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Posts posted by SmileyCat

  1. In the same folder as your savegames folder there are two GECK configuration files, one of them should contain the variable.


    Not exactly the name of the variable, but something alike it.

    Change the 1 to a 0.


    That should fix it.

  2. we don't have the Creation Kit,

    Excuse me? I must be mistaken, I thought this was the F3 section.


    As for the idea, I think it's a good one, although hard to code, and will probably require FOSE for the custom menus needed when repairing an NPC's gear.

  3. Mods; I was unsure where to post this, and mod talk seemed to be the best option, so if it's the wrong section, please move it.

    I consider myself a pretty decent scripter, and I want to improve my scripting skills but I am unsure how,

    so I came up with a little idea.. You take a look at my script and tell me what you (dis)approve.


    This is a very simple FOSE script that colors all actors near the player.

    Feel free to use this script in your mod, just attach it onto a pair of glasses or a helmet.

    ScriptName CJ39ACIScript
    ; ACI = Advanced Combat Interface
    ref rCurrentTarget
    int iMaxDistance
    float fTimer
    int iTimer
    int iSetupRan
    Begin GameMode
    ;	Setup the variables.
    If iSetupRan != 1
    	Set iTimer To 5
    	Set iMaxDistance To 1250
    	Set iSetupRan To 1
    ;	First, we check if the ACI is equipped.
    If Player.GetEquipped CJ39ACI != 1
    ;	The ACI has a small timer that
    ;	only lets the script color references
    ;	on a preset interval.
    If fTimer > 0
    	Set fTimer To (fTimer - GetSecondsPassed)
    ;	Then we start coloring actors,
    ;	colors are determined by their current
    ;	action and attitude towards the player.
    Set rCurrentTarget To GetFirstRef 200 1 0
    Label 1
    If rCurrentTarget
    	If rCurrentTarget.GetDistance Player < iMaxDistance
    		; Sleeping
    		If rCurrentTarget.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 8
    			rCurrentTarget.PlayMagicShaderVisuals CJ39ShaderSleeping iTimer
    		; Fleeing
    		ElseIf rCurrentTarget.GetCurrentAIProcedure == 16
    			rCurrentTarget.PlayMagicShaderVisuals CJ39ShaderFleeing iTimer
    		 ; Enemy
    		 ElseIf rCurrentTarget.GetFactionRelation Player == 1
    			rCurrentTarget.PlayMagicShaderVisuals CJ39ShaderEnemy iTimer
    	Set rCurrentTarget To Pencil01
    	Set rCurrentTarget To GetNextRef
    	Goto 1
    Set rCurrentTarget To Pencil01
    ; Then we just reset the timer.
    Set fTimer To iTimer


    And here is another one, a stealth hat that runs off Microfusion Cells.

    Feel free to use this one aswell.

    ScriptName CJ39StealthHatScript
    ; This is my demo script of a hat that uses microfusion cells as charges for a stealth effect.
    int iMinutesBetweenCharges
    float fTimer
    Begin GameMode
    ;	This is the "setup block", where
    ;	we initialize variables and such.
    If iMinutesBetweenCharges == 0
    	Set iMinutesBetweenCharges To 3 ; 3 Minutes between charges.
    	Set fTimer To (iMinutesBetweenCharges * 60)
    ;	The effect is for when the player wears the hat and is sneaking.
    If Player.IsSneaking != 1 && Player.GetEquipped CJ39StealthHat != 1
    ;	The timer block here.
    If fTimer > 0
    	Set fTimer To (fTimer - GetSecondsPassed)
    ;	This is where the actual magic happens.
    ;	If the player has no cells, we reset
    ;	the timer to a shorter interval,
    ;	else we take a cell and give him/her
    ;	the stealth effects.
    Player.RemoveSpell CJ39StealthHatSpell
    If Player.GetItemCount AmmoMicrofusionCell == 0
    	Set fTimer To 30 ; Half a second.
    	Player.RemoveItem AmmoMicrofusionCell 1
    	Player.AddSpell CJ39StealthHatSpell
    	; You need to make an actor effect with the stealth base effects.
    ;	Then we reset the timer.
    Set fTimer To (iMinutesBetweenCharges * 60)


    Here is a third script, a fairly basic yet very useful one. A lamp script.

    As always, feel free to use.

    ScriptName CJ39LampScript
    ref rLight
    ref rSelf
    Begin GameMode
    ;	This is the light, it gets placed onto the lamp
    ;	and then disabled, until an NPC or the player
    ;	activates it.
    If rLight == 0
    	Set rSelf To GetSelf
    	Set rLight To rSelf.PlaceAtMe * ; Replace this with a actual light reference.
    Begin OnActivate
    ;	You should know what this does.
    If rLight != 0
    	If rLight.GetDisabled == 1


    And please, only constructive criticism.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Yes, I tested it and got the same thing.. I tried various console commands to get the player up on its feet, but with no success.

    I am unsure on how to do this without the setessential command, maybe with a quest script that checks if the player has < 2 HP, and if he/she does, resethealth, disableplayercontrols, playidle (the one where the player is unconscious), wait a while, stop playing idle, enableplayercontrols.

  5. Good idea.


    But for the neutral problem, let the players go to a small cell where they get the option of killing or sparing a beggar, to truly determine their moral path, then teleport them to the appropriate worldspace, be it heaven or hell.

  6. I noticed that there were many different misc items resembling dwemer components lying around in dwemer ruins.

    My idea was to make a mod that allows you to build robots from those components, but then I realized that my modding knowledge is restricted to the CK,

    and FNVEdit or TESSnip just isnt my thing, so, I ask of you, make this for me!


    (My evil plans to invade the nine holds with a dwemer army is coming to life!)

  7. I have used NVSE in my mods because it is better. If you're missing a function, just make the plugin!

    I can reimplent shields into NV with NVSE, can you do that without it?


    But I also think that a installer and auto-updater for NVSE would be handy.. I might make one.. We'll see.

  8. The list is well over the number of mods Gamebryo is built to handle, but your computer might be able to recompensate for that, either way, my recommendation is to try and remove some mods.


    The last mod also seems suspicious, try removing that.

  9. Now, I would like to create a custom input box menu (like the one where you enter your name), but I can't find out how in NVSE, is it possible? The plugin API is rubbish in my opinion but I am willing to give it a shot if someone can give me a push in the right direction (tutorials or anything).
  10. Turning the security hologram is (unfortunately) not an option at the time, maybe later.

    As for now I am implenting a WIP Teleportation device, with 5 markers and 1 device you can teleport to one of the 5 markers when they have been used to mark a location.

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