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About Paladin555

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  1. It keeps saying script command RespawnCount not found on line 8. Am I doing something wrong?
  2. Hi everyone, I'm trying to write a script for some npc battles. I want a character who's killed to respawn after 5 seconds and spawn back to it's original location. Here's what I have so far. I can't save the script because it keeps saying: "script RespawnNPC line 6, RespawnCount not found" Scriptname RespawnNPC int RespawnCount Begin OnDeath ; Increase the respawn count RespawnCount += 1 ; Respawn the NPC after a delay delayedStart 1.0, "Respawn"End Function Respawn() ; Spawn a new copy of the NPC at their original location Actor newActor = Actor.PlaceAtMe(GetBaseObject(), GetPosition(), GetRotation()) ; Decrement the respawn count RespawnCount -= 1 ; Disable the old NPC Disable() ; Destroy the old NPC after a delay delayedStart 5.0, "DestroyOldActor"End Function DestroyOldActor() ; Destroy the old actor Game.Delete(GetSelf())End
  3. I just created a smaller actor script using that utlility.wait line from your post. Scriptname RespawnNPCScript extends Actor Const Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) Utility.Wait(5.0)Self.Reset(None)EndEvent That seemed to have did the job. Thanks LarannKiar!
  4. I tried saving the HandlerScriptNPC, but I get this: Compiling "HandlerScriptNPC"... C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(12,2): variable myActor is undefinedC:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(12,10): none is not a known user-defined script typeC:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(27,10): variable myActor is undefinedC:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(27,18): none is not a known user-defined script typeC:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(29,57): variable ActorToReset is undefinedC:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\HandlerScriptNPC.psc(39,14): type mismatch on parameter 1 - cannot pass a actor to a intNo output generated for HandlerScriptNPC, compilation failed. Failed compilation - Are you sure you want to save? I created a new quest named HandlerQuest, added a new script titled: HandlerScriptNPC, and then pasted the Script code using edit source. Had to rename the script title because it was already in use.
  5. Not too worried about stability as this script is for alternate save npc battles. Just trying to find a way to delay Self.Reset(None) for a few seconds. They respawn too quickly.
  6. Hi, I want to change this event so when an NPC dies there's a 10 second delay before Self.Reset(None) brings the NPC back. I want to make it act like a respawn timer if possible. Here's the code: Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) Self.Reset(None)EndEvent
  7. Thanks man! That worked better than I thought it would. Adding the debugactortrackerscript to an npc causes them to respawn where they were placed after getting killed, even from the console. This is gonna be fun.
  8. Is there a way to make an npc respawn where they were placed a few seconds after death? I'm trying to set up battles for fun and wanted to know if something like spawn points with respawn timers would even be possible using creation kit?
  9. So does that only work for npcs placed in the editor window? They act the same for me using the "player.placeatme" command.
  10. How do I force an NPC to hold a position in an area I spawn it in? I tried using the Hold position AI package template,selecting self with a radius of 0 ,but once combat starts they tend to seek the enemy and leave their post.I don't mind it they move around for cover,but I want them to stay where I spawned them.
  11. I don't mean to bring back a dead thread, but if have have the outfit ready I can help out with a follower mod. Just give me the files and I'll see what I can do.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm getting a laptop for college and I could use some advice on the specs. Do you think this laptop could handle skyrim with some graphic mods and maybe and enb? The specs are: Alienware 17 I7 4710MQ 12gb ram GTX 880m 8gb gddr5 1920x1080p true life display+3d bundle Win7 So what do you think? Will this run skyrim okay?
  13. So far turning down the object radius bar and removing some grass helped a little bit so thanks a lot.
  14. For the past few weeks I've been frustrated with my old laptop trying to run Skyrim with decent fps and graphics. So far I'm finally getting it to run more smoothly.Only problem I'm having now is with the dust and mist on top of lakes and rivers. It's ridiculous how quick my fps drops just by looking at them. It's gotten to the point where I try my best to avoid Whiterun Hold and that area south of Windhelm. I tried everything and searched all over the internet only to find out no one is really talking about exterior mist. I played around with everything in both ini files and that white mist is there. If someone could please help me out I would be most grateful.
  15. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone would make a Chris Redfield outfit or a Sheva outfit for fallout 3. The one I would really like is the chris redfield outfit. Is it possible to do a merc grunt retexture. I would even accept a stars outfit from the old resident evil. If a file like this exist can you give me a link. Thanks a lot! P.S Please don't give me a link to f3 underground that place is full of crap. :)
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