. So then i should sell this one and buy a new one?...Ofc adding more money about 300 Euros...I can sell this comp. for 100 Euros...
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