Oh! Well, the reason I say that is because after reading the forums, it seems that it was possible but a patch early on ruined it and it was never fixed. Multiple people have said they've done it - Here's a video of promoting Ser Barris while conscripted. The dialogue is slightly different than if you ally with them. The only real difference (depending on if you conscript or ally) should be two War Table missions, and those still correctly appear - those being Negotiate with Hasmal's Templars and The Order's Obligations, respectively. Ser Barris' Missions, however, are only dependent on whether or not he lives, and are currently only appearing with the Ally choice. The starting mission, after reaching Skyhold being: Save Val Colline from the Venatori. Oh, and there's even options to conscript him AND promote him in the Dragon Age Keep: http://s21.postimg.org/72hnrvorr/Barris.png Broke or not, definitely counting on mods to make this possible :P