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About Morvack

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  1. That's true. I just don't want to hit say falscaar and end up at 20-30 fps again. Alrighty then, no overclocking for me. I ran before I walked with mods, and it seems to be going ok because I have loot, boss , and tes5 edit to fix any issues I may run into :).
  2. Alrighty. I'll get a fan to aim at it and take off the back panel . I am running skyrim now after just booting up my laptop for the first time today. The carriage ride to helgen was almost if not perfect 60fps. Lost 20 frames or so at the headsman. After ditching Ralof at the tower, my fps seems to flux between 30 and 40. In combat my fps dropped to 17 and my laptop is now noticably warm. Do you think once I get a proper way to cool my system, I could afford to overclock my gpu? Do you think I have any other issues besides over heating? It seemed to go from a cold run almost the same as it did when I had been running it for five hours. Also have it upside down so all vents are exposed. Ps . Just did a full run from start to finish starter quest, with a fan concentrated on the exhaust ports under it, and i was a constant 50-60 fps. That's a lot better than 20-30 fps. Thanks guys for the help. Just one last question, I'd like to mod (obviously) and that tends to hurt fps (no enbs or lighting, just stuff like immersive weapons). Any ideas on how to improve fps even further? I am extremely grateful for the help.
  3. Well im going to have to learn eventually, because I wish to get into computer ( I plan to make sure to study up so i don't break anything). I think you guys are completely right. I just played dead island and it hit 5-10 fps before even getting out of the hotel. guess wow and such are just statistical anomalies . You guys really have saved me a lot of headache. I was considering completely factory resetting my laptop. Do you think just taking off the bottom panel and letting it sit upside down would allow enough heat to escape to make game play bare-able until I can find (more like afford) a better solution? I am eternally grateful for all the help.
  4. Alrighty. I'll see if I can get one. A bit of an update : I just reinstalled skyrim with the update. I followed your guys the best I could on short notice. I made my computer use my tv screen only and shut it. I turned it upside down so all of the vents are completely free to breathe. I forgot to set top priority. I started a new game and I was sitting around 60 fps. It was for the whole ride until i got into helgen. Then droped down from 60 fps to 45 at best (27 at worse). It didn't go unplayable at 15ish fps until i went into the keep with Ralof. I am going to search for a regular fan and rig it to work until I can get a proper fan. Any other helpful suggestions ?
  5. Thanks, I will set it to always on and shut it.
  6. Alrighty. Thanks, I'll do some googling. Ohh alrighty, I do use a wired paddle.
  7. Alrighty then. I'll get her cleaned out best I can. I would love to get a cooling pad, and I will shop around for one thanks. Do you think getting a new battery would help? Mine is fried and my laptop only works with the charger plugged in. I wear shorts during summer and winter around the house. I use my tv as a secondary monitor. Just an hdmi cord. Is there any way to make it so my laptop screen turns off when I plug it into my tv? Forgive me, I am rather new to hardware side of computers (and only enough experience to get me in trouble software side). What is a KB/M ?
  8. Certainly possible. My laptop has left burn marks on my legs before. According to killer net manger, it was at 81 degrees, two fans running. How would you suggest I go about cooling it down?
  9. Hello. I have been battling this problem for almost a week now and I am completely stumped. Basically, my game starts off great. 60 fps with no problem. then it declines in less then five minutes to around 10 frames per second. This happens while the following is true update or no update : I am running it on a getforce gtx 670 m graphics card. A four core intel i7 cpu. 3 year old mid range gaming laptop (an Ibuypower cz17 valkyrie). No mods. No skes. Literally skyrim and razor game booster going. Skyrim has been given top real time priorities. The affinity is set for all of my cpu cores. All graphics set as low as possible. Having the resolution under 1080p actually seemed to makes the problem worse . With 1080p , I start with 58-60 fps. At 768p I am around 47 fps at the beginning. I have reinstalled skyrim more times than I would care to admit. I wish I had a hard drive I could put skyrim on. I hear that helps fps a lot. Also with mods on, I have tried tes5 edit, loot, boss, and several alleged fps increasing mods. I have tried setting the allocated bytes under papyrus (Yes I was and am that desperate). Any suggestions on what to do is greatly appreciated :D. If you need any more information, let me know.
  10. Hello everyone. First the helpful info. My everything is up to date. Skes, skyrim, steam, mods, drivers, etc. Didn't include a mod load order because I don't think it is relevant for this problem. I use boss, loot and tes5 edit. I ran every file through loot and it said the offical skyrim update, enhanced blood textures, levelers tower and enchanting freedom needed to be cleaned by tes5 edit. I did so and double checked it was fixed with loot and boss. I think it is causing my lag. Any idea how to force tes5 to clean said item?
  11. Hello. Was wondering if someone would be nice enough to do this for me. Would someone be willing to make me a mod of an unlikable sabertooth follower whos fur texture and name are the same as my cat who was put to sleep today? Her name was walkie and I'd be happy to send a picture of her to anyone willing. I would make it myself if I knew how to mod. Please consider it :). Thanks for reading!
  12. Boombro, done that little trick in oblivion a million times. I do like the idea or adding a bit of choice to your first murder victim(s). I admit, I killed all three when I joined the dark brotherhood XD
  13. Boombro, done that little trick in oblivion a million times. I do like the idea or adding a bit of choice to your first murder victim(s). I admit, I killed all three when I joined the dark brotherhood XD
  14. Hello. I wish I knew how to mod because I would totally make this. The basic idea is to sign up to be a courier to carry messages throughout the holds. Ones from as light hearted as a birthday note, to delivering lore heavy / lore friendly info, to even dark brotherhood hits. Perhaps even running messages of war between the imperials and stormcloaks. A lot of people in skyrim are having affairs, maybe an adult version with steamy love notes? If anyone likes this idea, feel free to run with it. Please let me know that you are doing so if you decide to. I'd like to download it when/if it comes out :).
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