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  1. I am following Oblivion Comprehensive Modding Guide by Dispensation (OCMG) [https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49898?tab=description], my go-to guide whenever I want to mod Oblivion. I've used it several times in the past, but this is the first time that I've had this issue. I finished the "Overhauls" section in that guide, and now, all of a sudden, my wait/rest option is stuck at 0 hours, with the slider all the way to the right. I cannot find which mod did this, and I cannot find anyone else with this problem. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Thanks for posting! It's been a long time, but I'm trying to mod Oblivion again, so I came back to this post. Basically, what I care about is the lack of variety when I enter an Oblivion Gate. When you do, the game chooses 1 from a pool of 7 "gate dungeons", so closing oblivion gates tends to be repetitive. I was just wondering if it is not possible to increase that pool from 7 to more, by creating the "gate dungeons" in the ck and implementing them. In a vanilla game, 50 gates may open in the wilderness. Is it possible to create 50 dungeons, all different to have all oblivion gates be different from on another? That would be my request.
  3. I am following Oblivion Comprehensive Modding Guide by Dispensation (OCMG) [https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49898?tab=description], my go-to guide whenever I want to mod Oblivion. I've used it several times in the past, but this is the first time that I've had this issue. I finished the "Overhauls" section in that guide, and now, all of a sudden, my wait/rest option is stuck at 0 hours, with the slider all the way to the right. I cannot find which mod did this, and I cannot find anyone else with this problem. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  4. I am shocked that so far nobody has made a mod (none that I could find) to increase the variety of oblivion gates' dungeons from 7 to... well, more. Everybody knows it is a reason why oblivion gates are such a drag. Is it impossible to make? Is it so emgrained in the game main script that it cannot be changed? If I were to create two more of these dungeons, could they be implemented to increase the list form 7 to 9? I want to do it, but I am a very inexperienced modder, so I might need some help.
  5. Sadly, Engine bug fixes is a mod I already have installed. So, no luck there. I have spare time. Care to tell me what to look for? I know some NifSkope
  6. Real Silver Swords, specificalyy the longsword has a bug: It stays floating in the air when dropped from the inventory. Is there a way to fix this? Maybe using NifSkope?
  7. Couldn't maake them 100% dark, but your tips definetly helped. I don't mind it as much now, and besides, a Spider Daedra with glowing red details and glow-in-the-dark eyes is kinda cool. Thanks a lot!
  8. I installed the mod Superior Spider Daedra Retexture, which is cool looking and all, but I have a problem regarding darkness. Basically it makes the creature glow in the dark, not affected by light levels. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this by editing the texture file. I have both Gimp and Photoshop, but I do not know how to tackle the problem. Thanks in advance. PICS
  9. I won't change my animations. It's not what I want to do. If there is no way for me to edit the mesh of the armor, then I'll give up to BBB. Thanks for all your help!
  10. Right, so you are telling me to replace my animations, correct? Like I said, I won't do that. I found the animations I like the most by looking through many different mods. I don't even use Blockhead animations compilation all the way through, just some I like. It's a bummer that the animations I like are also BBB compatible, but I thought that as long as I didn't use any BBB armor I would be okay. This is the first armor that I found that I like and will use but that it also supports BBB, so I really thought there would be a way to modify the armor mesh to remove BBB. So unless this is possible somehow, or that I find the idleanimation for female imperials from BAC (which is the one I use for all female races) that does not support BBB, I guess there is nothing I can do. I checked NoMaaM out, but those animations are just vanilla animations with breathing. Not bad, but I won't use them. Thanks for all the help, though!
  11. That's the one, although I'm not sure I get what you mean by changing the file "for the Blockhead override"
  12. My animations mod is Blockhead animations, and in there it says that some animations are BBB compatible. You are saying that in order to have that armor but no BBB I should remove my animations mod? If that is really the only way, then I guess I'll stick to having bouncing guard's breasts, but that is a bummer. I won't get rid of my skeleton (obviously), and I thought that modifying the armor was the easiest thing to do. This "boobs to infinity" problem did not happen to me, just a CDT, but I guess they are one and the same? Is there really no way for me to modify the armor mesh to get rid of this "BBB compatibility"?
  13. Sadly, that didn't work out. After removing all "Op" from the female armors, my game would just CTD after being near any modified armor. I restored the files and the game is now okay. Is there any other way to fix this?
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