I have never been a fan of the Elder Scrolls combat system which is why I could never get into Oblivion. I prefer Fallout, although I feel those games could use some improvements, too (I think Borderlands did a better job as far as the combat system goes.) One of the reasons I don't care for how the combat feels is if you're up against more than one enemy you're pretty much screwed. I think the Batman Arkham games got their combat system perfect, but I'm not sure how the "freeflow combat" would fit in with Skyrim, though. I would love the ability to deflect, dodge, and counter attacks, especially because I like to dual wield weapons and these abilities would actually make the melee aspect of the game more fun, at least for me. Also, I would love unarmed combat to be more useful, I'm thinking of stuff like some kind of martial arts, or disarming the enemy, etc. I'm not expecting much before the creation kit is released, but would something like this be possible even with it? I also don't know how well something like this would work with a game that let's you play in 1st or 3rd person like Elder Scrolls. Is there anybody else out there that has a problem with the combat system?