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About sabrehawk

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  1. This happens all the time and the supply demand for tiny build queues gets completely whack out of control 100rds of thousands of goods requested and delivered and still nothing gets done. Cancelling ships has never been possible it always has been bugged (typical egosoft bs) its still bugged until this day.
  2. OBBEV2 ...any conflicts with already installed thingies? Quarls .... i have it already i guess? Open Better Cities afaik incompatible with a load of mods i use? Btw the stuff i already have my ob runs butter smooth at maximum FSAA (and i have turned off the performance optimization mod too)
  3. Im new to Oblivion mods so forgive me my ignorance... Im very overpowered by all the input on this site all the files and all the possiblities.... I have one basic question Whats mods+dependencies ( i have OBMM, and all DLCs, and a list of mods installed if u see my screenshot) do i need to make Oblivion the KILLER in Gfx , ambient life, immersion,weather etc. Suggestions ?! (pls dont worry about my FPS ...i can take care of upcoming problems later :D) TIA Sabre :wub:
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