Having EXACTLY the same issue. CTD as soon as i try to enter Whiterun for the first time. Mods on or off Doesn't matter (see below). Is latest STEAM (verified) version, Latest nvidia drivers on a 680x2gb, system has 16gb ram and is an i7 (so yes should handle it). Verified Steam Game/install, did nothing, :wallbash: Purged cells command did nothing, Re-installed, did nothing. :wallbash: Put unofficial patch on, Immediate CTD on world map Re-installed left vanilla, played to Whiterun. CTD :wallbash: Purged cell buffer again. Same. Went away, Did 6 hours OOG of quests, came back, CTD on Whiterun again. :wallbash: Put mods back, played for another hour all was fine.... until BLOODY Whiterun again. I have no idea what is happening >.< had enough of this i just want to advance the damn storyline why the heck is this game so buggy?!? It would seem I'm not the only one having this problem, anyone found any kind of fix yet? :wallbash: