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Posts posted by Maleagant

  1. So, I wanted to create an NPC (Human) that would hover. For the life of me I can not figure out how to do this, even the AI hover package does not work. Trying to use the Nocturnal hover action item doesn't work either.


    Maybe I am just doing it wrong.



    If anyone can give me a step by step I'd appreciate it, or simply tell me what I am doing wrong. I would think doing this would be relatively simple... But maybe not.


    Thanks in Advance.


  2. So basically, as I add terain, textures etc, it will Automatically create the world map for me of my new Contienent?


    Or do I need to do something specific? I already know how to create LOD. What I need to know is why there is no world map to go along with my New Continent and how to go about making it, and getting it to show when someone hits the map key.


    I will watch the video to see if it explains the world map specifically, but if anyone knows of a tutorial, or can just tell me specifically how to do it (Create the world map), I'd appreciate it.


    Thanks for the reply and again any further help would be great.

  3. So I created an "Exterior" world zone for a mod I am working on, But unfortunately I can find no information and no tutorials on how to create the actual "World map" for my zone..


    I thought that as you created a zone the map would simply develop automatically, but apparently I must create one.


    I am completely unsure of how to go about this. I have seen other mods with custom exterior world maps, so it must be possible.


    Any help would be appreciated.




    Oh and um.... I should mention that this map is and will probably be larger then the Skyrim one when the content is finished and it is one of the smaller continents I plan on making in the future for this Mod series....


    Massive... Is an understatement....

  4. The second script wouldn't compile because I forgot to take out the check for the variable when I was copy/pasting. Anyway, I took a closer look and figured out some more things. When you cast the spell, you don't immediately change into a werewolf.


    I was setting the states/variable back to default too soon. The combat state change from changing race occurs after I stop looking out for them in the script. I tried a couple of different ways and this is what I came up with:



    Scriptname fg109TestActorScript extends Actor
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange Auto
    Explosion Property ExplosionIllusionDark01 Auto
    Race ActorRace
    Bool IsWerewolf = False
    Auto State Waiting
    ;/	Event OnBeginState()
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    	if (IsWerewolf)
    		if (combatState == 0)	;stopped combat
    	elseif (combatState == 1)	;entered combat
    		RegisterForSingleUpdate(11)	;WerewolfChangeFX has a failsafe check after 10 secs
    State Busy
    ;/	Event OnBeginState()
    Event OnUpdate()
    	if (IsWerewolf)
    		if !(IsInCombat())
    	elseif (IsInCombat())
    		RegisterForSingleUpdate(11)	;WerewolfChangeFX has a failsafe check after 10 secs
    Function Transform(Bool bToWerewolf = True)
    ;	Debug.Notification("Transforming to werewolf = " + bToWerewolf)
    IsWerewolf = bToWerewolf
    if (bToWereWolf)
    	ActorRace = GetRace()



    There are probably some unnecessary code in there since I needed a couple of tries to get it right. The script would be much simpler if you didn't use a spell to change to a werewolf:



    Scriptname fg109TestActorScript extends Actor
    Race Property WerewolfBeastRace Auto
    Race ActorRace
    Event OnInit()
    ActorRace = GetRace()
    Auto State Waiting
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    State Busy
    Event OnUpdate()
    	if (IsInCombat() && GetRace() == ActorRace)
    	elseif (!IsInCombat() && GetRace() == WerewolfBeastRace)



    Yea the spell was just for testing, Well definitely go with whatever is easiest and works like its supposed to :D. If Id known the spell would be so much trouble would have started with simply a race change or something. Lesson learned I guess lol.


    Script seems to work like a charm, awesome guys, and thanks a lot, Putting your names int he script itself as well as on the Mod page at steam, If you want to check out the mod after I update it tomorrow with the new stuff, it's called Shadowsong Mannor

  5. I haven't done any testing, but I think the reason it was doing that is because when the actor's race is changed, they go out of combat temporarily. You can solve this either by using a boolean or by using states. I think using states are supposed to be better, but they both work:


    Scriptname Example extends Actor
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange Auto
    Race ActorRace
    Bool Busy = False
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    if (Busy == False)
    	Busy = True
    	if (combatState == 1)   ;started combat
    		ActorRace = GetRace()
    	elseif (combatState == 0)       ;left combat
    	Busy = False


    Scriptname Example extends Actor
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange Auto
    Race ActorRace
    Auto State Waiting
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    	if (Busy == False)
    		if (combatState == 1)   ;started combat
    			ActorRace = GetRace()
    		elseif (combatState == 0)       ;left combat
    State Busy


    Tried this several ways:


    *** 1st one compiles, Same issue though she wont change back.


    *** 2nd one wont compile gives this error (Maybe I did something wrong copy and pasted the script to test it for you)




    Compiling "Kythira01"...

    c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Kythira01.psc(12,20): variable Busy is undefined

    c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Kythira01.psc(12,25): cannot compare a none to a bool (cast missing or types unrelated)

    No output generated for Kythira01, compilation failed.


    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

    Failed on Kythira01



    ***** 3rd attempt I slammed them both together into one script, it compiles just fine, however She changes immediately (Weather on combat or not if in the presence of another npc) and then back (Or rather seems to change then Change back (Pulls out a bow? Even though no bow is in her inventory... weird lol) Then changes back into a werewolf and stays that way even after combat. (Think I fixed the Bow issue, deleted her inside the zone and re-spawned her)

  6. Maybe something like this?


    Scriptname Kythira01 extends Actor  
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange Auto
    Race Property actorRace Auto ;leave empty
    Race Function StoreRace(Actor actorRef)
           actorRace = actorRef.GetActorBase().GetRace()
    Function RestoreRace(Actor actorRef)
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    actorRef = Self
           if (combatState == 1)   ;started combat
    if (combatState == 0)       ;left combat


    The Problem seems to be with when it tells her to change back, or rather when it calls the function to restore her race, (And then of coarse not immediately turn her back into a werewolf until she again enters combat)


    Almost have the answer I think keep them coming :D

  7. I can't figure out the exact Code but it should look something like this maybe:


    Race OriginalSelfRace
    Function GetSelfRace()
    OriginalSelfRace = (Self).GetRace()
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
           if (combatState == 1)   ;started combat
           elseif (combatState == 0)       ;left combat
    Race WerewolfRace
    Function GetwerewolfRace()
    GetRace (Self) = WerewolfRace()



    Although I am not sure how to get it to understand not to change her back till she is out of combat.....

  8. Maybe there is a separate spell that handles changing back to a humanoid. Ive never looked at the werewolf spells myself so that could be bunk.


    It looks like she actually dispels it, but she remains a werewolf race, May need to somehow add a function that saves her race before the transformation and then sets her race back to herself after combat ends.


    (Like Douge does with his Skeever Fevor quest on youtube only he uses a single shot quest, whereas were trying to make this continuous every time thing.)


    And unfortunately the papyrus script commands work differently on NPC's Vs Quest Alias's (Tried just modifying his set race script but to no avail) :(

  9. I do not know where you got that script, but there are lots of things wrong with it.


    Why do you have states in your script when you're not using them for anything? You have a command telling your script to go to one state, but no command telling it to go back to the previous state. What is 'sskythiraamanan' and 'Kythiraamanan'? Why are you trying to have the actor activate itself instead of casting the transform spell like you wanted?


    Anyway, I would use a script like this:


    Scriptname Example extends Actor
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange Auto
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    if (combatState == 1)	;started combat
    elseif (combatState == 0)	;left combat


    I tried this out, it works, but there is a slight issue, She will change into a werewolf when she enters combat, But she will not change back after leaving it. Any ideas? (By the way I will be giveing you full credit for this in the Mod since you've helped me solve the issue if we can actually get this to work).

  10. My second attempt:


    ScriptName activateSelfOnCombatBegin extends Actor
    {Script that lives on an actor that simply activates itself on Combat Begin}
    import game
    import debug
    auto State waiting
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    	if combatState != 0 ; 0 = not in combat, so if the state isn't 0, they entered combat
    State allDone
    ;do nothing
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange  Auto  
    Event OncombatStateChanged(sskythiraamanan akTarget, 0 aeCombatState)
    if (akTarget == Game.GetPlayer())
    	if (aeCombatState == 1)



    Gives this error:


    Compiling "activateSelfOnCombatBegin"...

    c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\activateSelfOnCombatBegin.psc(22,53): no viable alternative at input '0'

    No output generated for activateSelfOnCombatBegin, compilation failed.

  11. This script is supposed to force the Follower actor to Cast the Werewolfchange spell at the beginning of combat. (Yes I know this is a once a day power, useing it as a test spell (to make sure the script works) before I modify it to a lesser power for multiple uses on the Follower).



    Here's my script:



    ScriptName activateSelfOnCombatBegin extends Actor
    {Script that lives on an actor that simply activates itself on Combat Begin}
    import game
    import debug
    auto State waiting
    Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor actorRef, int combatState)
    	if combatState != 0 ; 0 = not in combat, so if the state isn't 0, they entered combat
    State allDone
    ;do nothing
    SPELL Property WerewolfChange  Auto  
    Event OnCombat (Kythiraamanan)
    	Werewolfchange.cast(Self, Self)




    I am receiving this error when compiling:


    Compiling "activateSelfOnCombatBegin"...

    c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\activateSelfOnCombatBegin.psc(22,29): missing ID at ')'

    No output generated for activateSelfOnCombatBegin, compilation failed.


    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

    Failed on activateSelfOnCombatBegin


    Any help would be apreciated (or a script if anyone knows one that works like this)


    Thanks :D

  12. NOTE: (If anyone can write or knows of a Dance AI package which includes the animations files and how to install them would be awsome)


    So I am trying to make a room (kind of like a strip club)


    Basically I see several mods which have the animations needed to make the girls/guys do what I want them to. However the issue is, they are all Russian and the authors provide absolutely no information on how to get them to work beyond saying put anim file in data/mesh/etc.


    Ok, well the mod itself only seem to have the HKx files. No paths no meshes no nothing. And Skyrim doesn't have the steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\female\mt_idle.hkx path by default.


    I am guessing I would need to create all the folders, and specific actor sub folders so the game will attribute such to those specific actors (the strippers)....maybe? But I am not completely sure how to go about this and actually get it to work.


    So does someone know how, or is there a mod I can hijack the scripts/animations from and use for the Pole dancers and lap dancers (such as a Mod with a Dance AI package)? I will of course be giving full credit to whoever provides such and a link to wherever you want me to point it toward your stuff once the mod is completed.



  13. So I am trying to make a room (kind of like a strip club)


    Basically I see several mods which have the animations needed to make the girls/guys do what I want them to. However the issue is, they are all Russian and the authors provide absolutely no information on how to get them to work beyond saying put anim file in data/mesh/etc.


    Ok, well the mod itself only seem to have the HKx files. No paths no meshes no nothing. And Skyrim doesn't have the steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\female\mt_idle.hkx path by default.


    I am guessing I would need to create all the folders, and specific actor sub folders so the game will attribute such to those specific actors (the strippers)....maybe? But I am not completely sure how to go about this and actually get it to work.


    So does someone know how, or is there a mod I can hijack the scripts/animations from and use for the Pole dancers and lap dancers (such as a Mod with a Dance AI package)? I will of course be giving full credit to whoever provides such and a link to wherever you want me to point it toward your stuff once the mod is completed.



  14. So, I am noticing that when you create a quest,if done right they work..... For awhile.


    Then, all of a sudden you log on after adding something to the game and find that the earlier part of your quest line which worked perfectly and which you haven't touched, doesn't work anymore.





    I created an NPC who has a quest for an event later on in your game, you can still talk to him as he has dialog that is not quest related, in order to get the quest for his "scene" you have to recieve a letter from the courier.



    Made the quest, worked perfectly.


    Changed a chair in the same area, and suddenly the entire quest is broken including the NPCs unrelated Dialog. Even the note part doesn't work now. So.. youd think putting the chair back or undoing the change would fix the issue right? Wrong. Think disabling the mod saving fresh and restarting would fix it? Wrong again. What about rewriting the entire quest line?... Yep this fixes it.


    The funny thing is though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the original quest as the rewritten version is exactly the same, Npc for NPc, Script for script, Dialog for Dialog.


    It's like if you make a quest, the creation kit does something to it to mess it up, and then even if everything is 100% perfect, it still wont work and there is nothing you can do to fix it.


    So after rewriting this quest line 5 times now, I find myself going WTF is the point? You spend weeks doing this and then it just stops working and nothing you can do will fix it because the error is not on your end?.



    Anyone else having this issue and is there something I am missing?



  15. You can add a papyrus fragment to execute after the topic is complete.




    Thanks, I tried the wiki site, there honestly isn't much there when you click on fragments (As is obvious by that page you linked) :( , I need an actual script with that command in it to look at so I can recreate it for different situations and NPCs.


    Those 2 things seem to be the only things the creation Kit wiki doesn't have on it (or at least that I could find in 4 days of reading the things).


    If someone could post a link I'd appreciate it. (the one you posted is a page with like 2 things on it, and neither are useful to me without a context to show how they are used in situations. I am not a professional Coder so when I see something like that, I know what it does sure, but not when and where and how to use it in combination with other scripts. For that I need to see an actual example of one that works.)

  16. So, I am designing and creating a full on expansion for one of the factions of Skyrim, (Sorry no spoilers here :P)




    I am continually running into issues with papyrus..... Mainly being that I know there are ways to do things script wise and yet I can not seem to find the exact commands I need for the scripts.






    Your character, decides to make a choice in a quest, thus failing one objective and starting another, however when you make this choice the quest script should triger the NPC to do (something) such as cast a spell, with the condition that it only be cast if the (Objective) is failed.



    There is no actual condition besides IsObjectiveFailed, and this apparently is the "One" condition you can not set on a character as a condition when useing the preset methods. IE, you need to write out this script yourself. This.. is what I having issues with.



    What I need:


    A simple script that goes: If Objective(10) is Failed, This NPC (the NPC this script is placed on) will cast (referancedalias) spell imediately.




    Function cast spell


    IsObjectiveFailed(10) = True

    Cast (spell Referance)


    End event


    So I need the NPC to cast the spell right after dialog concludes if the player chooses to fail said objective.


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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