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Everything posted by Sync182
Well...partial success. Fully deleting Extra Dog Slot did not allow the pre-battle cut-scene to run, and the battle still played incorrectly...but at least the Chanter's Board and the Mages' Collective appeared after the battle, which is an improvement. I can live with the failed cut-scene and stuffed battle sequence, though.. Now to find out if the rest of the game plays properly... >.>
The numbering and dating of my load order was purely for my own reference, so I knew exactly what I'd put in and when for purposes of editing things like IRS and ZDF...and I couldn't be bothered editing the text file to remove all the numbering when I posted. I'll delete EDS and see if that helps - right now it's only disabled, so its installation may be causing problems still (if that's the problem mod). Otherwise...*sighs*...TTFT through the mod list...
I tried doing that - removing my override folder and doing a force load (I always to a slot-save before starting the battle), but it made no difference - the Redcliffe cut-scene didn't start, and the battle and aftermath was all wrong. So I did a complete uninstall and deletion of everything DA:O, then started again. I carefully documented every item of DA:O I put in, and have the following list (including order and date of installation): At first I thought Extra Dog Slot was the culprit, because I noticed a couple of things that were odd surrounding the dog earlier in my current playthrough - like not being able to leave Lothering - but they came good after I disabled (did not uninstall) that mod. But Redcliffe is still misbehaving - the cut-scene doesn't trigger and the battle is incorrect. I'm at a loss, as I have few game-altering mods installed - most are inventory-related mods.
My not-so-new PC - 64-bit system running Win7 Home Premium 64-bit - is running DA:O successfully. Up to a point. When I get through to the Siege of Redcliffe is when things get weird: * talk to Ser Perth, make my stand * cut-scene for nightfall does not trigger, no green smoke or fleeing villagers * oil is not lit * critters have to be coaxed down the hill to Ser Perth's mob * cut-scene to Chantry Defenders triggers too early * end-of-siege cut-scene plays out okay * Chanter's Board does not appear, nor does Mage's Collective, but Blackstone Irregular does appear I'm not certain it is my mod list because I've completely uninstalled and re-installed DA:O, installed my mods, and have exactly the same problem on the second run-through. I'm also not certain it's my mod-list because I'm playing the same mods as I did on my old 32-bit Win-XP system which played through with absolutely no issues. I've read around the web that DA:O is known to have problems with 64-bit systems and OSs - such as I have - is this likely to be the case, and has anyone found a way around it?
Sounds to me like the OP wants to expand the Cheat abilities of Utility Sack to include Stamina/Mana/Heath regen rates, Fatigue reduction, and so on. That would require editing the mod, which no-one is going to do without first asking permission of the mod author (maybe you could try to contact the mod author and ask him if he'll change/update it?). Alternatively, why don't you look into The Winter Forge mod? That allows you to add up to 8 buffs per item, and has a vastly expanded repertoire of buffs you can add. The Winter Forge mod is here:- http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/122 Thandal's User Guide for The Winter Forge is here:- http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/3578
Sync182 replied to Sync182's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Nevermind...I figured it out. I realised that the Printscreen key was probably being monopolised by the Snipping Tool screen capture utility that ships with Win7; the PrtScn key was working, but it was trying to open Snipping Tool rather than taking screenshots, and because DA:O was running in Full Screen mode, Snipping Tool never got a look-in. So I remapped the printscreen function in DA:O to the F12 key and off she went. -
Sync182 replied to Sync182's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
Yeah...tried with both FN Lock on and off. The DA options page recognises that printscreen has been passed when I re-bind the key...it just doesn't take screenshots. Most annoying. -
I've just finished reinstalling DA:O on my brand new PC after a hard drive and system fatality forced me into a new system. I've gone from WindowsXP to Win7-64bit. I've got DA:O, DA:A, patch 1.04 & patch 1.05, and I've spent hours (literally!) installing mods and making sure there's no conflicts between them. The game loads fine, all textures and meshes appear (so far) to be okay. But my printscreen key doesn't take screenshots. I've checked the key mappings and it's all good there - screenshot is bound to the printscreen key. It just doesn't work. Anyone seen this before? How do I get around or resolve it?
One of the best lines, for mine, has to come from an NPC - Sgt Kylon after you've completed his Pearl quest, and you've had the fight with the White Falcon mercenaries: "And people actually attack you voluntarily? Are they just stupid?"
Terra_Ex's CharGenMorph Compiler program requires that all morphs you want to add are in your Override folder...ideally in their own folder, so that you don't have conflicting chargenmorph.xml files before you even get started. The default chargenmorph file is in the ...\packages\core\override folder; all other packages (such as additional faces, hairstyles, eyes, etc...) can remain in their own subfolders, eg: ...\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Bidelles Cosmetics-473 ...\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\Additional Hairs for DA ...\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\mhair (This is for WinXP systems; I'm not sure how it installs in Win7) You don't need to move the chargenmorph files; the compiler will take care of all that for you. The CharGenMorph compiler can be run from anywhere; it just needs to be able to find the install path and the path to your overrides folder. Hope that helps. :)
spoiler Question about Morrigan
Sync182 replied to Philogosten's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
For mine: Morrigan has always been selfish. She's never been into the lovey-dovey-relationship thing (as is evident by her trying hard to keep the Warden at a distance during the romance); she has her own goals and end-game. The Warden is not a part of those plans, unless he chooses to be a part of them (ie comes around to her way of thinking and agrees to do it her way). -
spoiler Your favourite army?
Sync182 replied to daniisme's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
If we're talking companions, I generally stick with Alistair-Leliana-Morrigan (resppecced) if I'm playing a Rogue or Warrior. If i'm playing a mage...well, I've usually done the same, but I'm now branching out with other characters: this time I'm trying Alistair-Leliana-Sten. I've never been able to get into DA2 to give an answer there. If you're talking "Army" as in at the end-game: I use the dwarves for the city battles, and the mages for the rooftop. Sometimes I let the elves go through the Alienage for sentimental reasons. -
Differences is another topic altogether. If two people are from a region, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are alike or even speak the same language. Look at the Tribal confrontations that have happened among people in Africa. Look at the Bosnian conflict. Look at the Arabs in Iran. Labels are only given to define groups of people from other groups , not individuals. They are blanket statements that dehumanize the individual and promote an Us against them attitude. Point in fact the use of the term Gay in marriage, used to separate two people's wish to legally consecrate their lives together from other groups who have always had that right. I'll both agree and disagree. Yes, differences is, technically, a separate topic; however, as soon as you apply labels, you create differences. The two are intertwined. If there are no differences, why do you need labels? It is the categorisation that goes into the usage of labels that highlights the differences behind them. And it is how the labels are applied that defines the results to follow. Mankind has a long way to go before the need for labels - whether to define a culture or belief or identity - becomes outmoded. Only then will the underlying thoughts behind the quote in the OP become a reality.
It's funny how people react to a simple equation. When I first saw the thread title, my initial instinct was to think "Yes...that's right". I initially saw 6 ÷ 2(3) as being of the form Question(Answer) - in which case, 6 ÷ 2 = 3 is correct...and my sebsequent reaction was "what the heck is this thread even about?" It's all how you perceive something, isn't it? Given there was no = after the set of numbers and operands, I could be forgiven for thinking that no calculation was required of me.
Like any label, its result is defined by its usage. Differences can be used to bring together - we are more than the sum of our parts. By drawing on the differences, and the resultant experiences, the whole can be improved. This is the way mankind should head. Differences can be used to divide and destroy - united we stand, divided we fall. Highlighting differences in a negative way leads to angst and anger, which in turn ends up in violence. This is the way mankind is slowly heading.
Kinda like what just happened with civil unions and opposite sex couples here. I think you actually have to be same sex to be able to do it. imo non gay couples should be able to do it too. Lets make some equal rights stuff, but forget about the equal rights stuff. durr. Happens all over the shop. That's a bit of the "Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others" argument. Which, being a white male, happen to agree with. It's easier to get most things if you aren't a white male; apparently, being "normal" is...a handicap.
cannot talk to anyone
Sync182 replied to thinfeniel's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
I might have suggested checking/updating your Mouse Driver, but I'm not sure 'cause you can interact with other objects. Maybe uninstall the game completely, delete all related folders, then install to a different location/path (eg install to D:\Games rather than C:\Program Files) and play a vanilla (ie no custom mods installed at all) game first...? Otherwise...I'd suggest heading off to the EA boards and asking them.:confused: -
So if no-one makes rules, and (more importantly) no-one enforces rules...why make rules in the first place? If you're making rules, you're laying out a set of guidelines for everyone to follow. That implies that there is a direction to be taken by all. If there is a direction to be followed, then there should be some penalty for deliberately failing to follow those guidelines...that implies there needs to be enforcement, otherwise the presence of the rules is superfluous. This, therefore, implies the presence of an authority, which implies a degree of order and structure. I think we've agreed that there does not have to be any kind of government...there only needs to be a form of leadership. It could be a single person who provides that leadership, rather than a governing body. Anarchy is the presence of chaos and lawlessness, not the absence of government. I just saw my 6-year-old child putting his fingers in his ears while saying "blah, blah, blah..." :facepalm:
I'm responding to the question given in the thread title. I asusme that's allowed. So...how does one have a hierarchical structure if there is no ruler? If a society operates on Rules, then there must be some authority figure to enforce them, yes? Someone stepped up and made the rules, yes? You can't have Rules if there is no enforcement of them - otherwise there would be absolutely no point in making rules in the first place. As soon as rules are introduced, there is order and structure...and bye-bye anarchy. It seems that your "most basic definition" shoots itself down.
Hold on there, folks. What is the title (and core topic) of this thread? It doesn't mention anarchism, it doesn't reference an anarchist society...so why are these things being brought into the debate to prop up arguments and points? So, given that some think that Wikipedia is 100% factual and the only source you can truly rely on, let's examine it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchy "...society...without...enforced government...or...political authority"; "...political disorder or lawlessness". Seems pertty clear-cut to me. In this definition, anarchy cannot survive, given the human predilection for order and cohesion - which is a fair point to assume, when you take into account the simple fact that if you broke the rules of this site (ie displayed anarchist tendencies to rebel against or disregard authority), you'd likely be banned. The first part implies that not even the anarchists know what anarchy means, they don't know what they stand for; they've made a new defiition that better suits their needs. That, in itself, is a leaning towards anarchy. The second is a "soft" definition of the term, in that they get around the definition by making their own to suit their belief in a lack of a control/authority structure, while still engaging in ordered activity...which defeats the true nature of anarchy. Changing the definition of words to prove a point in an argument (and I'm NOT saying it's been done in this thread) is like changing the rules of the game at half-time.
This is wrong, and even wikipedia disagrees with you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism I'm not exactly going to put my faith in an on-line encyclopedia that anyone can edit to suit their own needs/beliefs/perceptions/experiences... One could almost argue that Wikipedia itself is an example of anarchy at work, given that it is open to editing by anyone, and there are few controls that exist to regulate what information goes into it. If you then turn around and state that Wikipedia does have controls that govern what is entered into it, then you're also agreeing that any form of control is the denial of anarchy. Anarchy (true anarchy, that is - not the half-baked crowd who protest against governments under the guise of anarchy without realising that they are not really anarchists) is the absence of a control structure. As soon as a structure of control is introduced, anarchy disappears.
Custom Mods not appearing in game
Sync182 replied to Trunks10k's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
DAO ModManager is your friend: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/277 It is a simple drag-n-drop interface for both .dazip and .override files that are used in DA:O and DA:A - you drag your files into the interface so DAMM knows about them, then right-click to install. DAMM does the rest. Hairstyles (and any other character-creation altering mod, including tints, makeup, tattoos, and so on) are different again, in that you need to copy the files to your .../My Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/packages/core/override folder, THEN you need to include them into your chargenmorph.xml file so the game knows the additions exist. To best do that, you need TerraEx's program: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/971 Correctly using these two applications will likely dramatically increase the chances of your custom mods working as intended. :thumbsup: -
The Amish operate more like a Theocracy though. They are governed by a strict religious code that is overseen by a council of elders and enforced socially. They have a level of autonomy, but they are still under state and federal laws for most things. They also don't exactly oppose the state, but instead consider their communities as a separate entity. True enough - but then, by the definitions I provided above, the Amish are far from Anarchist. Do they have a Government? No. Do they have a system of order? Yes. Therefore, they are not Anarchist. Just working with a given example. :)
(I read the first page, then skipped to here.) This is A dictionary definiton of anarchy: This is another dictionary definition of anarchy: (These definitions are from old dictionaries, most likely out of print - thus I haven't bothered naming them.) Note they don't say what level of government (local, regional, national, other); nor do they refer to any kind of state. The last two words of the first definition, in particular, denote what Anarchy means: a state of individuality, of lack of order and control. Human nature will not allow this to survive for long. While we all may enjoy periods of freedom from rules and regulations, while we may protests at some of the law that are occasionally foistered onto us by governments & politicians...ultimately, humans like there to be some level of order in their lives. This denies anarchy. Examples of groups were given: the Amish was one. Maybe the Amish do operate effectively outside of State control, but they are far from Anarchist - they work together to achieve things, like buildings and infrastructure. This denies anarchy. True anarchy cannot exist for an extended period, due to the desire for order in living beings.