I started a new game in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition. The game was fine until I tried to go to Eden Prime to recruit Javik. After selecting my squad, it went to an endless loading screen. I tried going to other missions. All of them had endless loading screens, as well. I have mods installed. So, I went through all of my mods and found that the Expanded Galaxy Mod was causing the issue. Yet, I've never had an issue with it before. EGM is the mod that I use the most. I ran a diagnostic log through ME3Tweaks Mod Manager. However, I don't understand how to tell if there's a conflict or not. Has anyone had this problem and was able to fix it? Also, I'm including the diagnostic log from ME3Tweaks Mod Manager. I would really appreciate it if someone would look at it and tell me if there's any mod conflicts. Thank you for your time. https://me3tweaks.com/modmanager/logservice/logviewer?logid=26bd7f858b30ad03ee471fb541307295