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  1. Just imagine... you're just traveling along, minding your own business, talk to a woman, and suddenly assassins sent by Muiri show up saying "Your wife thought you might have been unfaithful..." and attack... Wouldn't THIS scenario make marrying Muiri a totally new experience???
  2. Everyone knows Muiri... she's a bit on the psychotic side. In the Dark Brotherhood quest, she asks you to kill her former lover. Then she wants you to kill her former best friend. This event will cause the former best friend's mother to commit suicide. If you do the quest the way she likes, she will marry you... And here's the problem. Once you're married, it's like she's not the same girl. She's all "Welcome home, my love" and says the "Off on some grand adventure" tripe... Seriously... you can be away from her for a month, and it was like you were never gone. Not once will she send a courier or assassin after you if she thinks you're unfaithful. Not once will she greet you with a knife because you were gone too long... Muiri should be the DEFINITION of high-maintenance in a relationship. SOMEONE PLEASE, fix Muiri! I want to marry this psychotic woman in game and feel like I have no clue as to what I've gotten myself into....
  3. I think it would be nice for a mod to deal with the dead bodies lying around towns after attacks or assassinations. After all, if you fight a dragon in Riften, there may be 6 or more dead soldiers lying around in the aftermath. Citizens stop by and say, "Oh my, what happened here?" but that is about it... What if the noticing of a dead body triggers the arrival of a man with a cart (cart arrives empty, card departs with a shroud-covered body), who then hauls off the body? I've had situations where I have had a dead body lying in town or a tavern for days (especially the "traveling bard" from the Dawnguard "kill the vampire" radiant quest) and it never seems to disappear. It would be nice to have some immersive way to clean up the mess.
  4. Just thought about this again, and wondered if a "tail swipe" could be coupled with the equivalent of an "unrelenting force" shout that knocks most people down... Thus, the dragon sweeps his tail and it triggers the "unrelenting force" move to knock back anyone in its path...
  5. No, I never figured out a way to do this. Also, when he moves to the new home, there is a marker for him to travel to, but he never sandboxes inside the house, even though I believe I've set him to do so... He just stands at his single waypoint marker without ever moving. What am I doing wrong?
  6. While it is true that the alternate Jarls support opposing factions, some of them (Silver Bloods, for example), are likely far more self-serving and power hungry. I'm not saying every Hold has an easy ally, but some have different motivations. Those who support the Stormcloaks and hate the Thalmor are easy allies. Those who want their own path to power are easily persuaded. A few loyalists may be difficult to persuade, but each of the existing Jarls give the Thane title to the Dragonborn for his assistance with, at times, very personal matters. All of this should count toward your ability to secure support. My idea does not include ANY sieges of Whiterun; in fact, that storyline gets dropped completely. I would like to see each of the Stormcloak and Imperial camps throughout the region being given the option to join or die. If I cannot persuade them to my faction, they attack. If I do persuade them, their banner changes to that of the Dragonborn High King.
  7. We also know that there are various factions in each hold seeking to oppose the existing Jarl. Each of these "alternates" should be people we can conspire with to overthrow the existing Jarl. They come to power in the original Civil War storyline based on whichever faction ends up winning the war. Why not use this component in a "third way?" Because you may not remember (or know) which people/families oppose the existing Jarls, rumors could be heard in tavern talk with questions like, "Does everyone here support the Jarl?" Then you hear about the Battleborns or the Sliver Blood Family, etc. Once you have that bit of information, you can then work to conspire against the sitting Jarl if you simply don't like them. Just some more ideas that popped into my head...
  8. I'm pretty certain my idea does not exist. I look at it this way; I end up becoming thane of every part of Skyrim anyway, so I should be able to persuade the Jarl's to side with me if I have a strong-enough Persuasion check, I should be able to undermine the entire siege of Whiterun by assassinating Ulfric and giving Galmar the option to obey me or die (another persuasion check), and post-assassination of the Emperor, I should be the person who gives the Imperials in Solitude the ultimatum to unite behind me as Dragonborn, should I be able to win the hand of Elisif the Fair (or maybe have an option to force her to marry me). I absolutely DON'T expect the Thalmor to accept my leadership in ANY situation, so they would have to be eliminated, so that would be a fun storyline all on its own. Once I complete this Civil War quest, the war would be over and both Stormcloaks and Imperials would have to wear the uniform of the Dragonborn High King of Skyrim, or leave the shores. Whether you include repercussions based on this storyline would be up to the mod author, but I doubt a leaderless Empire would pose much of a threat. I would expect assassination teams sent by the Thalmor. The Stormcloak faction should be happy enough that I did what Ufric could not.
  9. Engaging in the Skyrim Civil War forces the player to choose sides, either Empire or Stormcloak. But during my playthrough, I don't like the Stormcloaks or Ulfric, and as a member of the Dark Brotherhood, I assassinate the Emperor. Personally, I'd like to be able to play a "third way" in the Civil War. I want to bring down the Stormcloaks, cripple the Empire, destroy the Thalmor, and marry Elisif the Fair by force of conquest, becoming High King of Skyrim. Now, I'm sure there are people who are saying, "No, you cannot do that, that will go against future lore in Elder Scrolls 6" or something like that... don't care. I want to unite the Skyrim province under me, the Dragonborn High King. I want to take the throne. I want those loyal to the empire to be forced out of Skyrim and everyone else to swear loyalty to me. I've already assassinated the Emperor. I want to cleanse the land of the Thalmor. And I don't want the wannabe Dragonborn Ulfric (and potential Thalmor spy) as competition. Anyone else want to play this outcome? Anyone else tired of choosing between sides you don't like? It's more fun just assassinating the people who oppose you. All those troops (Empire or Stormcloak) end up uniting under the Dragonborn banner and stop killing each other. Those who attempt to remain loyal to the Empire leave, and the Stormcloaks are happy enough with your leadership after you expose Ulfric as a Thalmor spy... GIVE US A THIRD WAY!!!! Just like the Paarthurnax Dilemma!
  10. Has anyone come up with some sort of large sea monster to make the oceans of Skyrim more dangerous? Not looking for something that adds TONS of sea monsters, but maybe a few in certain areas, half as rare as stumbling across a dragon, perhaps... Drowning (or freezing, if you're using Frostfall) is about the most dangerous thing in the water in vanilla.
  11. I've played Skyrim enough to know that every repopulated dungeon or bandit hideout will have the same number of creatures/monsters/bandits every time I visit. There's nothing new or surprising. At no time will I re-enter a bandit camp or cave and find 5 additional bandits roaming the area who were not there the last time I cleared it out. I know where everyone will be located and can sneak accordingly; there are no surprises. In my opinion, the lack of variety of respawns eventually makes revisits boring. If there is a mod that gives some variety, let me know, because I have not found one. Otherwise, I would LOVE a mod of this nature!
  12. We've all seen the dragon "kill move," when it picks up someone and tosses them dead to the ground... What I'm suggesting is a dragon "attack move" that literally plucks a person and tosses them for heavy damage. We get strafing runs where dragons breathe an element as they pass overhead, but wouldn't it be exciting if the dragon would snatch a person/creature and toss them for heavy damage? Wouldn't it be more of a challenge when facing a dragon, knowing that at any moment, they can pick you up and toss you aside, causing major damage? Or a tail swing can fling you to the side? My point is that the Dragon's major strength is its size and ability to sweep or toss opponents out of the way, but this is not seen in-game, other than a "kill move." One swing of a dragon's tail should exhibit enough force to toss a dozen soldiers out of its way, not necessarily killing them, but at least knocking them senseless. And how about a dragon that picks up your character, taking them up into the air, where you continue to swing your weapon, until he drops you to the ground? Yeah, you might die from this one...
  13. It would also be interesting is if there was a dynamic quest request system build into the individual NPC dialog. For example, every NPC (based upon a reputation score) would want something retrieved; herbs and flowers for women, meads and ales for men, linens for priests, etc. As you bring them these items, they increase their opinion of you. Perhaps they will gift you a key to their home, or give you coin, etc. What would be nice is if it incorporated "clutter" you find lying about, because a lot of that serves no purpose but to ... well ... CLUTTER.
  14. I would assume there is some sort of "universal variable" for the hold you are currently located. Anyone know what that variable is?
  15. We're all tired of the same songs over and over. Ragnor the Red? Dragonborn Comes? Yeah, heard it... I was watching this video: I had never heard of the band Gryphon before, but it is apparently authentic-sounding medieval music and I thought, "Hey, Skyrim could use those songs." So, just throwing this out there for anyone looking for music "alternatives."
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