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About Kel1978

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    Zelda: A Link To The Past

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  1. Tannin mentions VC redistributables so I tried installing them again and this time it worked. Why it didn't work before I've no idea.
  2. tried again. disabled av and fw. Made sure windows defender was disabled. confirmed vortex folder was deleted. Deleted all vortex appdata folders. same issue Does anyone else have any ideas? I've been modding with vortex since it came out and never had this issue before. I don't know what else I can do.
  3. then why is it not working when an outdated version is?
  4. i disabled my antivirus and firewall and those are the only security apps i've installed so I've no idea what else it could be. The extention installed just fine from the older version installer. Maby someone should check and make sure the issue isn't with the installer.
  5. Uninstalled, disabled my av and fw. reinstalled with most recent installer. Same issue. It just says Failed. No explanation. Edit: Dbl clicked. error: Failed to load: The specified module could not be found. \\?\F:\Mods\Win8\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\node-loot.node I Uninstalled again, installed older version (Vortex (custom install location)-1-0-16-15-1544094741). plugins section is present. I allowed it to update and plugins is gone again and gambryo says failed.
  6. The plugin section seems to have disappeared and thus i am unable to activate any plugins. I click sksse and the game launches but the pods are not loaded. I havn't modded since before the anniversary edition came out. I'm sticking with the SSE and not updating to AE. maby I should just install a pre AE version of vortex.
  7. It's a disgusting policy. I, as a mod user, will not be participating in such a den of thieves. Either allow mod authors to opt out or i'm boycotting Nexus.
  8. all 77 esl only take 1 slot so I only have 207 esm's/esps. I think the limit is something like 2000 esl. Wrye Bash has been upgraded to handle esl files. Mo2 and vortex handle esl as well. Nothing else does and needs to be updated.
  9. Ok, I have 278 plugins. 77 of which are light but xedit doesn't care and the tes5merged I'm trying to create keeps bugging out. Does anyone know how to solve this? Most of them are patches from Quinn, kryptopyr, wizkid, ect
  10. In response to post #91967003. #91979463, #91980208 are all replies on the same post. most Bethesda games are already on steam. Also you can mod just mine with games from the Microsoft store. You just need to take ownership of the folder.
  11. In response to post #91953468. #91955698, #91957093, #91957748, #91962688, #91963348, #91963533, #91965618, #91967383, #91970368, #91971768, #91972538, #91972728, #91974393, #91980443, #91980933, #91989368, #91990683 are all replies on the same post. if you mod on pc then you launch via the skse launcher. You can set steam to not update skyrim or whatever unless you launch it from within steam
  12. In response to post #91955663. #91980893, #92004163, #92005323, #92007078, #92015173, #92035723 are all replies on the same post. It's quite rude calling people names. If ff7legend is a ranter then so are you, GamingZacharyC, for ranting about his rant. His situation is different than yours. Maybe he doesn't have a great ISP. There are still places in the US without great connections so perhaps his options are limited. Don't be so judgy. I prefer physical as well. If I really like a game on Gamepass, I'll buy the physical. I mostly go for collector's edition anyways. I tried the console versions but modding was way too limiting. A mear 5gb? Ridiculous. I'll stick to PC for Bethesda games.
  13. One more question. Do textures have to be in a bsa marked mod - Textures.bsa or can they also be in mod.bsa and have mod.esp manage both? For example if I wanted to package a huge texture mod like Skyrim Realistic Overhaul (over 10 GB) into bsa and having only textures, Can each plugin manage 2 compressed bsa (mod.bsa and mod - textures.bsa) or am i forced to use 1 plugin for each mod - textures.bsa? (the difference being using 5 plugins to manage 10 bsa over using 10 plugins to manage 10 mod - Textures.bsa) I hope I'm making sense...lol PS. Can I rename a plugin in windows like KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp? Archive.exe crashes when i try to save a KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.bsa. There 's no "save as" in the construction kit so i can't rename that way I tried making an archive through the CK by loading up the esp and it worked. I'm not sure why it worldn't work with archive.exe. maby because the esp isn't empty?
  14. ok for large texture mods in SSE, what I want to do is create bsa's for them for my personal use. Are the following accurate with SSE? Every guide i've seen is from 2016 or older 1. The must be under 2gb 2. I can load multiple bsa's with a single dummy plugin as long as it is pluginname.esp and the bsa's are pluginname - xxx so as long as its named pluginname before the " - " it will load the bsa? For example: mymod.esp will load mymod - Textures1.bsa (compressed) mymod - Textures2.bsa (compressed) mymod - Meshes1.bsa (compressed) mymod - Meshes2.bsa (compressed) mymod - Sounds.bsa (uncompressed) mymod - Voices.bsa (uncompressed) mymod - randomname.bsa as long as they are under 2gb? Sounds should not be compressed? scripts should not be in a bsa? (for non texture only mods) dummy esps will not take a slot if I make them light in Vortex? Aside from textures can I pack everything else in a single bsa or keep each seperate ie; meshes, sound, Sorry for the barrage of questions.
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