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Posts posted by eightoneone

  1. The "fight" is already over. Enjoy Fallout 4 and TES 6 having their patches and microtransactions being farmed out to the players to make. Even if Skyrim survives, which is in doubt, nothing else will. At best, it's the eye of the storm. As Dark0ne says, this has always been on its way, and expecting corporations like Valve and Bethesda to not make a total sham of it was insane. Video gaming as we knew it is already dead, and something else is fermenting in its twitching corpse. I'm sure that rough, slouching beast will be heralded as "innovative" by the shills who blog about pop sociology and MAKE HEADLINES ABOUT WHAT YOU WON'T BELIEVE HAPPENS NEXT. And yes, I am comparing the future of gaming to the birth of the antichrist. It seems an appropriate way to eulogize the end of a golden age of gaming.
  2. In response to post #24612364.

    Walruscopter wrote:

    They knew exactly what was going to happen. This was nothing more than a cash grab, an attempt to exploit an abandoned game that was still going strong due to mod presence, and if it kills the community, all the better in their eyes - those users will now have to buy TES:Online or the next Bethesda sequel if they want more ES content.
  3. My kind of a total conversion is just changing nearly every single piece of game material, adding stuff, and customizing things to my heart's content.

    And I can do this by picking and choosing mods I like! Yay for MMM, Deadly Reflex, that guy who makes Ruined Tail's Tale et cetera, people who make texture packs I vainly try to run and crash my pathetic computer, people who release easy-to-make things that I can reproduce without another .ESP file, just... Pat everyone on the back.


    That's how you do a total conversion, if you're a lazy man like me. :closedeyes:


    Anywho, this is a really useful resource for reminding people why not to get overconfident (For me, why never to release anything I make because it all sucks and doesn't do what I wanted).

    Final note: Please, make some meshes and textures and we'll get back to you on fixing whatever you hate about Oblivion, how's that sound? Heck, you might be able to get weapon-hitchances and such by creating chance of doing 0% of the damage to an enemy depending on your skill with the blade. With OBSE or something. I mean, I couldn't, but we've got decapitations for christ's sake, you'd think we could make non-damaging strikes, right? Again, this wouldn't be me doing this, my CS (Construction set, not counter-strike) skills are insufficient, but you never know.

    Now, me, I'd not download that 'cause I like always hitting things I swing at, but I did up the damage for the advanced strikes you get as you progress in level, and the chances for disarming and knockback to make leveling in weapons more efficient (that's the limit of what I can do, although I vaguely know how to do a bit more).


    What else, now that I'm on a roll...? I have am to enjoy to the correctness of usings with the grammarages too also. The status of existancing rightness within regardance to an English's talks also of write is can be to very goodly.

    Wow, that was painful to write.

    Here's an important tip for modders (from experience, here): Make sure your mod isn't dependent on other mods to function properly without telling people; it makes funny things happen. Like invisible bodies and the "/I HAVE NO GREETING greeting". Or something.

    Also, anyone who doesn't make their awesome mod's most important patch also the one to require Shivering Isles is my new best friend. Because I took one look at SI and thought, "Yeah, I'm never going to be able to run this... Hope someone grabs those kick animations for hand-to-hand for everyone else, though :)"


    Oh yeah, kick in oblivion! Replace the backwards strike with that kick animation and up the knockback chance to 100%. There; kick in Oblivion. Now if only I knew how to replace animations correctly...


    Hmm, to not be guilty of asking everyone else to do the work here, if I've actually got a point to any of those ideas, don't credit me if you create them. Seriously, bad idea. I even lost my copy of Oblivion recently so there's no way I could test any of them. Or Deadly Reflex 3.0, for that matter, which kinda sucks.


    Final words: If you think this post was horribly off-topic and pointless, you're right. But at least it's all in one post, instead of spread around the rest of the forums, right?



    EDIT: Woah, long post.

  4. Well, here's a good one of my most recent guy. A couple, actually.

    Right-o, so my Argonian lady needed some extra firepower since instant-kill sneak attacks don't work so well with MMM (too many creatures to kill!). SO... I went and made a new series of spells in Benirus manor (modded to refurbish the basement and interior). My first one of the Kill spell series wasn't so great. I accidently did Frost 1pt 10ft 99s on target, but the lightning only on touch. So, from what I could tell, it was only working when I was next to a guy, which annoyed me until I figured everything out.

    Kill v2- The same frost effect, but now lightning 100pts 10ft 1s on target (this one is kind of draining on the Magicka reserves). Well, testing it out on the hapless citizens of Anvil, starting with blowing people off chairs in the bar, got to be an hour long pastime (I had loads of Welknyd stones). Anyway, I got bored of that after a while because the lightning didn't actually do area of effect, except when pointed at the ground (everything would shoot straight up and NPCs took the damage).

    Kill v3- I used some rage spells here, too, because it was funny. Anyway, the usual except without the area of effect, and lasting 7s instead of just one. WELL... it was different. For starters, the spell knocked people over without killing them instantly, which was... different. I know I don't have any spell effects that do that, but I did mod spells to go at near-instant speeds (can't see them, even with Focus mode enabled with mods). So, I'd blast a guard backwards, he'd start to get up again, and then fall down with a "Blarg!" before he was on his feet. The rage spells made the guards largely ignore me, dealing instead with beggars taking out their troubles on, well, everything, so I had plenty of time to test it out.

    And now, the weird and/or funny part: I cast it on an invincible guy, and it started to lag. First, his torso, still connected to his legs, shot backwards, but his legs stayed still for a second longer, resulting in stretching. Next, he struck a lamp post, and stuck there by his neck. Out of curiosity I shot him with it again, and his chest randomly stretched over the entire street, with his head still stuck to the post and his legs back to where he'd been hit earlier. Note, by the way, that this was a LARGE street, really a mini-town square. And he literally covered it. So, I waited till he came back from unconsciousness, and he was back to normal instantly. I shot him again with the spell, and right back to street-covering. Then the captain of the fighter's guild in Anvil came over, and I blasted him onto a roof, to his consternation upon coming back (only essentials and respawners were left at this point).

    So, yeah, that's the gist of it. I still use that spell, just not on massacres in case of weird glitches...




    What else? Well, Ruined Tail's Tale keeps being mean to me. I gave Ruin my best light armor, enchanted it with lots of awesomeness, gave him every kind of weapon he could want to use including some of those Elven Sabres and Longswords (he uses them, actually). But, strangely enough, his pants keep glitching. I repair them to 100% one time, we go into a fight with a single bandit, and his pants are broken again. "Oh, thanks, Ruin, your pants are broken AGAIN? I might actually want some of these repair hammers, you know." I gave him a staff of paralysis to hold one time, but he never used anything else (even when the enemy was paralyzed) so I took it away. What else... some mod conflict prevents me from entering Anvil now, because Ruin's quest needs me to go there but I gain CTD whenever I either A) Load Anvil B) Walk too close to Anvil's outdoor space C) Walk around in Anvil for more than 30s-2min (Also, weird noises pop up everywhere while I'm there, like swordfights and grunting, but without fighting people). Anyway, nothing conflicts according to OBMM, but custom races don't work either, even with the fix, so I don't know what's up. But it's funny to have to restart Oblivion every time I forget and try to go to my house there.

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