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About soccerstud01

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  1. I'm pretty sure that this one is Korana's Lockbreaker. That's definitely it! Thanks everyone, you found 'em all! :)
  2. No it's not that one, that armor has a thing on the shoulder, but thank you!
  3. Thank you guys! :) Anyone know the 2nd one by chance?
  4. Does anybody know the outfits from the following pictures? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-1-1308055765.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-1-1306994263.jpg (sorry, i dont have a better picture) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-2-1305464481.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-2-1307375222.jpg (agian, sorry its so bad)
  5. I'm currently looking for the hair from that picture! PLEASE PM me if you find it, or someone else finds it.
  6. They are booth SKS Ren hairs. Google will help you as usual. Of course! lol I googled sks ren's hairs earlier today and downloaded some, but I didn't find these 2. Do you have a specific link? I have found the bottom one on my own, but I have yet to find the top one. (The red one) Does anyone know? Okay, I now know that it's illegal to give me a link, so never mind. :(
  7. They are booth SKS Ren hairs. Google will help you as usual. Of course! lol I googled sks ren's hairs earlier today and downloaded some, but I didn't find these 2. Do you have a specific link? I have found the bottom one on my own, but I have yet to find the top one. (The red one) Does anyone know?
  8. They are booth SKS Ren hairs. Google will help you as usual. Of course! lol I googled sks ren's hairs earlier today and downloaded some, but I didn't find these 2. Do you have a specific link?
  9. Does anyone know what these 2 hairs are? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-1-1306695785.jpg & http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38459-1-1306124614.jpg
  10. I ended up finding it! It's in the SKs ren's pack.
  11. I now realise I posted this in the wrong place. Whoops!
  12. I wish I would've seen this before! I actually figured out how to do what you said by accident when I was trying to figure out what to do earlier. I gave you kudos anyways. Thank you so much! Man I wish I would've seen that lol.
  13. Okay I got it working! Thank you sooooo much! :)
  14. Ohh okay. But I don't have an esp for the hairs, I only have the meshes and textures.
  15. I've never really messed with the construction set. Is it hard to do this particular thing?
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