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About mckatsims

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    United States
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    DA, ME, SWTOR, Witcher, many others

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  1. I second what Thandal said. Vanilla first, then mod future playthroughs. :D
  2. Sorry for completely disappearing, but this summer has been busier than I originally thought! Anyway, I'm still working my way through my gameplay with 3.0 installed. You were asking for mods that are compatible, so here's what I'm using that work well with your mod: Extra Dog Slot (never leave home without it!)Zevran ASAPThe Rescue from IshalStamina Potion 1.0Skip the FadeUpgradable Cousland Sword and ShieldHuman female cocky voiceUDF dyekitPlus, I'm using a lot of modded armors, such as the Wardens of Ferelden and the Phoenix Armory, and they work fine. All of these are, I believe, on Nexusmods. Bugs-wise, I haven't really run into many, and it looks like the few I have encountered have already been addressed. But I'm getting into Orzammar now, so here's hoping that storyline is a lot less buggy!
  3. Didn't notice anything weird with the Noble Origin, either, and I completed all possible quests and talked to everyone who triggered cutscenes. Ditto with Ostagar, and the Tower of Ishal. I was able to run that mod Rescue at Ishal along with yours, so I'm guessing there aren't any conflicting files. Since I like getting Zevran early, I installed the ZevranASAP mod. For some reason, the only time I got that to trigger correctly was using the modder's script file option. That files doesn't conflict with anything in your mod, so I'm not sure why the .dazip file didn't work for me. (Could be user error, though lol).
  4. Just finished the Attack at Nightfall battle, and really enjoyed the added barks. It gave it such an authentic feel. I wish they had been kept in originally. No lagging here, but I have a powerful computer, so I cannot help with you that concern. Now I need to go buy the militia drinks and listen to those barks. :)
  5. I love the fix for Alistair's conversation about where he was raised, the "that's not what you told Flemeth" line, so much more natural! I'm really not far along, just getting into Redcliffe, my first stop this time, but once that's done, I'm heading to Denerim and hopefully starting the Crime Wave quest.
  6. Finished the Wilds quest and for once, Alistair gave the recruits the head's up before darkspawn ambushed them. Why Bioware decided to drop that, and yet keep in his line about sensing them, I'll never understand. This is completely random, Qwinn, but I happen to be playing through Awakening with an imported Warden from the base game, and Oghren's approval seems to be fixed. I got a +9 with the first gift I gave him, with diminishing returns. In previous plays, the most approval I've ever gotten from gift-giving is +5.
  7. At the moment, I am mainly referring to these two mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4690/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1420/? I don't think either of these tamper with dialogue or that .dlg file, but I could very much be wrong. If my game explodes, then I'll know why HAHA. ;)
  8. I had to finish one DAO gameplay before installing your mod, Qwinn, but I have just finished the noble origin and so far, so smooth. Having Dog play fetch got me actual items this time around, as opposed to "Dog brought you an item!" and my player got nothing. :D Also, since I am playing a female rogue and intend to romance Alistair, I'm going to install some of those Alistair mods that adds extra scenes, just to see if they work with your mod. Will let you know if anything goes awry.
  9. If there are no takers on the female Human Noble romancing Alistair, I will definitely do that one. I've been wanting to play that origin again, and now that I'm on summer break, I'll have more time. Congrats on releasing the fixpack! I'm looking forward to installing it and seeing how my game runs with just that mod installed!
  10. It's not just you, maeassel, I've noticed the same thing with the Dwarven Noble origin. With both the male and female noble dwarf, the issue you described happens to me. Never thought to mention it, however, since I'm working so much these days I don't have time to play DAO like I used to. :sad:
  11. Can't tell you how happy this makes me! Party Barks fail more often than they succeed in my playthroughs. It'll be nice to hear the companions voice their opinions. :thumbsup:
  12. Nah, not disappointed by this at all. My playthroughs are like this: Alistair either gets a Warden queen to his king, or he and my Warden go romping around the countryside as Grey Wardens HAHA. :thumbsup:
  13. Yes, I definitely do. It seems more in character for him to argue hypotheticals, especially if you don't harden him (something I rarely do). Non-hardened Alistair doesn't come out and say what he's thinking unless the Hero pokes and prods. So I am interested in seeing how that looks in game.
  14. Coming out of "lurking mode" to say thumbs up on all of the work you have done with this mod! :thumbsup: Also digging the changes you are planning for the city gate dialogue with Alistair. None of his responses at the gate made any sense to me (I keep Alistair as a Warden more than I make him king)!
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