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Posts posted by wmbyrne33

  1. I know this is not a place for a pity party, but I have this error that comes up, and yes I have the Exemptions mod, but its just a call stack missing something. I think its in the game save, a mod might have messed it up, since I have removed all my mods and its still there I have to be in the save, is there a "Gamer Poets" advise for BL2 that will help me know what I'm doing.

  2. Vortex, does disable mods, It doesn't give the the right mod count then panics and turns them off. It told me I have 250, OK, that five more, I can add, next thing I know the bottom half of my load order is off and I have naked setters, no beds and power. you enable them and they still need to enabled in the load list, its ALPHA, I hop they get it working I can see some befits, but right now, back to NMM

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