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  1. There is a mod that makes all materials tier 4. It hardly affects the game to. Put the difficulty on hard or nightmare to balance it out and I believe there is another option setting in the game that can make it more difficult if the game ever becomes too easy for you.
  2. When making armor or crafting a weapon to be a black metal using obsidian, I was disappointed in how it wasn't able to be blacker than this. I would like to request a mod to make this metal more darker. I've seen movies where knights are wearing totally black metal armor. Why was EA bioware afraid of going totally black?
  3. The elder scrolls games, warcraft, the witcher games, and the dragon age games; these games are fantastic and they are everywhere now and growing. I played at least 1 game of every series or at least watched. BUT What will the future bring and how much more will it be better? It may not necessarily be Dragon Age or Elder scrolls but I want to discuss what was right about these games and what was wrong and what should change and what should stay or be added. Dragon Age Inquisition is my favorite thus far and I'd like this series or another in the future to incorporate the following for the ultimate gamer experience. This is a mix of other game features 1. Armor pieces rather than armor set. Elder scrolls lets you choose every part whereas inquisition only gives you 1 whole set at a time. inquisition also you to color though, this should stay! Weapons are done this way to! 2. Ditch the restrictions. A warrior should be able to use a bow if he wants to without being a rogue and etc. Some mods did this all ready, great step but it's mod and not official games. Magic enchanting on a weapon should be allowed on anything to. Enchanted armor to! 3. Horse riding and racing AND combat! Witcher 3 and Zelda have combat on horse. it should have been standard now. Arrow combat on horse or weapon swing on horse, heck even magic on horse. Also small dragons to ride or fly, griffons, magic carpets! Horse tackle attack to! dragon breath fire also! 4. Dragon Age inquisition and Witcher 3 hybrid combat would be pretty awesome. Some stuff should be standard on all characters like evade, guard, slide, hide, sneak, etc. Mix Zelda and Arkham Knight City etc when in fight mode. Of course it should be customized style to based on skill earned. I like the inquisition skill tree but some stuff should be standard for all fighter types. Also dual wield of anything, sword and shield, just shield combat, only 1 handed sword or 2 handed, 2 swords at onces, or sword and dagger parry, or dagger dagger, throwing spear or poking spear, bow and arrow, magic staff, or magic spell book and hands! maces, axes, long axes, mauls, hammers, ball and chain, Stafft fighting attacks, scythe, or metal arm gauntlets that have spikes or battering rams! 5. Speed everything up! Zelda is notorious for being slow in a lot of stuff. Most recently they sped up climbing on vines so it's much faster to get up somewhere. Inquisition always takes time to mine metals and herbs with an animation. Games are best when they aren't realistic on everything 100% of the time. In Inquisition you don't even see a hand push a door open because it opens instantly! Then why do I have to see a game slowing sequence of mining metal to craft a sword? just make everything possibly efficient more efficient. Gamers wanna game and explore, not wait first and then do that... Going down a ladder is quick but going up should be more vigorous and fast! Gamers play to have an escape from reality, be something they can't Go ahead and exaggerate some stuff, after all they are the center of the story, they wanna feel important and great/strong/good looking. That's why we play! Horses and walking to! Lock picking. Just show a quick symbol .gif at the corner and play quick mining or lock picking sound to convey idea. 6. create your own character, mostly standard now in most games. Play as dwarf, human, elf, beast man, male or female. include african and asian as well! Also, Closer camera on player because I made him, I dressed him, and trained him, so i wanna see him awesome. DAi cutscenes are awesome, keep that! Something else to could be choose body type, skinny, fat, buff, flat, fit, sexy, etc. And height to! Tall, medium, short. 7. Creatures and bosses! DAi vs dragons is EPIC! Keep this but allow us to refight again or add a ton more dragons and giants. Chinese dragons to! Long snake like ones! Alternate combat expectancy a little. Add some kraken octopus to, cyclops half giants with clubs, giant lion, yeti, snowman monster that throws snow balls, gargoyles to come to life and fight and fly! Magic shooting fairies! Goblin hordes with blow darts! orc warrior bands with axes and spear pokings.Shadow attacks that appear and disappear. witch battles with daggers and magic or wizard sorcerer battles with staff or magic spells book. Skeleton warrior respawn after kill. flying monkeys wizard of oz,giant bat vampire men that capture you! half warrior sword and shield upper body and half lower spider body...Same for centuar but faster rather than walk on anywhere for spiders. Hawk men with angel wings with slings and spears, flash gordan style. Minotaur tank warrior with spear or axes that can charge at you! phoenix birds that burn you while flying through you. Peteradatcly peck and eagle drop impacts! Generic dinosaurs like raptors, t-rex. Unicorn pokers and shooters of horn magic, flying to and mountable! Golum rock fighters, frost giants that freeze you with breath. Little Morlocks or mole men that capture or throw rocks. Hal Scorpian men with giant scorpion claws and stinger with great range risk! enchanted Scarecrows grabbing and panicking players or choking. As well as magic moving armor with invisible fighter inside like warrior!. Headless horsemen that throw bombs and chop on horse back, and finally elemental attackers like watermen or men of living fire to attack with type projectiles. Twilights suckubus and demon horned dudes are pretty cool to! also humans Norse vikings, english knights, italian, french. African tribals zulu warriors with spears throw or just poke. asian samurais in armor. Greek amazons women. and persian/arab/indian men with beards using giant exotic sword fights. greek hero warriors. WHY? Because Hercules legendary journeys with Kevin Sorbo got away with it, why not us to? Way more variety and fun! Plus more armors, weapon styles, everything!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Mix and match to! 8. DAi companions are awesome, detail should stay! but how about 1, only 1, create your own companion out of magic!!! Just like create a player but uses alternate voice and has a generic story to adapt to your group! Create your best friend or your very own perfect love interest! 9.Environment settings. DAI has a fine selection of setting types such as deserts, oceans, swamps, forest, snow, rain, etc. This kind of theme should be kept, kinda like in mario games where you have a fire world, ice world, etc. This kind of distinct variation keeps the world interesting and from being repetitive. The game is also great in that you take only 10 steps and you always find something new or something to do. 10. Quest and tasks. I like DAI because everything added up and made sense as to why I was helping people. They return the favor by enhancing my military and thus I can use a force to invade a castle. The horses, tents i assembled, weapons, etc. It all gave me that power to do more. It motivated me! it made sense, it wasn't useless quests for just garbage weapons or armor or gold. This needs to remain! There's other stuff i like to like customize castle & capture a keep. Really good stuff. Feel free to share your own ideas of what would make this what if game even better!
  4. I noticed in the game where you have a battle against a "tank" warrior using a maul or axe that their axe or maul is a much larger scale than yours. Even worse when you kill them and are awarded their weapon, their weapon is no longer as big as it was when your enemy was using it. WTF!!!! Can someone please scale these weapons up a little or at least just some of the mauls that should be bigger.
  5. I posted these ideas elsewhere but I thought they would be more useful here. We need schematics for these weapons. the Barbarian maul Rebuke_of_the_Sunderland Bull's Edge Avvar_Raider_Greatsword The reason is because they look awesome, but are incredibly weak. It's a shame i can't use them because of their poor damage output. Another reason is I'd like to customize them with unique colors, stats, and hopefully upgrade it to.
  6. Yeah with a good photo editor and patients. The armor would still look the same but you can definitely replace a texture and color from various parts of the armor or clothing. I did a lot of this in Morrowind modding making all armors look like the adamantium armor. It looked okay in game and texture replacing is being done in inquisition with the tools available right now. I like this request and i hope a modder takes interest in it to make it happen. :thumbsup:
  7. Warrior and rogue could be toned down to be more transparent and hardly visible. However, you gotta keep in mind that if that special fxs stuff wasn't there, the combat would seem very dull. I think the best approach is to make it not so distracting but still have it there for some indication that it's something special and strong. Make it subtle. I'm not sure if this is possible but it be a nice idea to test if the special abilities could have a very small after image.
  8. The fighting is too slow, however the there is an ability that a warrior can have if he takes the distilled dragons blood; that is "rampage" where his attacks are much faster. i suggest a mod to just increase the overall fighting speed. Sometimes the battle just takes too long to win, I've had to hack and slash standing in front of my enemy for about 10-15 mins or more trading blows depending who I was fighting. It doesn't have to take that long! So i suggest a mod that increases the overall speed while the "rampage" increases it further. just a slightly fast slash or shot. Nothing drastic, but just to enhance the combat a little more and speed the game's progression. Also the Mount should be way faster to. I know this has been suggested all ready.
  9. Oh at a higher level every time would be great to also so that the challenge could come back again and also you could level up to! Plus get more hard to find Dragon Bone. This mod would be more complex though and I'm not sure if the Loot should remain the same either? if it is possible it should swap out the weapon or armor you get with like a schematic or something like that while still retaining the dragon bone.
  10. I like to suggest a mod that resurrects the dragons, maybe a mod for all of them or a mod for just 1 from an area specifically if it's your favorite to slay over and over again. The dragon fights are the best part of the game and it's a shame after you've slained them all that they are permanently gone and never to be seen again. lets bring 1 or all of them back so we can do it all over again! Yeah! :dance:
  11. That's a good idea. This may be a possible mod though in the future bioware should incorporate in future games. this option to arrange by class and such is a nice idea. Another good one would be by level, alphabetical, or race, or gender. First cycle through all the men and then all the women!
  12. I'd like to change the Qunari skin color or at least alter one shade of it. I noticed it the character creator you could only go to a tan pink but I would like a suggest that Qunari and Dark bull be changed to RED. Sorta like the irish Devil. Or Ridely Scott's legend http://i.imgur.com/cZUyalK.png Seems like a simple re-texture I think?
  13. So i noticed there are race restrictions like only elves can wear an armor, or for dwarves, no humans can wear it. I noticed one day in XBoX360 that while checking out a dwarf only armor, that my human inquisitor was wearing a human scale version! naturally when i crafted the armor it turned out that only varric could wear it....Dang it! So I know other races could wear exclusive stuff according to the preview when crafting. We just need someone to enable it! Next is the companion restrictions, like Not varric, or IronBull only. For weapons and armor, I would like for Varric to use a Bow and Arrow rather than Bianca crossbow. I'd also like to wear or use something that was only meant for 1 character. I know someone all ready removed the hat companion restrictions but there may be other cases as well.
  14. Still i would like the mod personally. There are plenty of mods that unlock more of it, i don't see what's the problem in locking them all alternatively. I may very well have to try and mod it myself now but i know someone out there already knows where and how to do it quick. *sigh* Well I'm hoping someone does it but if it doesn't happen then I'll have to try it myself....
  15. It's not the best solution, it's complicated. They always go around people and somehow manage to buy a copy. If i lock my PC or take away my Xbox360, they'll use theirs or their ps3 or ps4 and somehow get it back after it was taken away. If not that, they'll use their cousins, friends, etc. They're persistent and unfortunately my parents are not consistent when it comes to punishments and usually cave in or forget about the discipline all together. Don't take offense here at this mod request, i'm not asking mod makers to take away Everyone's romances; this would just be for me and my out of control household and perhaps others who would like this. Also others might like this mod who are trying to deal with a similar problem or would just like to avoid it further so it doesn't accidentally get pressed during cutscenes. believe me I tried it all and even talking to our parents or also taking my own action, which has gotten me into trouble if you can believe that LOL I just need this mod so they can at least play the game without having to go there again. I even talked to them but you know teens. They might find other sources for perversion but at least this will slow them down or maybe even get them to concentrate on the game rather than the sex. The thing is that they think about this stuff because it's everywhere but if I can censor it then they'll get their head out of the gutter. I can't watch them constantly because i work and again our parents don't give a damn. I'm hoping bioware will in the future add an option with a code lock to at least hide these options but until then I'm crossing my fingers that someone out here will hopefully solve my problem.
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