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Everything posted by ElectricaVulpes

  1. First time I've ever experienced this issue in all my 10 years of playing and modding NV. Basically the game tries to save but it gets stuck in a loading screen that lasts for a few seconds, then goes back into a loading screen. This repeats for like 2-5 minutes then the game runs normally. It's almost as if it's trying to save and then automatically loads that save for some reason,and then does it all over again. Not sure what's causing this, as I've not added or removed anything since I last played 2 days ago,and it worked just fine then.
  2. I'm using EVE, Project Nevada, Weapon Mods Expanded, Weapon Animation Replacers, and Hitman47101's animation replacers. All energy weapons point straight up when I ads, and are off centered when aiming from the hip. I've uninstalled EVE, removed the custom mesh, reinstalled EVE and still having the prob. Plz help-a-reno.
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