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  1. Here is a great guide I used to optimize Oblivion for my newer machines. Tweaks include making memory more efficient and taking advantage of multiple cores: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1081188-guide-how-to-smooth-pc-oblivion-fps/ Hope that helps.
  2. Are you constantly using quicksave and autosave? Because if you are, this could be corrupting your saves and causing your CTD.
  3. I did everything you said, I did everything the other people on the Bethesda Forums said. I de-activated one mod and not the other, both mods at the same time, updated wyre bash, updated my BOSS master list, updated Unofficial Oblivion Patch and still nothing. I believe it was a combination of things that fixed it. Updated the Unofficial Oblivion Patch and rebuilding the bashed patch in Wyre Bash. After, I downloaded this Unique Landscapes Total Compilation OMOD and installed it, the water was where it was supposed to be. This was bothering me all week!!!! I just stayed in that area the whole time trying everything I could to fix it, I didn't even play the game. Nice that I was finally able to find a solution. Thank you everyone for your help.
  4. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After days of trying to solve this issue, I finally was able to find a compatibility patch that was able to add the missing water. Thanks everyone here that gave me advice, I'm sure I'll be back here again when the next issue pops up. http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot7.jpg
  5. My uGridToLoad is currently set at 5. I tried disabling both mods one at a time and I still get the same result. Only thing that seemed to fix the problem was removing both mods completely. I did a google search and apparently others have the same exact issue, but I was not able to find any patches or solutions. Any other suggestions?
  6. Thank you for your help, I will try the above solutions. You're the best, always very helpful. I am using BOSS and I have no idea how to update my masterlist. Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you.
  7. I had similar issues as well when running Windows 7, I would click the icon and nothing would happen. I found this post in the comments section for Wyre Bash extremely helpful: "Just commenting to say that I did get this running on Win7. Just installed all of "Wrye Python 03a" Then installed the "Wrye Bash 275 - Self Installer" Updated using the "Wrye Bash 289 - Archive Version - Full" Then updated with "Wrye Bash 290 - Archive Version - Update Only" If any of you are having problems, try all that, then be sure to either use the created Desktop Shortcut, or run the "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" in the Oblivion/Mopy directory." Credit to Subgum for the posting. I did all those steps and now everything works fine. Hope that helps.
  8. Hello All, I was wondering if you could help me with an issue I have near the East Gate in Cheydinhal. Outside, there appears to be a missing "square" area of water that is surrounded by land. I can actually be on land and walk into the water and start swimming. I believe water is supposed to be rendered in that area due to the amount of dead fish I'm always finding there as seen in the first screenshot. Anyone know of a fix for this? I have attached a list of my installed mods and a few screenshots to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Thank you. http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot2.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot4.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot3.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot5.jpg http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n427/sfocpics/ScreenShot6.jpg
  9. Thank you very much for your help. Of course I had subtitles turned off so I never would have known. Thanks again, this forum is a life saver.
  10. Hello, I recently installed Better Cities and I have a weird issue. Whenever I enter a gold horse courier store and talk about being a carrier, the person that I'm talking to begins speaking but I don't hear any sound. Their lips move and everything, but I just don't hear any dialogue. Is this normal? If not how can I fix it, thank you.
  11. Sorry I can't help you with your problem. But I just wanted to ask, i watched your video, how'd you get your sword to have a flame on it? Can you point me to the right mod? Thank you.
  12. I second Enhanced Hot Keys. It's a must have for me.
  13. Wow, thanks for the input. After that I'm at least going to give it a try. Thank you very much.
  14. I recently loaded a game near the front of Imperial City near Weye and out of now where a deer came flying out of the sky, crashed into the ground and died. Just thought it was weird.
  15. So I've spent about a month now modding Oblivion and about 5 minutes actually playing it....haha. I am currently torn on whether or not I should install better cities. I've read dozens of posts about how awesome it is and how some people can't play without it, I even watched a video tour of better cities on youtube. To be honest, I was impressed with what I saw, but didn't feel it was a "must have mod". I thought it made the cities look to cluttered and unrealistic of how a city would be, especially the Imperial City. I also saw some maps of places like the Arcane University for example, and it looks like the mod removes some of the purple fire props that are in the vanilla cities. For some reason or another, maybe I just want to see what it looks like, I still want to install it. Anyone here that has Better Cities installed wanna convince me to install it. Is it a must have mod for you? Thanks for your input.
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