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Nexus Mods Profile

About inot

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  1. thanks thanks =)
  2. A Confirmation that i got your PM; Oki-Doki
  3. A Confirmation that i got your PM; Oki-Doki
  4. please let me know when you upload your enb present =)
  5. thank you thank you thank you, I will look for it =)
  6. Its ENB. You can check my screeny's iff you want.

    Its from the same preset i used for the dimon pictures, except its a bit more evolved.

    But not to worry, i still got the original one ''Candy 9a''

    PS: Cant wait for TCK interest: Shaders of course!

  7. Its ENB. You can check my screeny's iff you want.

    Its from the same preset i used for the dimon pictures, except its a bit more evolved.

    But not to worry, i still got the original one ''Candy 9a''

    PS: Cant wait for TCK interest: Shaders of course!

  8. thanks I appreciate it, I will be keeping an eye for your release of enb, is enb if I am correct, correct?
  9. Questions dont bother me at all!

    About the settings i used ''picture set dimon mod upn''

    It would be pointles to release, if i tell.

    Working on this for 6weeks now,

    faced a few drawbacks with it, fixed a lot of issues lately

    Releasing it somewhere this week anyway.

    Hope you understand!

    My profile comes in 3 flavors.


  10. Questions dont bother me at all!

    About the settings i used ''picture set dimon mod upn''

    It would be pointles to release, if i tell.

    Working on this for 6weeks now,

    faced a few drawbacks with it, fixed a lot of issues lately

    Releasing it somewhere this week anyway.

    Hope you understand!

    My profile comes in 3 flavors.


  11. Hi sorry to bother you, I am a user in the skyrim forums, and I saw a picture you posted in the dimon mod upn, I would like to know which settings did you use to make skyrim look like that. thanks
  12. yes..used his mods before in previous games I imagine when the CK comes out things will be a lot better :)
  13. You are correct, he also does good bodys!

    But tought to keep it civil ''for pretending sakes''

    PS: The clipping issues is due to: BaronDavid NPC Clothing.

  14. oddly although I often use the same phrase it can take ages for me to pick the right one to suit the scene.,..unless it is something obvious :)
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