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Everything posted by littleerve

  1. It did. I've since reinstalled and forgotten 1/2 of what I did and it's not working again. sigh. (I know this is an old post, just posting for prosperity).
  2. I finally got around to trying this, got the ammo & keyword properties setup, but how do i check a weapon/weapon mod for a keyword?
  3. I'm trying to make a legendary NPC, but I don't have a good understanding of how things are applied. I can spawn the legendary NPC by itself and it's fine, but when it spawns in via the leveled actor, it's modelless, doesn't have the correct fullname and isn't legendary. Can anyone clue me in on how this all works or link me to something? it's really bugging me. Thx. The legendary toon is just using a fallout.esm default template (LCharWorkshopGuard) for traits and stats and I tried using everything for the leveled actor (just tried to copy what was existing).
  4. Hmm so I'd just have to check a list of ammo keywords with WornHasKeyword, doesn't sound too hard, I'm not good with arrays tho, i'll have to do some more reading. Edit: Hmm I'd want to check a list of every ammo type as i'm trying to make a generic script for all weapons. I'd have to somehow make an array with every ammo that has the keyword ObjectTypeAmmo and then check it with WornHasKeyword. Edit2: Maybe I can make a formlist of all the ammotypes hmm
  5. Drat, thought it might be possible due to the scrounger perk. oh well, thx for the repsonse.
  6. maybe someone can confirm if this is me or the mod im using, but I can't seem to use: GetEquippedWeapon().GetAmmo() to return the correct ammo type, it returns the default ammo type for the weapon. I've tried it with the hunting rifle and some modded weapons and I get the same result. Is there anyway to get the currently equipped ammo type?
  7. Ok I got it sorted. Here's the 411. I made a legendary mod to change explosive weapons, however im using weapons that have grenade launchers. Which is cool, but, the enchantment for the explosive bullet is an override projectile on the omod, so, the grenade projectile was wrong. So, I removed the override projectile and figured out how to spawn an explosion at the target when it is hit. I'm not the best coder, so it's hard to figure out when you only know/understand 1/2 of what you need to. I manage to find an example of what I wanted and it basically goes like this: Omod -> ench -> Constant/Self Magic effect -> Perk -> Apply Spell on Hit -> spell -> Fire/Forget & Constant Magic Effect -> Script and the script is super simple now: extendactivemagiceffect yadayada Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Explosion Property ExpShell Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.Placeatme(ExpShell) EndEvent and PlayerRef is obvious and ExpShell is just whatever explosion you want. Now I can add any type of explosion to any type of weapon mwhahahahaha (tho I might want a cooldown timer for anything too big) Maybe I could make lasers spawn fire hazards, i already have a mod that drops a rad hazard (shotgun plasma with an arc projectile that drops a rad hazard when it lands, it's awesome fun)
  8. Yeah but that's all for if the player gets hit, how do i setup the magic effect / script to get the onhit event to proc when I hit someone else? Like I want playerref as the aggressor etc but with a magic effect set to fire/forget on contact? I just can't get the right combination. I have a feeling I'm going to have to do something like the furious effect does, two different magic effects with two different scripts or something.
  9. How the hell do i register for an onhit event for a target and not myself? I've got an ench/magic effect on a worn item of mine running a script, but i just can't figure out how to reference a target instead of myself for onhit. I wish there were more examples or something i could look at.
  10. Yeah, I just went back to floats, it works consistently, it just adds a couple of points to the HP pool for some reason, but it's fine now, probably not refined, but it works: Scriptname LegHPInc extends activemagiceffect Conditional Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ActorValue Property HealthAV Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) float CurrentHP = Math.Floor(PlayerRef.GetValue(HealthAV)) float ModHP = Math.Floor(CurrentHP * 0.15) PlayerRef.ModValue(HealthAV, ModHP) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) float CurrentHP = Math.Ceiling(PlayerRef.GetValue(HealthAV)) float NewHP = Math.Ceiling((CurrentHP / 1.15) - CurrentHP) PlayerRef.ModValue(HealthAV, NewHP) EndEvent Now to make more Legendary effects.
  11. I got it half working, but I think I have a rounding problem, the values slowly drift (I was just trying int vs float, this is where I got up to) Scriptname HPBuff extends activemagiceffect Conditional Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ActorValue Property HealthAV Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) int CurrentHP = PlayerRef.GetValue(HealthAV) as int int ModHP = (CurrentHP * 0.15) as int PlayerRef.ModValue(HealthAV, ModHP as int) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) int CurrentHP = PlayerRef.GetValue(HealthAV) as int int NewHP = ((CurrentHP / 1.15) - CurrentHP) as int PlayerRef.ModValue(HealthAV, NewHP as int) EndEvent
  12. I'm going nuts trying to figure this out. If I add to a vaActorValue on an object mod, it seems to apply to that item and not the player, how can I change an Actor Value on the player via a form/script?
  13. I must be looking in the wrong spot. i changed every dds link i could find to a plain colour with no alpha, still nothing.
  14. I'm just trying to change a colour of all things (well mainly). But it's not the emmersive color option, it's not the grayscale texture DDS and i've tried changing the vertices colours too none of it works. And projectiles don't really show much in CK preview (nor in nifskope). It's meshes\effects\IncendiaryTracerBeam.nif (fallout 4)
  15. Hi, I need some help with a projectile, I'm clueless when it comes to blender and not that much better with nifskope. I've tried importing a nif into blender but it's all Greek to me. Are there any guides specifically for fallout 4/projectiles/blender? I'm sure where to even go from here.
  16. I have an armour enchantment that calls several magic effects depending upon conditions (all seperate conditions). Now this was working fine, but I wanted to add a condition that compared two actor variables with each other (Health and RadHealthMax). I couldn't see how to do that except with scripting. So I learnt how to do that and got it working, but now, after the script runs and casts Self.Dispel(), it won't proc again (unless I unequip/reequip). I tried using a global variable to compare the gamehour as a condition, but that didn't seem to work either. I just don't have the experience to know what I could do to fix the problem. Any help appreciated, thanks. Maybe I should explain what I'm trying to do. I want to make a low-life setting. Hence I modified the perk "Immunetoradiation" and changed the entry point "mod rads for rad health max" to 650 (i.e. 1000 - 650 = 35% hp). That works fine on it's own. Now i've got this other enchantment on a piece of armour that I want to run a magic effect on under certain conditions (immunetoradiation and HP is less than the 35%) However I can't find an easy condition to check for the 35% hp, I don't want to hard code it. RadHealthMax is a flat value, Health returns the max value but as a percentage only 35%, which isn't useful. I've resorted to trying to run a script on the magic effect to set one of the actor variables to a global var so that i can then set a condition on the enchantment to check one AV against the other. This seems clumsy, as I have to set an inital value for the GVar to higher than my health and leave the script running to constantly check if the value changes.
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