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Posts posted by VoodooJinx

  1. as some who owns a R9 380 4gb i love it and no problems with realvison enb and about 150 mods i also i have a R7 370 4gb i put into my brothers system and it ran great .

    i would go for a r9 3804gb i run it clocked at 1000 mhz core 1500 mhz memory and +20% on power limit aslo i keep a steady 55+ fps everywhere

    my cpu is i3 6100 and 8gb ram @3100mhz and 1tb HDD ...still saving up for SSD and a 6700k :dance:

  2. Got the same problem!

    this was last mod I downloaded " OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim " was getting a few crash to desk top but I uninstalled it and and stared playing again and bandits have no heads .so I reinstalled it but bandits have head but still have random Crash and this error

  3. Ok here it is .

    I was looking for a good Bow for stealth/ Assassin kills and did not see anything i. So I though this up I know it might seem a little crazy but i think it would fit in for stealth/ Assassin players .I do not have the skill to make something like this but I thought I would put it out there for someone who does.

    If there something out there like this I missed it and sorry for the post


    #1 A long bow at 85% of its original size i choose this to simple and clean

    #2 color would be a shiny black chrome or black glass

    # 3 damage 10 and cannot be enhanced or enchanted at all use poisons when needed .

    # 4 Stealth bonus of x30

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