I have GOTY Oblivion for my pc. I had it installed and played it for a while. I tried to mod on my own and it didn't work so I deleted everything and uninstalled oblivion. I reinstalled oblivion installed my mods, tested that they worked, installed shivering isles and began to play. I played for a whole before I realized that I never got the quest start for Shivering Isles. I got out of the prison, went straight to the arena and finished that whole quest line before I realized that it never came up. I went to Anvil to see if the preacher was there for the Knights of the Nine and he was. So I went out of the game and installed the shivering isles patch. The patch causes my game to crash. So I went back in without the patch activated to see if the island was there. It's not. I tried deleting all the shivering Isles and Knights of the nine files and reinstalling it, but that doesn't work either. Since I have Vista, I couldn't open control to see if I could type in a code I found online that jump starts the quest (setstage se01door 10). So I downloaded a mod I found for that called Ring of Control (or of the God's or something like that), that when equipped on the played opens up control. That didn't work (in the inventory screen or trying to hotkey it). I don't want to have to uninstall oblivion and reinstall it all over again. Is that my only option to uninstall and reinstall all everything?