Woooooh, discovering this topic waaay too late, but what is described here is simply not true. FOOK for NV, until now, has been having almost 99% of its esp content made by the FOOK team. That I and JustinOther personnaly made. Some people here may remember the Day 1 release with a handful of typos fixed, that later led to much, much more fixes, that I wrote down while discovering them in-game and fixing them of my own. What happened is that Zenball's patch merged those fixes without asking the FOOK team if it's okay, and only asked for the rights of it at a later point. Thankfully, the FOOK team is very open about sharing its work, and permission was given, with two points though : * the mention that the FOOK team would fix with their own work some fixes already happening in the community patch. * that FOOK will keep being updated by the FOOK team and that we couldnt afford to waste time, wait or help in any big way Zenball with his work. Working on FOOK is already tons of work as it is! Hope that cleared the situation. And FOOK didnt really merged anything for its next version ... I made the point over on Bethesda forums that I was making a compilation patch for myself, I was using the new Fook and that Fook had made a lot of the old bug fixes obsolete. Now someone could make the case that the Fook team stole those bug fixes and declared it there own work. As looking at the older bugfixes in FNVedit and the ones done by latest version of Fook they are identical. Obviously thats ridiculous as anyone with simple knowledge of the geck could look at the exact same bug and come up with the exact same fix. Which is what clearly happened with Fook. No one is suggesting that people who do extensive work shouldn't be credited and protected. If someone fixes a bug in the game using scripts of there own making and such of course that work should have protection. The problem is for tiny bug fixes that once found take literally a minute worth of work in the Geck. CloakedFigure hits horse corpse with a bat. Horse Corpse takes 0 damage as it is already dead. CloakedFigure hits horse corpse with bat again.