Hey y'all! (TO CLARIFY THIS IS FOR DRAGON AGE INQUISITION) So I have zero ability in this capacity whatsoever, but I just thought I'd offer the suggestions since I figure I'm not the only one who feels this way! There are three major things I'd be overjoyed if someone would work on! 1. Better beard options, they just don't fit the faces. This was a huge dissapointment for me. There was no short but thick option, you're either a pre-teen boy or a Greybeard from Skyrim. 2. The ability to modify character appearance, kind of like the Emporium from DA2. We've all been there, spend all that time making the perfect character only to find out in the game that the skin tone is not what you thought it was, or your beard doesn't even fit on your face, or your haircut for your mighty Champion looks like a butch chicks cut... I repent! Let me fix my character! Its also unlikely that a person would look the same during that amount of time covered in the game anyway haha. 3. Give poor Cassandra a little hair man. This is a personal preference thing, I understand that. But for me, I just am missing that classic definition of beauty in these characters. "Well she's a soldier.. blah blah blah." Yeah, but so were viking shield maidens and they didn't cut their hair period. Anyway, my dear fellow gamers, if there is any brave, and gracious modder out there that would tackle these projects I, and I believe many others, would be extremely grateful!