Right, so you are telling me to replace my animations, correct? Like I said, I won't do that. I found the animations I like the most by looking through many different mods. I don't even use Blockhead animations compilation all the way through, just some I like. It's a bummer that the animations I like are also BBB compatible, but I thought that as long as I didn't use any BBB armor I would be okay. This is the first armor that I found that I like and will use but that it also supports BBB, so I really thought there would be a way to modify the armor mesh to remove BBB. So unless this is possible somehow, or that I find the idleanimation for female imperials from BAC (which is the one I use for all female races) that does not support BBB, I guess there is nothing I can do. I checked NoMaaM out, but those animations are just vanilla animations with breathing. Not bad, but I won't use them. Thanks for all the help, though!