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About ItsVjustV

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  1. Ah...is this really a video driver problem ? The last version is 572.16, the one I use now is 566.36.So I should test maybe 566.14 or even 566.03 (October) ? I'll see what it gives. I'll tell you if I see any improvements.
  2. ...we 've got the problems. 4 years playing on a 3080 10GB / AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core / 32GB / SSD Nvme and I never had less than the lowest fps counts that was around 40 Fps with Ray tracing Ultra and all maxed out but shadows in mid and volumetric effects in mid and... 900 mods with quite a list of 2K textures. The last Nvidia drivers and game update literally made the game unplayable now. I start each game with 60 fps (or 90 without Vsync) and after 20 minutes the game just drops down to regular 20 -30 fps and the 30 fps stay......... I don't know if this is the last game update itself or the Nvidia drivers ( I am using the 566.36 driver , not the last driver version because I had worse performances). Either way even this driver doesn't make the game smoother after using DDU. The more the game gets updated the worse it gets.... I seriously don't know what to do to get the performance back.
  3. Hello, I am pretty sure everyone noticed from the interior FPP while driving a car, that V is a real magician. In fact, V doesn't use the gas nor brake pedals in order to drive all cars. Only the stieering wheel is used and VOILA! For immersion purposes, I'd like to know if a knowledgeable modder is able to "move" V's legs and feet so that at least they touch the pedals (see attached picture where the right foot is in front of the braking pedal while accelerating!). Thank you very much PS: Is it possible ot animate V's legs while putting the feet on the gas or braking pedal ? I don't know if this is a heavy animation work, but I am just asking.
  4. What is really needed in my game folders in order to make " mod settings and mods" work and appear in the main menu ? I install all my mods manually using archive and mods folders in the CP2077 directory. I can't seem to find any solution to my problem since weeks. I have been playing cyberpunk with tons of mods where actually only half of them work. The rest is " inactive" since mod settings do not appear and so the related scripted mods cannot work. I have followed all instructions (updated requires mods and scripts) and troubleshootings and still nothing shows up in my main menu. Maybe my folders are a mess but I remember it worked 2 weeks ago. Now I can't seem to find any solution to it. ex: I have no virtual atelier on V's pc while all clothing mods are installed. Does anyone have the same problems ?
  5. Hello, I have a problem since yesterday with V's Model. I use following mods: Solo Ultimate, veiny arms and body cyberware face meshes ( 8ugbear ). Skin, 4K upscaled complexion from Vanilla The problem I have is the FP view which is meant ot be a realistic point of view of the whole body from the chest to the feet and from the right shoulder to the left shoulder. The FP view works but the body in FP view is not the one I am using: the chest textures are different, the feet are different (even " broken", the legs have a huge cut sometimes when V is barefeet) and the clothes are extremely extended! Thing with the clothes is that they take the form of the ACTUAL MODDED BODY I can't see in FP mod. I can only see my modded body in the inventory and in photomode. When I run, the clothes are horribly extended, it's like a thin V in XXXXL clothes. Here is my archive/ mod list atttached. Thanks for the help. PS: I posted 4 screencaps of my mods but only one appears , why ?
  6. Yes this happened to me too. She completely disappaers and you can't even exit the " empty charatcer creator". Had to use task manager to quit the game. Verify if you don't have any body mod leftover in the following folders: - Cyberpunk2077/ Mods - Archive/ Mod - Bin/X64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods Otherwise, just look if you can repair the game files and purge the mod folders to reinstall the mods. I also have problems right now ith the solo body and " BLACK ARMS" bug ,they are texturesless :s this sucks. I can't find the culprit.
  7. Can't help you here but I must say that, the second you see the 3D model and it's behaviour in space.....you burst out in laughter. Even video games from beginning 2000 had better animations in 3D TPS! Have you seen those distorted arms of V, they are completely crooked after each movement, especially when using a slash/blunt weapon. I have never seen such a bad animation with a 3D skeleton. This is the proof it has been developed on the " hush hush". It looks fine in FPS view but still you can notice how the arms are " thrown right and left in the air" with those "double angled elbows" .
  8. Hello, I barely play with the copperhead for the following reasons: - this assault rifle has a very strange feeling. - It seems extremely lightweight. - this lightweight feeling adds to the very odd feeling that the gun has no recoil and thus the kinetic energy of the bullets is near to nil. I feel like shooting plastic marbles. - when low on bullets, the gun rattles which is a great sign to indicate that the magazine is going empty but then, it feels even more that I am shooting plastic marbles by the sound of it. All other assault rifle have recoil and the feeling of bullets being shot at high speed is there. Can someone possibly mod this assault rifle in order to give it more punch/recoil and maybe adapt the firerate? Thanks!
  9. I just loaded my last save and V has a weird "movement bug". Instead of walking normally with "Z" forward or back or side strafe, she bunny hops! It's like she makes micro jumps each time a foot goes forward, backward or while side stepping. Running is ok but normal walking ends up in " bunny jumping" and it kills all the combat. Anybody had this before ?
  10. I can´t help you with this ENB but i can advise you to use a very realistic Weather and Shadow - Light mod -> Climates of Tamriel (interior shadows Darker / Dark Nights level 1) and Simply Better Lightning and Better Shadow mods on Nexusmods. It works so good and is in no way overexagerated, caves and House interiors are really dark and small candles and fires only have a limited lightning distance effect. It´s not like some "LIGHT FX mods" where caves or Castles interiors take a "light bath" shining with " 1000 IKEA lamps" and consider themselves being "realistic". Try it you will see, i can´t play Skyrim without those mods.
  11. I can´t help you with this ENB but i can advise you to use a very realistic Weather and Shadow - Light mod -> Climates of Tamriel (interior shadows Darker / Dark Nights level 1) and Simply Better Lightning and Better Shadow mods on Nexusmods. It works so good and is in no way overexagerated, caves and House interiors are really dark and small candles and fires only have a limited lightning distance effect. It´s not like some "LIGHT FX mods" where caves or Castles interiors take a "light bath" shining with " 1000 IKEA lamps" and consider themselves being "realistic". Try it you will see, i can´t play Skyrim without those mods.
  12. So...i was finally so happy (after 2 months of struggle) that i can play a Crashfree Skyrim. Climates of Tamriel, additionnal Light and shadow mods work PERFECTLY....but Skyrim is a problem game and will always be for whatever reason.... I am doing the Companions Quest to fully join them "Proving Honor" and i am at Dustman´s Cairn. Usually my problems were Door Crashes to Desktop but that´s not the case anymore. (finally...) When i open the door to DUSTMAN´S CRYPT...i enter the "room" but my whole screen is light green....all textures are just wiped out and i can move, "fight", hear my followers who fight vampires, i see the Vampire health bars but....the screen remains completely light Green. I can move...randomly.... in the hope of finding the back door i entered and go back to Dustman´s Cairn where all textures come back....but are those corrupted or missing textures files ? Thanks for the Help. PS: I have never entered this Cave before since i play Skyrim it´s the first time. PS2: For the moment no other Cave i entered had those problems. PS3: always main quests are affected by bugs or textures problems, crashes....it´s annoying, because i will have to skip all the Companion Quests and Werewolf part of the Game if i cannot finish this quest. I can´t put any picture since they are in Bitmap format. I deactivated steam overlay and take picture with prnt screen.
  13. cleaning the scripts didn´t help i uninstalled the mod and used obsidian weathers, i will erase all saves and restart a new, until i arrive in front of the.........."desktop door"....
  14. Thank you, let´s hope someone can help. Where has my thread been moved so i can follow it ? PS: i used a script cleaner " fallrimtools" to create a clean previous save, with the new save cleaned of all "orphan scripts" the game crashes even faster just by pushing the "e" button to open the door.... well...
  15. Hello, i am stuck in a neverending loop of CTD at the bleakfalls Barrow Door, once i open it, i have to wait the loading screen during 2 seconds until it crashes. Skyrim SE made me buy more pain pills than i ever needed no matter what i do....my veins are bursting and.....i just don´t know what happens with that game. I Install a few mod A BIT...not too much, just to test, i play, like 50 mods (landscape, body, enemies, weapons and damage mods). Works perfectly, huge fight in Embershard mines against 20 bandits at once...my 4GB cards handles it well.....with 120 mods installed. But then, when i want to use "Climates of Tamriel" and I follow all the nexus advises still the first Main quest dungeon " Bleakfalls Barrow" is the ultimate crasher.......opening the door to the Dungeon leads everytime to a crash. I read about CoT users experiencing crashes at the exact same place. I uninstalled and resinstalled the mod, using "darker interiors 1"....Crash....no interiors shadows "crash"... In my opinion, CoT is still the best mod capable of representing real darkness and ambient light effects. I can´t play any other mod. Each time i see a door or enter a cave, i expect a crash....i´m so used to playing "Crashrim" now. I have no missing Masters in Vortex, i will post my plugin order that i changed recently but i am sure it´s the CoT mod that crashes the game. So many people have had this problem. What can i do to make this stupid mod work ? I I got passed level 30 ONCE....now and since November 2018....level 3 is my max rank following the main quest...i´play in a loop the beginning of this game there is no end to this....
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