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About WhiteWeaselMLAS

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  1. So I am really digging the ability to make custom perks in the GECK, but I have a question, if say my perk used an ability and it's actor effect had Med-X Effect in it's effects list. Would that stack if the courier used normal Med-X?
  2. Son of a *censored*. :pinch: Why is it that the most troublesome problems are the simple ones? Hopefully next time I have a legitimate issue that does not make me look like an idiot. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  3. For some reason my GECK now only moves items in massive increments and makes interior design and item placement near impossible. Is there a way to return it to the default?
  4. So I wish to make a trait that affects a players base skill points (Namely subtracts 6 from various weapon skills as a drawback to it's bonus). However I cannot find an Entry point that does this. How do you make a custom ability for your perk entry? EDIT. I reverse engineered the goodnature trait and found it's "Perk" effect and got my trait working!
  5. Also I ran issue I ran into the GECK where when I try to move an item it moves it in very large increments and it screws up my fine adjustment. Also the issue above has not been resolved.
  6. Ok after some testing, seems like my trait is not working correctly. Energy weapons are doing less damage than before I picked the trait, and the other weapons are over nerfed. Anything I'm doing wrong? http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ypknyw.jpg
  7. Cool got that sorted out. Now what do you think of my trait idea. I was thinking about making a small traits mod. (assuming this has not been done yet). I will make one for each weapon type. http://oi60.tinypic.com/11vheyx.jpg
  8. Also I am learning how to do custom traits. For some reason I cannot find the pipboy icons. Even when trying to follow an example perks folder directory or searching for the .dds (E.G. interface\icons\pipboyimages\perks\perk_laser_commander.dds) I cannot find it.
  9. Holy crap, TWE is literally what I was wishing for in this thread and more!: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2837169-improved-merchant-system/ :laugh: thank you!
  10. I'll take a look at those mods. However I should have mentioned that I want to raise difficulty in a way that makes the world around you harder. Not arbitrarily gimping yourself. "A Role-Playing Game is more realistic when I can role-play without having to work at it."
  11. About 3/4ths of the way through my second play through, I feel as if the game is too easy. Or more specifically I lose the sense of challenge after I hit the late twenties. DLCs are fine because they have level scaling, but when you return back to the mojave you find a sudden drop in difficulty. Also it's too easy to accrue caps, I'm pretty much set money wise halfway though the game. Things I would like to see: 1) Decreased XP, Now that I pay attention to all the side quests, I feel as if I level up too fast. 2) Rarer loot. Like in a realistic Apocalypse scenario any place that isn't either very dangerous, sealed away and untouched, or have inhabitants to defend it should have been picked clean years ago. Your main source of medical supplies are though doctors and the rare cache. Also stimpacks should take more to craft. Fresh food and water should be highly valued. Etc... 3) Much bigger emphasis on survival and having it as a good skill. Much of your healing should come though food/homade aid items and stimpacks should be rare reserved for emergencies. 4) Money rebalance. Particularly there aren't enough caps sinks in the game. 5) Make it more difficult to maintain your weapons. Getting a weapon to full condition should be a small achievement. Maybe even going back to the Fallout 3 system where how high you can repair a weapon is tied to your repair skill. Any mods that do any of the above?
  12. Really? There are some kinks I want to work out (then again as the author I'm only ever going to see what's wrong with it). Namely: 1) How do you make items gifted to the couriers inventory at the beginning of the game? (like the couriers stash items?) So I can gift the courier a note saying his friend is giving the shack to him. 2) I can't for the life of me figure out how to get that stove to function like a camp fire. 3)EDIT: Also how do you see the insides of large interiors correctly such as the silver rush? It only shows the NPC's and some junk. As for loot I hope I'm not giving too much. All of the containers except for a locked ammo box and a hidden floor safe (With a slightly nerfed version of that laser pistol) are empty. So only what you see on the shelves is what you get. (the laser rifle there is nearly broken and has bulk ammo next to it).
  13. When making a continuous beam weapon it's got to sound awesome when fired. :cool: I hope it's on the same level of coolness as this: https://youtu.be/CdhZWhxOGKA?t=1m27s
  14. Sweet! I was wondering if you had to do that to actually get it to show up. Thank you. Also when fiddling with the geck I learned ho to make interior spaces. I took the abandoned shack and spruced it up into a home fit for a courier. I wish I did this at the beginning of my playthrough though. As I'm using the underground hiedout mod and well, that base is pretty pimped out. If I do third play though, I'll use his house. As it feels cozier and in all honesty less cheaty. So what do you guys think of my interior design abilities? Original: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Abandoned_shack_(Fallout:_New_Vegas) After the renovation: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196134343/1D968D98F07FDFAE4583981E80DB8ABB1432E9F1/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196134508/D804C3925EB661CA916C943A267AE2B1F97125BE/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196135406/80B8857E82D8863FBA8F5DEC08DC0CBBDB13EBBE/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196134624/83E99971DE216D432EEA524900B3FFD5104B8327/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196135149/E77219C4BA869B16C2C44266BF4339E59C0C0454/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524292196134755/A8822CF25A1A1E7F5FF68C211EABD71AC5BB7B3C/
  15. Also I made it's own weapon mods to put on it. Do they just show up in a merchants inventory like any old item or do I have to do something special to get them to appear?
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