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About notzombie

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  1. Thanks for the tips on psi sustain, Amineri, that really helped a lot. Now I want to do something after a certain amount of time has passed, like some sort of delay poison. One of your soldier could be infected in a mission, and maybe few days later on the sphere you get notification that your soldier suddenly died. Or it could even happen in the middle of another mission. is there a class I can look up that does something like that? or a system I can hook into to that allows me to do logic checks and perform action in set time periods.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to make people fall unconscious instead of dying. Originally I was trying to override TakeEffectDamage from XComGameState_Unit, but as pointed on page 3 that doesn't work. So now I'm trying to override OnEffectAdded from X2Effect_ApplyWeaponDamage instead. That also didn't work, and none of the 'LOG triggered in launcher.log when shots fired. I had the +ModClassOverrides in XComEngine.ini and the .u file show up in sdk directory. Am I looking at the wrong file to override for altering damage/death deal to units? Or are there some more set up I am missing when it comes to overriding classes? Also, is there a way to add new stats to track? like number of times panicked or shot by certain weapons?
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