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  1. If you used NMM or Wrye Bash to install the mod, just uninstall the mod with that utility. If you installed the mod manually you will have to manually sort through and remove those textures.
  2. If your comfortable with using console commands. You could try removing your shout enchanted gear, then open console (~) and type "player.getav shoutrecoverymult" without the quotes,press enter, and see if this value is 0, or something very low (I think the default should be something like 30). If this value is 0 or a low value you could try increasing it by opening the console (~) and type "player.setav shoutrecoverymult xx" without the quotes and replacing the xx with 30 or a value you are comfortable with (the lower the value the shorter the cooldown), press enter. Close the console(~).
  3. You may want to see this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/916302-tyc-tweak-your-computer-damaged-pcs-help-thread/
  4. fms1


    UESPWiki lists James Lewis as the voice of Isran. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Voice_Actors#Dawnguard
  5. Since you are using a cheat anyways, it would most likely be far easier to use the console to get a lot closer specific values. The ones that come to mind are: player.setav EnchantingPowerMod xx, and player.setav RestorationPowerMod xx (xx would be the increased power multiplyer). EDIT: You could also look into the uncapper mod, to boost skills such as enchanting beyond 100.
  6. Click the LO (load order) header once or twice, to show mods in load order order instead of alphabetical order.
  7. Someone else said that the 1.8 patch was for Dragonborn, if so SKSE is already availible.
  8. Unless they decide to do it how Microsoft did with the 360 when the 120gb HDD's came out for them (or some other nonsense) ~$200 for a 120gb HDD that is useless for anything but a 360, Idk about the HDD's after they changed over to the Sata drives (360).
  9. I think this has already been reported here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/905267-malware-warning-on-the-top-files-page/
  10. There's also a Python dependent ver., the standalone ver. uses C++.
  11. You will need to install Wrye Bash, it is able to do many things with the Bashed Patch (an .esp plugin), among these are merging the leveled lists. All the documentation needed to install and get it up and running should be included. EDIT: Ninja'd
  12. Is this what I saw some time ago where a University (maybe it was MIT) networked a room full of PS3's together, if so I think it's safe to assume that they aren't using this to play video games on. It just sounds like another $300 hammer.
  13. I'm sure you can do that with TES5EDIT too. I am thinking you can rename it to 2 other but similar programs (VIEW comes to mind).
  14. To somewhat clarify what I meant was there are certainly no shortage of lighting mods, many of which can be used together and are very good standalone + all the ENB's. Personally I don't use ENB's because for my PC it's too much of a performance hit for very little gain that I can get with a combination of other mods that do similar things without the performance hit, but again that's just my preference. My point was those mods are a whole game changing thing, whereas 1 or 2 dungeons are not. If someone creates a mod that does something small vs. a big overhaul mod that changes things on a much broader scale conflicts to the point to make someone choose 1 or the other, but not both, I would think the outcome to most people would be to keep the big overhaul one if there were no other issues. All you need to do to see just how popular those lighting mods are is to look at just how many endorsements each one have. Just off the top of my head there's too many to list, all with over a thousand endorsements. EDIT: I'm not trying to rant, or criticize, just give some (hopefully) good feedback. And maybe save you some unneeded work.
  15. If it's outdated or conflicting, can't hurt to try, if you have other fire meshes\ textures ( I believe it's most likely in the meshes) they could also be conflicting. If using something like Deadly Spell Impacts it could also, I'm sure a little trial and error will prevail.
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