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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Now that I searched, I saw some other people already requested this characters in here. I don't think we need any quests. Just a companion with powerful magic and skills and put her in a nearby town at the beggining of the game. Someone already made her as a playable character: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/6284608-1390152682.jpg Thanks in Advance.
  2. Could someone please make a companion (with great magic power) that looks like "Holo" the Wise Wolf from Spice & Wolf anime series? I really want to make Laurence and her embark in a epic travel journey like the anime in Skyrim. Pleaseeee? =) Thanks in advance :blush: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Tkx7gx8HK68/T5pHlKuAbyI/AAAAAAAABOk/g0libTTNROQ/s1600/Spice%2520and%2520Wolf%2520-%252009%2520-%2520Large%252017.jpg http://walls4joy.com/thumbs/anime-manga/holo-the-wise-wolf-spice-309343-480x320.png http://images.alphacoders.com/177/177311.jpg
  3. Hello guys, could someone make these 2 japan actresses as companions (no need for the clothes, only the face and the names): http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HMRk8xvyblU/UBF-6mvtF3I/AAAAAAAAG_o/Y97001_v65E/s1600/kunoichi-12-web.jpghttp://images.nipponcinema.com/tag/rina-takeda.jpg?v=1369152303 Rina Takeda in Kunoichi movie http://www.tokufriends.net/perfectzect/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/9ee44f76a4478582ee281693f123436c.jpg Erika Yazawa in Dogu Chan Yokai hunter (Don't mind her big boobs =P) Please, i really want a mod like this =) Thanks in Advance!
  4. Ok, thanks friend, found some cool mods. What about the Asian female faces? Is there any mod on which replaces the NPCs women faces to asian female faces? In case not, could someone do this mod?
  5. Hey guys, is there any mod that transforms the NPCs in the Skyrim game to look like asian (mainly the women XD)? Can someone do that? I not asking for "anime" style, but real asian women. And, is there any mod for Skyrim that transform NPCs women Clothes and armors more revealing? Not entire naked, only more sexy? Is there any kind of those mods for Oblivion too?
  6. Hey guys, could someone, please, make a Prince of Persia 2008 Gear for Oblivion? Here some examples: http://www.myplaystationwallpapers.net/1280x800/prince-of-persia-2008-11-artwork.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-G3RLHo939QM/UDrgZMcoqYI/AAAAAAAABXU/NSAA-xxsGHM/s1600/prince-of-persia-2008.jpg http://assets1.ignimgs.com/2008/11/26/prince-of-persia-20081126005324542-2661954.jpg And his sword as a God Item http://images.wikia.com/princeofpersia/en/images/7/75/LongSword.jpg Please, i really want to play as this prince and Elika :) Thanks in advance
  7. Hey guys, i have this computer: Nvidia Geforce 9400 GT (1GB), 2 Gb ram memory, Processor: 2.5 Dual Core, Supports to pixel shadder 3 I know the computer is not good, but i can play a lot games like Dragon Age 2, Skyrim, Oblivion almost at maximum setting. Despite good graphics, Drak SOuls only appear to have good shadows and light (on which i know it requires a lot from a computer). But anyway, i expect the game to run slow a little, but not that much. It's completely slow. I already used the DSfix to change the resolution to 800x6** and had nothing changed, even a little. It's like the FPS is locked and just won't get better no matter what i took out or put in in graphic settings. There is a way to better that? Is there a mod to remove the shadows or something like that? I already removed the Anti aliasing and FFXA Blur
  8. Hello guys, there is a mod that change all the NPC (from all cities etc...) clothes with new sexy clothes (Almost naked or sexy ones)? Not naked. I want to take the chance and ask, Someone could make this clothe for Oblivion male chars: http://www.jogosna.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/PrinceofPersia2008.jpg Its from Prince of Persia 2008, i wish to play as this character. Thanks in Advance^^
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