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Posts posted by tartarsauce2

  1. most of my (technically I was doing it) modding was tweaking values in FO4edit to see if I couldn't make "the perfect proper fallout experience" since the game's a great platform but a little light on the refinement, I got around to having some concepts that I posted and never shut up about doing though, but the biggest and most important shift I personally found, easiest relatively too, was to make hp scaling per level reduced (0.5 or so) and increase it per point of endurance instead (I think from 5->15/20?), resulting in beefy supermutants but a relatively consistent experience, although it means any new introductions of game balance had to be done manually and I never got around to doing the groundwork on that, but the vanilla game functions pretty nicely that way, and with those two changes being *literally it* I found the game to be way more interesting tbh

    horizon looks amazing, I've installed the game again after 1700 hours just to see about how it plays
    I'm thinking of adding war of the commonwealth to my modlist at the lowest level of spawnrates and stuff later on ingame say about level 30-40, and I'll take a peak into stabilizing hp gains per level a little bit if the damage sponging is too much still at later points
    the main thing I'll be doing if this happens is taking note of where my gut feeling is for what's a good point to do so
    while technically it's installing new stuff, I see it as a sort of de facto shift in gameplay as levels progress, to keep things difficult/interesting in new ways, sorta as a way to get the ultimate playthrough experience while keeping things interesting
    if horizon's well balanced towards having to scout locations to find stuff, then one way to make things more challenging would be to up the numbers of enemies a bit, but if at late game you want your challenging but fair gameplay with varied ways of getting to do stuff while caps are still a potential issue say, then having less bullet sponging but more enemies to be able to kill you or drain your resource pools (supplies/health) including some of the nastier little animals that poison etc, then that's a way of shifting from pure survival to more tactical play lategame, while you gain more and more levels over time - resulting in even a fully fleshed out build having it's moments if you're not careful



    also, loooooll doing mods for popularity
    just do lets plays or something then, seriously, then you don't have to do a bunch of hard annoying work in the background, it's appreciable that it's nice to endorse and get credit, and I think people should do it, but if that's why you're doing it just do everyone a favour and stahp

  2. fallout 4 is better as a mod platform but the baseline game I've found to be less refined, I've only gotten about 1/4-1/3-1/2 way through fallout 3 and DLC now, haven't touched the DLC, so I'm not entirely sure, but it's pretty fun despite being so clunky and ridiculous and am saving new vegas for when I'm done

    I guess that's alright to a degree, but it's definitely something of an issue for vanilla players I think and I hope they don't take this route for the next games quite so hamfistedly, if they can tighten it up a little bit so that modders don't have to do all the dirty work to clean it up that'd be wonderful, since they're already working on the game and balancing it anyways it would barely take any time to do relatively, plus some of the railroading of NPC interactions could be dealt with

    that said I just found out about horizon DLC and am looking extremely forwards to it, downloading stuff now, gonna check it out

    one of the things I definitely noticed is fallout 4 is as a game, more fun to pick up and put down again, while grinding, or exploring and messing stuff up, whereas fallout 3 is an explore and interact, then move on style of gameplay, if they can introduce the fun elements from previous games and keep them proper while keeping fallout 4's skyrim dungeoncrawling factor, then the next game should be quite excellent

    and I don't know for sure, but maybe my mass posting about making fallout 4 great again inspired someone to do something in regards to linear progression relatively for horizon, in which case, thanks lol
    I got distracted and had a bunch of stuff going on that was taking my time from me, and all sorts of BS to deal with so I never got around to doing anything myself, so if that's what it is you're a lifesaver, and if not, well, you did what I wanted to do so thanks and congratulations on having vision and drive, seriously

  3. I wonder how creation club will do for talent scouting to offer an actual job for the better/more reliable content creators ;>

    literally was one of the things I had in mind when I suggested what is basically the system bethesda is rolling out, minus the quite ingenius part of having their own internal currency to avoid the problems of regionalization while also (hopefully?) enabling some sort of moddables system for PS
    sorry I can't find the actual posts on it to link and prove it (I already sifted through my posts), but anyone that's seen me spazz out before knows I'm not going ot lie about something like that and that I do in fact come up with ideas

    remember that the content creators themselves were the ones complaining about not being able to get paid for work done, so if you're "losing top tier content creators" maybe that's because they found someone that'll treat them better ;p
    or, maybe there'll be some work done, some hobby stuff crafted, and hopefully, the main thrust of this I'm hoping for is it serves as a meritocratic sieve for the better/more reliable ones to get into bethesda as employees

    you think I'm joking but it hit me like a sack of bricks that adam adamowicz was that good when I I read up the description on the X-02 mod, and then saw his work, that sort of pure... vision in terms of things one wants to do artistically is something that while I feel it's not missing in bethesda, is missing compared to how it could be, for fallout considering he's pretty much a colossal titan in terms of imagination from what I saw, kind of similar to how blizzard had those two guys, metzen and samwise, but also a 3rd person in the early days for diablo 1 and basically coasted since on their talents

    so basically this is my plot to get skilled modders hired by bethesda for better works in the future, because I hope that fresh passion/drive/vision that's verifiably skillful and potent is injected in

  4. it looks vaguely like the idea I suggested
    my first time logging on here was to say that paid mods is a terrible idea
    the idea I suggested revolved around the better and more established modders that come up through the ranks of free modding to show established quality and work ethic essentially, are put on bethesda's radar

    you can very well in fact make knockoffs, if you're good enough, that part is definitely maintained, and purposefully why I suggested this
    also the mod makers were wanting to be able to sell their work at times, this idea has quality control, allows mod makers a chance if they're good enough and put enough time and effort in, to make money with their work
    and it co-exists with free mods for the love of it

    now if you'll excuse me I'm going to just act like my suggestions catalyzed this whole thing and brag about it because I'm a freak
    kek. troll through my posts, I've had other ideas for mods and stuff like that before, I'm an ideas guy when I get inspried, painfully disorganized though
    hadn't gotten started on that one mod idea I keep tossing around for what I could do, hmmm

    it IS in fact DLC essentially, but if paid modding is to exist it needs quality control otherwise it's a pleb tier system, and avoiding touching in any negative way free modding capabilities should someone actually WANT to make mods, is also the way to go, welcome to the new guild of merchants system, and patronage, such is the new economy

    I told people rome was falling, the medieval era comes after ;p
    the associated... social mechanisms are also relevant~

  5. I'm a fan of darkest dungeon's team management system, and the "lightly linear, mostly flat" style of progression, where while levels are important and matter, the types of characters you choose are actually really important as well, and what of their pool of abilities you pick for them to use in the particular dungeon, alongside the particular team mates, and the insanity meter, sickness/mental disorder system....
    it has no roleplay elements in it to speak of, and yet I find myself fulfilled by the choices I have to make in it, when looking into why I feel like fallout 3 is better in some ways than fallout 4, I ran across someone saying something that FO3 is better about making "how you go about things and the choices you make" matter, while FO4 is better gameplay wise

    the solution occurred to me today. darkest dungeon doesn't have RP elements, and yet it ALSO has meaningful choices like FO3, but fallout 4 while it doesn't, COULD have them through its gameplay being modded, while in terms of baseline engine, the gameplay is already superior to FO3 by miles, in other words, I think fallout 4 if it took to heart darkest dungeon's design philosophy (or a mod helped it in that way) it could make fallout 4 a mindblowingly great experience for replays too even in "vanilla" playthroughs

    the most obvious inspirations for these things, the idea that any weapon is dangerous in the right situation if you know how to use it, and that no, just because you're the big enemy of the movie you don't take 50 billion bullets to kill, that the savage throwing spears at you is a potential threat, but the projectiles are slow enough that you can kinda dodge them at further ranges.... and yes you want to dodge them.

    but most important is this scene from yojimbo's end

    inspired this

    and this scene, IT'S HIIIIIIIGH NOON

    the reason for the throwing weapons that aren't grenade slot but actually weapon slot weapons is because it'd be nice to have them in VATS, and I'd like to at some point try making a world where melee and primitive weaponry is much more common so that even when you're later ingame the primitive style enemies while being easier also don't just drop your favourite ammo all day everyday meaning taking them on can sometimes be a DRAIN on your resources... I want to make a setup/system/mod where you're actually really grateful for money and goods, and you're struggling to make it through the area while preserving some of the RPG elements and not having everything a one shot kill kind of game either - and I think a repair/degradation system's out of the picture so the best I can think of next is ammo spent without a proper return necessarily, while fighting enemies that can hurt you if you're not careful but aren't guaranteed to drop what you'd prefer, but in a pinch you can take their throwing weapons (which weigh a bit thus making them also an inconvenience elsewise, I want to force meaningful decision making as you go along)
    because I believe that fallout 4 has the potential to be a properly balanced game, as an RPG, maybe the writing isn't the greatest or the memorable quests aren't so much there, but the gameplay has a LOT of potential, and I don't feel it's been quite tapped yet

    the idea is that guns are special no matter what kind of gun it is so that pipeguns are never actually totally redundant - but there can be specific differences between guns, I'd probably want to limit what receivers can be on what guns a little bit too at some point, but this would be later stuff, because I feel like there's gonna have to be a LOT of tinkering with simple stuff, but volumes of it

    also, if lighter smaller throwing weapons were faster to toss, but maybe did less damage straight up while having more subtle effects (getting hit by a javelin is gonna hurt obviously and a lot... getting hit by a knife not so much but maybe they get more than a few knives into ya)

    darkest dungeon's narrator explains well...Killing an enemy with blight or bleed:
    A death by inches...
    Great is the weapon that cuts on its own!
    Slowly, gently, this is how a life is taken...
    The slow death - unforeseen, unforgiving

    one of the things I really liked about fallout 3 is that the world is kind of... the same at all levels to a degree, the sponge scaling isn't there from what I've seen, the main changes in gameplay are how you relate to the world - fallout 4's more gameplay oriented and less roleplay oriented but I feel that a similar theme of "how you relate to the world" can be applied to weapons and combat balance

    one of the key things aside from better representation of "primitive" weapons through a throwing weapons that are actually weapons so are VATS'able system, is that firearms are a little more stable in terms of how useful they are, to that extent I feel like all the vanilla weapons should be looked over to see what sorts of unique qualities can be given, so that they're useful, but different from each other, all throughout the game... the settlements system could probably also use some sort of overhaul in line with all this, but it's something for a later date I think

    as one example let's take the double barrel shotgun, which AFAIK is the most useless of them currently

    fallout 4 double barrel shotgun modification idea... 50 caliber conversion, slug shots... chance to stun on hit (keeps the double barrel shotgun in the game as a useful weapon which is a kind of doctrine I have for all the stuff), give all certain weapons a tendency to add bleeds, add shotgun pellets to the shotguns projectile count, add a bit of bleed damage to them, making weapon effects way more common, flattening the scaling of the stuff throughout the game so bullet sponging doesn't occur

    furthermore, the double barrel shotgun could perhaps have a lategame receiver that poisons the enemy on pellet impact too, while still using shotgun shells - maybe also these pellets could be back to a smaller number, but use the rail spike projectiles... maybe actually instead of pellets but while still using shotgun shells as ammo, they're considered as flechettes, and keep the bleed damage too... (similar to pipeguns but bigger for burst less for continuous fire making them a big game hunter type weapon)

    another example, and one I've done for myself before through FO4edit, is to give pipeguns poison damage, use rail spikes as ammo (they're heavy and they just require steel to make in most ammo mods so it just fits with the concept of cheap ghetto heavy ammo), use the rail spike projectile (including its slower speed of travel) and give it bleed damage too a bit, making them a VERY ghetto weapon, but still QUITE deadly when you get hit multiple times, because I used it in tandem with damage thresh-hold and I found the game horribly balanced when flat values were introduced, but I found the potential for interesting things to be too good to give up on DT

    what I found was that if I made pipeguns just 1 above most DT, because of the poison value (non-stacking, 25 I think) and bleed values (5 or something) and the rates of fire, bandits were harming me even while I was in good armour, it fits the lore fluff of pipeguns too, rusty makeshift firearms, maybe they're actually springloaded steel sharpened rod launchers (like flechettes!)
    2 parter:
    change guns to be a bit more... emphasized in the negative and positive ways that the type of gun is thought of (shotguns low range, high kickback, slower rate of fire often - automatics having increased spray cone)

    then, in tandem with this...
    editing perks to change how guns operate more, flat damage increases being much smaller (shotgun ranges go up a bit, fire rates go up slightly - automatics' recoil related issues get reduced)
    sniper rifles specifically can get increased armour pierce and damage, standard semi automatics can have a bit of armouer pierce as well in smaller degrees and pistols could be better in VATS and get increased crit generation but have lower ranges except for the revolvers because their firing speed is terrible (IT'S HIIIIIIGH NOON)
    melee weapons kinda are good as is - could probably add crippling from unarmed to it (you can use them while in power armour which is an intrinsic bonus over unarmed combat weapons and makes it "unique" relatively in this way)
    unarmed combat weapons can add a bit of damage/energy resist and run speed while making the damage increases a little less, but adding a light bleed while reducing the VATS cripple chance by about half and increasing attack speed (they're less prone to stun but do a bit better damage and also get you into range faster to offset the lack of power armour usage capability and the range of guns - making gun usage what it is, melee as a knight kind of weapon and unarmed as a ninja kinda weapon)
  6. oh and I wrote a whole section explaining that bioshock series was written specifically for allegory but that got deleted from the post somehow... damnit.
    the entire system AND bio shock series are written with a tension between individual and collective elements in the human condition
    shock series is cyberpunk predominantly, written before the politicization of our society had really started, the bioshock series written as it was starting, BS1 is about individualism ruining society, BS2 is about collectivism ruining society, and infinite is about how them tearing at each other with reckless abandon (individualism being represented as a theocratic fascism right of center, and predominantly male - and collectivism being represented as atheistic communism left of center, and predominantly female)

    I'd RATHER not get into this further, even though I jumped right in (whoops) because I come from the before times and think it's kind of getting stupid and that it's the equivalent of two 5 year olds arguing over who which one of each other is responsible for starting world war 1 and recounting their days as veterans in the trenches. I just, wanna barf right now at it, hence why I'm mad at everyone. (and yes I know more than everyone else on this topic because I was autistically studying imperialism as a child from the ancient mesopotamians to victorian/elizabethean pirate stories like treasure island and robinson crusoe, to world war 1 and 2 and even was aware of what the CIA were doing and I loved me some very heavy political treatises on actual warfare concepts not the 4kidz youtuber variations) and was like this for the 90's, and never stopped. JUST SAYING.

    before all of this, things like fallout were just kind of, commentaries on the american experience, but they were also... like, fun, like they weren't made to be allegories, they were fun, I can do numerous different stupid little thing and something interesting will come out as a result in the original 2, you can be good, you can be evil, something will happen, and you might do multiple playthroughs because you want to see the various things because *something interesting will happen either way, something different than if you took the other path*
    baldur's gate 1 and 2 are *excellent examples of this kind of game design that is kind of lacking these days
    and yes, there's gender oriented things, things beyond the MMO argument about man vs woman butt as you stare at your character on the screen

    everything else is a theme park thing, and I point. shoot. loot.

    also, this is about nuclear war, it inspired fallout if you can tell by the style of the music video and fallout's panache

    brotherhood of steel, and another group, which I won't spoil

    also have a map of new vegas (just kidding it's texarkana but I mean, look at it!)


  7. I'm just mad at everything right now so take this with a pinch of salt

    Memories of that overzealous English teacher, who forced you to accept that every character, every scene and every action had a deep inner meaninghttp://static.mediatropes.info/pmwiki/pub/external_link.gif have led to widespread fear on the part of readers and viewers everywhere that every tale secretly contains some other story being told in subtext. The end result of this is a state of mind that interprets every plot as an allegory for the rebuilding of one's soul, every setting as a manifestation of purgatory, and every protagonist as a stand-in for the Christ: Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory!

    Rampant paranoia results from this state; one cannot look at anything without being suspicious that this is some kind of allegory brainwashing you into learning An Aesop against your will. Is that box of Corntos one character is handing another a mere confection or is it a blessing from On High, manna sent from a merciful God? Or wait... it could be a Deal with the Devil; short-term pleasure resulting in permanent bodily ruination! What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic? Thus the Epileptic Trees are planted.

    to contrast, some games do have "inner meanings" and they're designed specifically with those in mind, what's my state of mind killing everyone I see?
    what's your state of mind for playing fallout 4, what does it mean that you're attracted to a game where everyone's out to kill and steal from everyone else? are you secretly a psychopath?!
    the answer is YES! we are ALL psychopaths, WOE BE ME!

    okay but no, with a proper RPG, there are in fact reflections on personal character/tastes of the player, but one of the issues with fallout 4 is that it doesn't have these, it has illusions of these, I've been playing bioshock 2 lately haveing just finished bioshock 1 and I can say that the ammo types (.45 for the tommy gun, .38 for the pistol, the quickloot system, weapons modification system, the weapon bash and plasmids being a different thing from other weapons and useable at the same time thing - imagine instead of lightning plasma you throw a pulse grenade, instead of weapon bashing with the mouse 3 button like I have in bioshock you just click the grenade throw button instead of holding it)

    Rampant paranoia results from this state; one cannot look at anything without being suspicious that this is some kind of allegory brainwashing you into learning An Aesop against your will. Is that box of Corntos one character is handing another a mere confection or is it a blessing from On High, manna sent from a merciful God? Or wait... it could be a Deal with the Devil; short-term pleasure resulting in permanent bodily ruination! What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic? Thus the Epileptic Trees are planted.

  8. fallout 1 and 2 also take place on the west coast that NV takes place in, the entire fallout series is heavily inspired by "a canticle for leibowitz" and this music video (which is about nuclear war, it's art don't expect it to make sense) it's like, some sort of 80's counterculture sense of humour thing, you can see similar elements in 6 string samurai and buckaroo bonzai...

    how would it be if areas in boston were instanced? and gated? I know that a big allure is the open world elements but given that it's such a big issue, would it be possible to instance some sections without totally destroying the value of the area? would it be possible to do so and actually improve on the experience in the areas - giving liberty to redesign the areas since they'd be a little more limited in scope, perhaps even (to some extent) add to the clausterphobia of the ruined inner city? (have a "dungeon" or whatever, that's actually outside as well as inside and you're crawling through the streets but also on top of things, through things, and the like, give a slightly more labyrinthine but also open and vulnerable feeling - like if you're crawling through a tube, there's openings so if someone were taking potshots at you sometimes they might actually hit you through holes in the tube's wall since it's eroded a bunch or whatever)
  9. huh?
    anyways, it's occurred to me that a few mods also touched on the shock series, the ammo types mods seem to be a combination of the shock series but also fallout series takes on ammo switching, while there's a power mod out there or two, plus the brawler mod for melee oriented builds seems a little similar (roughly) to drill specialist in some ways

    I'm beginning to get some ideas for making class oriented builds for fallout playthroughs, playing through the world as different build setups entirely, each one complex enough to warrant it, but also having the different characters have various options for different things, almost like trying to makke how one approaches the game altogether different)
    almost like, making a jetpack/predator build (AvP style), a power armour/colonial marine build, a brawler/magic build etc etc but fallout-ized

  10. specifically I played the original game, bought tthe whole collection, playing the 2nd game too now

    .38 rounds and .45 rounds in tommy guns
    the 50's style
    it's so similar, neat

    anyone else think maybe they tried to do bioshock in open world?

    no wait it's almost like bioshock was the paint but fallout was the canvas
    fallout 3 -> fallout 4 plot stuff makes sense but like, it seems like it's mixed with bioshock's too

  11. I was considering making a thread to see how interested people might be in roughly storyboarding and working (loosely) together for some mods that would basically be standalones but theoretically could detect the existence of and then make an alteration to their own parameters to incorporate other things, to make questlines that play out together

    granted I don't know a ton but I figure the idea is sound if someone vaguely interested in it tried
    maybe get some modders to come together with their own things and then see how maybe some of them could be strung together easily, that sort of thing
    or maybe as some sort of brainstorm session and then see what pops out that people enjoy the idea of and want to tackle, and then just having a colossal WIP with some tracking of the things

    you know, like if someone wants to do a quest in a certain region, that sort of thing, and all that, the trick would be dealing with things from multiple people in the same area, and that sort of thing

    I've only gotten to the 56 minute mark but I think with some throwing around of ideas and a little bit of groundwork then a light brushover to see if any inter-threading could be done, and maybe any cute little dumb things it could be interesting
    the fire ants quest was kind of neat to be honest, and it led you to the discovery of supermutants and the brotherhood of steel (to use something outside of megaton)
    the video's fairly reasonable about the thing, I think people are a bit afraid almost to touch the regions because they're so well done (although I noticed a few mods exist that do), but I bet with a proper large overhaul some neat stuff could come around
    a lot of the mods seem to be NPC changes, but the areas themselves don't exactly have quests that give you a lot of story, the NPC's and the area should combine and weave and thread and flow narratively - the grocery store in lexington for instance could be you kicking down the doors *as* the minutemen are getting torn to shreds, and if you save them or don't there's a bit of a different outcome (like they join back at sanctuary)

    maybe you could hire some of the gunners over on that hill somewhere around the northwestern area of the map by that camp fire instead of just buying arms from them so you get some extra followers/settlers, maybe proctor quinlan's quest for food from the farms provokes negative consequences and you have to do something about it - maybe diamond city finds out it's being tunnelled into by feral ghouls (could touch on the rafters and the stands and have a tunnel system leading outside of the city from it, and part of the quest involves letting the rich black kid (morson latimer?) use it instead of going with cooke's plans in that other quest) and as a result chem prices are 20% lower at solomon's
    or maybe you blow it up and the mayor gives you a house for free/some caps

    one of the issues is lack of real choices, so if someone wanted to write a story and could work with people who could make regions, and it was fleshed out and half decent it could really show I think, a nice thing is how the game plays out, lots of the quests are kill this (that's all you do) or escort XYZ, there's sometimes interesting ones like shooting a character makes a decision instead of picking a speech option, but what about moira brown and the landmines requiring a skillcheck to convince her in FO3?

    for that, a skills system would probably need to be implemented, the limitations on the player forcing a bit of selective pathing to define the kind of character you want is really really really important, if it's possible to transform the perks system into a skills system, that might be for the best, but for that to occur there probably would need to be a bog standard everyone can agree on or appreciate that's also in depth enough, because the current perk system is... way too simplified and gamey and it doubles as the skill system so too much is tied to it and you can't get the different kinds of things you might wish for from skills and character existence types boons from perks
  12. see if you just use their terms and define all their particulars and preferreds with that term and you call for the things they call for just towards them instead and you tautologize

    • a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.
      plural noun: tautologies
    • LOGIC
      a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.

    then when they get mad you go "haha they got mad cause it's true" and they get even madder and TRUMP 2016 MEMEWAR MAGIC HAPPENS
    just gotta keep doing it, because those kinds of people are losers with self esteem issues anyways

  13. rich people are terrorists inherently, they should be treated as such :D
    lock them up, use the drone strike program on them

  14. about 45-65 is the level limit for the types of enemies that spawn getting harder

    well, this is what I see when I go through FO4edit, because I think I corrupted some files and I crash due to certain things that I've been sorting through and fixing up a bit
    so I got a good glimpse at a lot of levels of spawns

    hp pools should be skyrocketing as you get more levels, do you have anything that keeps health pools flat?
    like brutality?
    unmodded fallout gets damage sponging
    I went to survival mode after the update for new variant survival came out, but was on hard mode because the damage sponging was annoying from the getgo
    observe: the goals section at the top of this mod's page


    this is also a skyrim issue although not as bad

  15. how shall I put this, the modding scene has new priorities that are not things it's used to, because of what fallout 4 kinda left out in a sense, but there's also new possibilities because of what it brought to the table
    so it's a very large shakeup

    this is why things are plugging away slowly and erratically seemingly, but lots of people are on various things, there's a lot of people doing similar things and this is fine, eventually the best ideas will be sorted through and aggregated while the less popular ideas will probably also aggregate to an extent and we'll get more refined pieces of work based on what peoples' experiences are with those other mods

    it takes years for a community to hone itself or the works it does to something we'd expect on the order of magnitude of difference from FO3 and NV mods, or skyrim mods

  16. scroll to picture then just below that, it deals with receiver and munitions ideas (it's a thread I made)

    okay, so now you have this, this kinda looks like it'll try to do some of the things

    FROST is AMAZING. from what I hear, haven't played it myself yet lol, made by the guy who made DUST, survival simulator, not a quest game... survival...

    the main issue revolving around balancing fallout properly without making it a super duper headshot simulator is that there's too many upgrades
    think about it, differences in gameplay are the result of differences and distinctions, it's almost like a statistical thing, or at least an argument for homogeneity through too many options to get the same results is similar to how if you flip a coin more often than not you'll get mixed results even though technically each outcome or set of outcomes H/H/T/T or T/T/T/T or H/H/H/H or T/T/H/H (heh see why now?) has the exact same chance to occur as the others (there's more outcomes where the end result is a mix than not, so it kinda does the bell curve effect)

    what this means in english is that if you have 3 ways to increase damage, then the game if it only has one way to increase health and survivability or two ways, will be meh
    if you do things like create cost/benefits to the various ways of dealing damage then their usefulness becomes contextualized, dependent on the situation, this is what makes gameplay.... different!
    to that extent one can nerf almost entirely the health gained per level, and then keep damage near static, relying on the introduction of new guns to improve one's lethality, similar in a way to how doom starts you with a pistol, then a shotgun, gattling gun, rocket launcher, plasma rifle (laser machine gun basically) and then BFG 9000 (fatboy MIRV that doesn't hurt you basically)

    just some thoughts on it, the devil as always is in the details (I still haven't finished but I'm getting closer, phew I'm slow at finishing this game, once done I'll start on my mod)

  17. already got it, thanks though

    I'm looking specifically for something where thrown weapons are, weapons not grenades, because there's already enough throwing grenades that rely on impact for damage, weapons enable all sorts of uses and balance tricks for interesting gameplay in scarcity/survival mods, while being easy to use (a stack of javelins/throwing spears that are slow but heavy hitting with a lot of impact, vs a handful of throwing knives to fire off in quick succession) the idea is that if the spears way 3-5 weight, and/or the knives weigh 0.5-1.5 then you can carry a few around as well as melee weapons and still have ranged capabillities while focusing on being a warrior type of person

    this would allow for usage of heavy weapons down the line as well as heavy armour well for a melee build, or stealth and longer ranged weapons for a sneak and shoot/stab covert ops build, etc when ammo is less scarce late game

  18. simple reasons for this really, while grenades'able throwing weapons are nice and I think there's a good place for them, and are great in tandem with other weapons, I've been looking for something that can be used in VATS, and more conveniently than holding down the bash/grenade button would be great

    this would allow a variety of throwing weapons to be balanced so that strength/melee playthrough characters could get a bit of ranged damage stuff for their own particular style, and super hardcore survivalist play stuff could be made with firearms and/or ammunition being a lot more rare, with melee/oldschool ranged combat being a thing

    things like throwing knives and throwing stars could be tossed reasonably rapidly, while hatchets or spears could take a while before you could throw another but when they hit they hit like a truck, and the old throwing playing cards thing could be a viable tool (almost thinking of it like a shotgun of multiple cards, like gambit or setzer) but this is a small thing compared to just getting throwing weapons as *weapons* not grenades

    it might be simple to do, but I don't know how, I've failed to find out and noone else seems to have done it yet

  19. perks as they stand seem a bit too hard on the nose about whether you pick something or not
    there's not a lot of "well you picked a few points into it, so you can do....."
    like there's no skill system, which is irritating
    if you do something along the lines of 10 ranks for every perk, and 2-3 perk points per level, and split up the damage from damage perks...
    if you make the sniper perk (VATS with scoped non-auto rifles) also make bolt action rifles give like 15% damage total on top of what it currently does (I think their keyword is hunting rifles) then nerf down some of the sneak attack values in general, then you can make hunting rifles more competitive while weakening them as a "sneak and headshot" thing
    if you make quick hands reduce action point usage in VATS for revolvers that'll give them a niche role since they don't have the same output that semi auto pistols have in normal shootout mode

    the idea is to bring the slow, harder hitting weapons up to snuff in regards to the damage output of automatic weapons, but not changing the nature of their operations really, the revolvers being better in VATS thing makes for a situation where, if you want to run around and blast away with a normal pistol you can do that, but if you also have another option for small bursts
    this mimics how in the movies, a gunslinger can lob off an entire volley in the blink of an eye
    but due to the fact that you don't have unlimited action points, it also makes it so you can't necessarily spam it I guess, while keeping the guns kinda slow in usual gameplay

    like, it's how I am when I see a spider crawling on the ground right beside me and suddenly next thing I know 2 seconds later I've pounded the floor 20 times, and collapse from exhaustion
    versus stomping repeatedly after standing up rapidly, and taking it easy relatively

  20. since this is kinda where I'm at in thinking about things too and you seem to already have stuff in the works, and I'm plugging away at actually finishing the game even though I haven't played in 3 days because I get distracted because I'm a hyper-INTP which means theory and concept distracts me from actual action allllllllllll the freaking time...

    it'd make the thing more useful again that's for sure lol, if you take the ammo things at all and give it nails firing capability too then you've got a reliable firearm and can balance a little easier around having firearms without giving constant amounts of great ammo

    well here, stuff I came up with
    (general concepts or particulars of balancing)

    (armour and damage specific concept) - these are a bit complicated maybe, at least the way I put them, but I'm very specific about this because I remember fallout 1-2 and how the armours were different and useful in their differences for different kinds of characters too, this is mostly about damage but it's also about keeping all forms of armour relevant and useful

    (earlier incarnation of the concept, there's a bit of info in each post that the other one doesn't have but they're similar)

    the person doing "fallout 4 how it should've been" doesn't seem to have made any updates in a while, not sure what they're up to
    and finally, a little something very similar to your concept

    note: I will never accuse anyone of "stealing my ideas" but I do enjoy discussing oddities in timing, I love hiveminding (the reason I bring this up is because actually someone else did a mod a bit like yours independently of anything I said as well and they brought it over from the bethesda site, so I guess there's a lot of "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" going on here love it :D )

    one thing I'd like to suggest is thinking about contextually useful things, like it's all well and good for the stats to all go up for all the weapons, but the rate that they go up and the maximum they go up and their minimum starting point all relate and as these change, so does the nature of your playthrough in the game
    what this means is that the relationship between stats dictates the actual experience of gameplay you'll have, and this is where tuning comes into play

    in certain games, if you have a gun that shoots 6 bullets and you add +1 damage per bullet, versus 10% damage to baseline (+10% +20% +30%) you'd get 6/12/18 damage versus 5/10/15 damage per shot
    while in fallout the projectiles don't add flat damage necessarily, the explosive legendary effect I believe is geared towards that which makes fast firing weapons a lot more potent, and definitely OP if they're strong as well as fast firing then, so giving it a flat 5 damage and a 5-10% damage boost might be able to smooth out differences between fast and slow firing weapons while not having to have multiple explosion legendary effects, 5% and 5 flat damage would put it somewhere decent while at the same time avoiding certain OP situations

    this is an obvious example of a game breaking imbalance I'd argue, but similar effects and results could be seen between reload speeds and firing speeds involving the various types of guns, and even more obnoxiously and unjustifiably, kills the flavour and character of weapons sometimes if overdone
    so for instance, shotguns reloading faster might start making the double barrel shotgun amazing but if not handled properly would lead to the double barrel shotgun looking something like a bolt action rifle in a sense
    but what then for bolt action rifles? they're merely a longer range variant, etc etc etc

    just some stuff to think about, one easy way out of the potential problems in this situation would be to alter values so that even if 3 gun types give the *exact same kinds of values* the amounts are skewed to keep the weapons "in character" to what one might think they should be as, while at the same time, a veteran hunting rifle user might be able to fire almost as fast as a semi auto pipegun user while doing more damage, but when put up with a veteran semi auto user, will be "back in their place" so to speak

  21. I've also got another idea that might help with armour balancing, which is a bit wonky tbh
    now the key here is that I noticed that armours in this game are completely out of whack, it's either a godsend all across the board or it's meh and useless almost, and it's basically an extension of my previous PA idea
    this idea is about being able to give contextual usefulness to the different types of armour so that they all have tradeoffs

    maximum damage resistance possible by armour
    I'm not sure if there's a value for it or if it's hardcoded, but if it's not then you can set the maximum damage resistance value to something like say 30-40%
    perhaps have PA and/or a perk add to it by 10-20% each (PA 20%, perk 10% probably, stick it in endurance somewhere if you're reworking perks)
    the idea here is that by having a % damage reduction that isn't 80% or something large, heavy armour hits over that mark for light weapons, as does medium armour, and maybe even light armour with particularly fast but weak weapons

    but what good is heavy armour then? the answer is simple, heavy armour is for dealing with heavy weapons, medium armour is good for minimizing damage from standard arms fire
    this way heavy armour can have extreme values but will be only contextually useful for its weight when dealing with weapons that can already punch through the majority of damage resistance on other armours
    PA of course adds to this which makes it useful more and more against lighter arms fire, which means that heavy weapons are then relatively better against said PA
    which makes sense, RPG's and anti-materiel rifles, anti-tank rifles, landmines and demolition charges aren't made to take out fleshbags, they're made for hard armoured targets and the minigun can still spam-chew through PA damage resistance via this with a small boost to say 12-14 even

    I came up with this idea when I was pondering how to deal with an issue where I had been playing an anti-sponge game but then got a railroad jacket because of war of the commonwealth spawning a railroad guy I just took the armour off of pre-maturely to when I'd normally get it, and found myself being pretty OP and bored for a bit (until I levelled enough to get harder enemies with better weapons)

    also, perhaps dense and super-dense if they're in the game, could add 1 and 2% increased maximum damage reduction per piece from armours, this makes this really good for medium armours against small arms fire, and really good for heavy armours against explosives and other single hit hard punching weapons

    the tradeoff of course is that heavy armours are heavy so best for extreme combat, so that medium armours are the "for standard use when out and about for maximum protection" thing, and light is the best for sneaking, and of course the minigun then becomes a lot better at shredding lightly armoured targets even with it's ludicrously low damage

    but now, with these in mind, one can balance for these kinds of effects without having to worry so much about every armour being pure upgrades or downgrades with no differences really beyond that, and of course things like hunting rifles thus become good against medium armours relative to other weapons, but heavy armours provide some protection

    TLDR: with this method weapon damages, armour types start making sense like in real life again and you'll find yourself using them in ways that are similar to how one might in real life, even if some of the technical game balance aspects aren't "realistic" IE: the minigun will still be good against armoured targets by virtue of the fact that it'll at least do 40% damage and fires so fast while the rocket launcher will still do well by virtue of it doing so much damage to begin with, and all the other weapons will have their own more nuanced justification

  22. distance, time lapsed, chance of attack based on defense of settlement
    if you're doing "strength of or weakness" of attacks based on performance during the thing, then you could add a modifier in there too, but you'd have to figure out some tracking points system to determine how strong the thing is throughout the commonwealth

    if you pull this off, this'll be another great step in my dream of MFGA, another module capability, not just a step but a leap

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