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Posts posted by Aleque

  1. Hi, I tried contacting you on Resetra website, but I could not create an account there. They wanted me to use a... non-disposable email... Strangest website ever.


    Anyway, on topic. I'm experiencing the same problem as you do, and I'm eagerly looking for a solution. The anti-aliasint problem that you are experiencing, I think it's just a bug. I have seen several people playing this game and they have the same flickering shimmering effect of certain edges in the game. It just amazes me how many people put up with that and not mention this problem anywhere.


    The problem:

    This is especially noticeable on Normandy in ME2. And in ME1 it was also pretty bad on the planet Noveria, right after the train. It is also noticeable on Kasumi mission in ME2.


    What these bugged areas seem to have in common is: they are textures and edges of interior places in the game, especially indoor bases / areas.


    I tried Reshade AA filters/modules, Nvidia AA settings and DSR. I tried running a 4K resolution on my 1440p monitor. None of it makes this specific problem disappear. The weird thing is that certain areas have none of these problems. This is why I think it's a bug. Bad testing by BioWare.


    I really hope that someone will fix this soon. It's not a big deal, but it's still kind of ruins the immersion for me, especially when talking to characters in these buggy areas.


    If you'll find a fix or temporary solution please let me know.

  2. Hi all


    I don't have a 4k monitor - I tried running the game on my 1920 x 1080 monitor and my 2560 x 1440 monitor and the result is the same. The edges of the environment, especially doors and lights, have this annoying flickering effect. Like the edges are not smoothed out - it is really distracting.

    Am I the only one having this?

    Do I need a 4k monitor to get rid of those?


    Isn't there a way to fix this?


    Alien Isolation had a similar problem but someone was nice enough to fix it: https://www.reddit.com/r/alienisolation/comments/508aet/alias_isolation_an_antialiasing_mod/


    I hope this can be done with MELE, too.


    Here is the problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dhajddg4z1gk37n/antialiasing.mp4?dl=0

  3. Hey guys, I have a few questions regarding the current state of LE vs the original modded games, and whether I should hold off playing LE for now.

    I already own all three original games and all the DLCs. I just bought Legendary Edition and I played it for a while. And although graphics seemed pretty awesome, I am discouraged from keep playing. I'm hearing a lot of negative things about LE. And to be honest pretty graphics is just not enough for me. I get the constant feeling of paranoia, like: When will I encounter the next immersion breaking or game breaking bug, etc.


    I am considering a refund of Legendary Edition because of all the bugs and lack of mods, which have been refined by the community throughout the years.


    So my questions are mainly for those who have a lot of experience with the original games and their mods.


    1). What is your own personal experience so far (Original modded VS LE games)?


    2). Have you experienced plenty of things so far in LE that take away from the original modded experience?


    3). Would you say it's best to refund the game now, play the original ones with all the appropriate mods and maybe return back to LE when it gets more patches and even a reduced price?


    4). Also, how are the facial animations and lipsync animations of talking characters later in the game of LE compared to the original modded games? Because now it seems random. Anderson's lipsync animations seem like half-finished sometimes and other times more refined.



    Thank you for reading



    P.S. Also, do you think it's realistic that LE will have similar quality type of mods in the near future?


    P.P.S. I really hope that some assets of LE can be extracted somehow and intergrated into the original games using mods.

  4. Hi


    I wish to take a break from Steam. For that I have to uninstall Skyrim as well. I've made backup of my savegames (700MB!). I have tons of mods installed via Nexus Mod Manager.


    1). If I reinstall Skyrim some day, will I be able to load these savegames without all the mods installed?


    2). Is there a way to create a backup of all the Skyrim mods within Nexus Mod Manager? So that if I decide to have all the same mods again, I don't have to find and install them 1 by 1 manually?


    Thanks in advance

  5. Hi modders


    I just want to say how greatful I am that there are so many people out there spending time and energy creating all the wonderful mods available for everyone, and update them. It's good to see that people are so dedicated and charitable.


    Keep doing the good job!


    A greatful Skyrim mod user :D

  6. Hi


    I am currently using AutoHighlight mod ( http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=114 )

    Though, it doesn't show HP bars of my members and the enemies, and holding Tab down all the time, can be really frustrating to see who of my members has low hp and needs to go back, and who of the enemies is low and must be finished off. It makes it also hard to see who is friend and who is enemy, when there are many units at once.


    Any mod, to make it possible to show HP bars, or at least make it easier to distinguish between friends and foes?


    Thanks for reading this

  7. doh! Stupid me.. It didn't work because my characters didn't have secondary weapon and apparently this mod only works on weapons.. thanks for your time, trying to help me, I am so happy it works :D


    edit: i'm actually impressed that the mod remembers the weapon types and saves the actionslot-skills accordingly

  8. Further use of this mod has uncovered that if the PC or NPC doesn't HAVE a second weapon set equipped, the second Quickslot Bar is identical to the first. I encountered this with a Mage who only has a single staff. "Switching" (to bare hands, in this case) had no effect on the contents of the bar.


    Nope.. exactly the same. I see no difference even when disabling all other mods. To be more exact what I did. I went to this exact link http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31 then I chose AutoSwapQuickslotBar_v6_1 file and put both of the files inside the zip format, into my C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override


    How should I be able to see, whether that mod is working or not? I tried removing one ability, swapping weapons, and the next actionbar still looked the same

  9. Thanks for the reply. I know that they must be extracted, I have already done that. There are 2 files. player_core.nss and player_core.ncs and I have put them both inside the override folder, as suggested. But when I log into the game and swap the weapons, I see no changes on my quickbar. I tried swapping to set 1, removing some skills, and then swapping to set 2, it's exactly the same.. I am so confused.
  10. Hi


    http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31 this mod is not working for me, and I tried putting the files both in my


    C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override




    D:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\override


    Frankly, I have no idea what the difference between those two directories are, so someone please explain this, because I am confused.


    1) Why are there two different override directories?

    2) What am I doing wrong, since my Quick Slot mod is not working?


    Thanks for reading this

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