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Posts posted by Mistle24

  1. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.

    Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
  2. In response to post #44010560. #44044210 is also a reply to the same post.

    mastaflykilla wrote: I Can't even play this game anymore without CBBE and Sky UI. Can't wait until everything can get converted lol
    HadToRegister wrote: Same here.
    I'm downloading some mods, but I'm not going to even waste my time playing with Bethesda's ultra-shitty interface

    Yeah I looked at the SE and was like "Nope, I need my mods" I just can't play with out them now.

    Also if I remember reading right, the Devs of SkyUI said they weren't planing on doing it anymore because they moved away from playing and don't have time.
  3. Reading these threads makes me laugh, to many people wanted some be all end all RPG from Beth and got something slightly less then what they expected THEN cry and whine about it and rage over nothing. Is the game bad? hell no, is it really a Fallout game? yes and no, does it deserve the hate towards it? not in my opinion but meh let the angry people be angry and just laugh at them for being sad and not having anything better to do.

  4. In response to post #28906844. #28921754 is also a reply to the same post.

    JackOBees wrote: I'd like to think I speak for a very large number of us who use the Nexus sites when I say, we appreciate the work you do, and the work that has been done this far on the NMM software.

    It's not rocket science to backup mod folders and installs or to refrain from updating like a mindless zombie in order to ensure stability until the next stable release.
    Unfortunately, I seem to have gathered that from A LOT of the comments in this thread, that reading is becoming a dying art-form....

    Wise up ladies and gents' - They're not obligated to provide you with ANYTHING, you're a public BETA TESTER, this software is free.

    You're entitled to nothing.
    BP98 wrote: Preach it!! I feel the exact way after reading all these "hate comments" (for lack of a better word). Don't get me wrong, there's still some stuff that could use some tweaks every now and then. However, as you mentioned, this is a free software I will not, ask for someone to fix or change something that they hand out freely, it's just rude.. I appreciate the work these people do, and I'm not about to have them change it to cater to my specific needs.

    - As for backing up files and mod folders, it might as well be rocket science for me...

    I disagree 100%, not everyone has the understanding to back up their entire Skyrim data base basically, while I understand that this is not on the Nexus team the fact that they had to make a drastic change to how the NMM installer works pretty much screwed every one really hard which is unfortunate. I myself have yet to see the damage done by this new process and hope it isn't as bad as some have reported.
  5. So tried to download a few mods today and there were no links for the DL only one single Premium dl link, what's up with that? I would imagine it is a server issue but I wanted to make sure.

  6. I have looked every where and unless I am blind NO one has done the armor out of Bram Stokers Dracula movie, the armor in question is the Red Wolf helmeted armor Vlad wears in the very beginning of the movie and personally I have always liked and wanted to see it done :). If anyone has the ability to mod this wonderful armor OR knows where this armor might be please let me know as I think it would make a great armor set for Skyrim either as a Vamp, Werewolf or Vamp/Werewolf hunter so please show some love for a cool armor set. Cheers



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