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Posts posted by vito740

  1. Now have this problem :sad:




    [iNFO]> ==========XCOMModHelper========
    [iNFO]> Attempting to Locate XCOM Root Directory
    [ERROR]> An Error occured during processing:The index value (the initial value of zero) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.

    [ERROR]> System.FormatException: The index value (the initial value of zero) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.

    in System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
    in System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)
    in XCOMModHelper.XCOMUtilities.GetXCOMRootDirectory() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMUtilities.cs:line 18
    in XCOMModHelper.XCOMModHelper.GetXCOMRootDirectory() in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\XCOMModHelper.cs:line 54
    in XCOMModHelper.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\Workspace\xcom-mod-helper\XCOMModHelper\Program.cs:line 19
    The Patching Process was Aborted


    I do not understand what the problem is: (
    what it is to be it? [d: \ Workspace \ XCOM-mod-helper \ XCOMModHelper \ XCOMUtilities.cs: line 18]


    I do not know if this is important but I have a game installed
    E \ GRY \ xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. help

    enter so [E: \ Release031 \ XCOMModHelper -c EWConfig.xml] then I hit enter, and he writes me.

    [ERROR] Configuration File [EWConfig.xml] does not exist

    Despite the fact that [E: \ Release031 \ EWConfig.xml] HERE is just the file, and all the rest: (

    Help, I do not understand this: (

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