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About ToiletbowlMartini

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  1. What I would like to do is create a completely new area that is outdoors. I know how to create my own dungeon, but not an outside area. I'd like to create an area that loads when you get to the end of one of those roads at the end of the map. You know which ones I'm talking about, right? The ones with a bridge over the road and in invisible wall that won't let you go any further? I wouldn't be surprised if some future DLC includes Cyrodil or Morrowind or some other area in Tamriel that you can get to by travelling those roads. Anyways, to create your own dungeon, according to the CK wiki, you start with the aaaMarkers cell, delete everything and start from scratch. Would creating an outdoor area start with something similar?
  2. I think it would be so awesome to retexture the execution hood so it looks like the Scarecrow's mask from Batman Begins, and then I'd put a fear enchantment on it, that would be pretty epic!
  3. Thanks for the reply, a link to that mod would be nice
  4. Really, how many fingers do we have? I'd like to at least wear one on each hand. Opinions?
  5. I found a video on youtube with links to download. When you click on the nexus link for the hair it says it's under moderation, and it's for that reason I hesitate to post the link here since I don't know why it's under moderation. <link removed> There is link to download the hair from a different website in the vid's description.
  6. Thanks sajuukkhar, but I'm talking about melee combat, not arrows. If I had any kind of experience with anything I would gladly contribute something.
  7. I have never been a fan of the Elder Scrolls combat system which is why I could never get into Oblivion. I prefer Fallout, although I feel those games could use some improvements, too (I think Borderlands did a better job as far as the combat system goes.) One of the reasons I don't care for how the combat feels is if you're up against more than one enemy you're pretty much screwed. I think the Batman Arkham games got their combat system perfect, but I'm not sure how the "freeflow combat" would fit in with Skyrim, though. I would love the ability to deflect, dodge, and counter attacks, especially because I like to dual wield weapons and these abilities would actually make the melee aspect of the game more fun, at least for me. Also, I would love unarmed combat to be more useful, I'm thinking of stuff like some kind of martial arts, or disarming the enemy, etc. I'm not expecting much before the creation kit is released, but would something like this be possible even with it? I also don't know how well something like this would work with a game that let's you play in 1st or 3rd person like Elder Scrolls. Is there anybody else out there that has a problem with the combat system?
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