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Everything posted by yahanwiwi

  1. Uh no. There currently is no update for f4se. Well have to wait 2-3 days most likely. Ctrl+F5 to do a hard refresh. It's there. Chrome initially displayed a cached version of it for me too. Firefox cached the page for me.
  2. Uh no. There currently is no update for f4se. Well have to wait 2-3 days most likely.
  3. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'm starting to figure out how it works. And holy sh*t this is gonna be time consuming for what type of mod I'm going for. I'm working on adding materials for weapons to give guns a little variety. Each new color requires something like 3 new object mods.
  4. Can someone explain to me how color remapping index works. How does it determine color. http://i.imgur.com/FD1vVVu.png
  5. I can't figure out for the life of me how weapon names are decided in GECK. What I mean is how a weapon when upgraded it gets a new sub name. Example if you take a Short Handmade Rifle and upgrade it to automatic receiver; it becomes Short Handmade Automatic Rifle. Automatic being the new sub name. Any help at all would be wonderful. Because I working on mod with I want to add my own sub names for part and not have them so up as something it isn't.
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