Would some very kind soul tell me why you can make him a follower with various mods but you can't set his home to be someplace other than the cistern unless you are married to hm? it applies to both Skyrim and SSE. Doesn't make any difference which follower mod you are using (I've tried them all) and My Home Is Your Home in several of its incarnations including the most recent - and Skyrim Dialogue Overhaul - all will allow him to be made a follower. Friendly Brynjolf allows you to marry him (at which point he will move in to the players home - so he CAN do it) , and all of those things can also be tried out in the consol....... But setting his home seems impossible - even using Friendly Brynjolf which makes getting him as a follower only possible once his quests have finished. MY Home is Your Home the dialogue options don't appear at all to set his home. Follower Live Package and AFT will manage him but not enable home setting for him (The AFT option to dismiss and hang out here worked once, but after I rerecruited him into my party it never worked again even though nothing had changed in my mods or load order. - I have read a comment that the same thing happens with EFF, I never managed it with EFF at all). Nothing seems to work for this. I have seen other players commenting on Bryns apparent desire to hang out in a sewer all the time but haven't seen any response or suggestion that works to sort it. My scripting knowledge is non existant so I wouldn't know what to look for but I am assuming that his default packages take priority in some way over mod added ones. If (Big IF) that's the case is there some way to make his defaults have a lower priority after the player is guildmaster? After all he doesn't actually DO anything after you take over as guildmaster, just vanishes under that godawful hood and never speaks again. I don't want to marry him, I just don't want to have to keep trudging to Riften every time I want him as a follower. Plus it just purely irritates me that he seems to be the only NPC that behaves like this :blush: If anyone has ever managed to get him to live with them without being married to him - please tell me how you did it :tongue: Only partially requesting a mod, just some idea of how to get it sorted. Thanks for reading Beth