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About UnidentifiedFlyingTard

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    Fallout 1
  1. New Vegas doesn't need continuation after the games ends, its fine the way it is. and I haven't touched Fallout 3 since I got New Vegas, its exactly what I wanted, a Fallout game, unlike Fallout 3 which was an Elder Scrolls game in the wasteland.
  2. No, call the cops. Also I read what buddah said, does that mean mods can just make up rules and ban who they please? seems a bit flawed.
  3. You see, we didn't even do anything wrong and we are probably going to get banned right away with no warnings.
  4. I agree, but unfortunately you will be banned probably, as will I for agreeing. :sad:
  5. Matter of opinion. Fallout 3 had characters? I thought it was full of walking mannequins with no real personality *cough* Three Dog *cough* Fallout 3's locations were small and boring, and they were mostly made up of copy paste subway tunnels. That's the polar opposite of Fallout, Fallout 1 and 2 showed a world full of progress after the war, huge towns, farming, in fact Fallout 3 was a giant step back for Fallout in terms of its world. Yeah a game full of lazy people who would rather beg then do something to make their life, and possibly other people lives better is definitely a good game world :| Don't forget overall better writing, voice acting, plot, game world design (yes I think its better, in Fallout 3 you couldn't walk 5 feet without either running into, a evil creature, a raider, or some impossible loot, I'm sorry but that's lazy), better DLC so far IMO, traits, better perks, perks every other level (wish it would go back to every 2 levels but whatever), no overabundance of dungeon levels, and its an actual Role Playing Game, it honors your characters choices, and has more choices in general. I hate to break it to you, but its like that with Oblivion and Fallout 3 as well. and whats with everyone thinking it will get a GOTY edition, so far I haven't seen any reviewers give it the GOTY title, maybe a New Vegas Complete Edition. So yes its worth buying, heck its worth buying now.
  6. I blame Bethesda for giving them a really terrible engine to use that was beyond buggy to begin with.
  7. Book of Eli is more like Fallout 3. if New Vegas had a movie it would be Six-String Samurai.
  8. I came in this thread expecting a punchline, I was disappointed to find out Steam doesn't suck anything.
  9. Its been 200+ years since the war, of coarse some places will be normal, DC was just terrible, it looked like it was only a couple years after the war, and everyone who lived there was just too lazy to go on with life.
  10. It had a really great atmosphere to it, and really really good writing and voice acting.
  11. New Vegas is more of a worthy addition to the Fallout franchise then Fallout 3 is, thats for sure.
  12. I wish they cut the Fatman from the game, such a dumb weapon.
  13. Obsidian says New Vegas will never get a Broken Steel style DLC, it would greatly affect the quality of the ending.
  14. Good, Gamebryo is possibly the worst engine ever made, and I'm glad they are finally ditching it.
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