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  1. I quite enjoy the Book Perks mod from Fallout 3, and I noticed that Fallout 4 also has something similar. Unfortunately nobody ever made such a mod for FNV. It'd be nice to see. Examples: FO3 "http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19394/?" FO4 "http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_skill_books"
  2. Yeah. I should've mentioned it. I'm using 'Better Vampires 7.1'.
  3. I enjoy playing as a vampire in Skyrim, but I'd also like to play with the 'Dangerous Diseases' feature of iNeeds. So I would like to be affected by disease as a vampire. Seems simple enough. I know it doesn't make much 'sense' but I can come up with some 'Half-Vampire' nonsense and be perfectly content afterwards.
  4. Two Questions Is there anything specific that you should look for in a video card when considering modding Skyrim? Is the CPU a more important component for gaming and/or modding? Details & Further Questions I'm thinking about upgrading my video card, but I'm not an expert on the topic and so I'm seeking advice. I currently have a 'GeForce GTX 660 Ti' which has served me well; I can play Skyrim and any other game without issues for the most part. I have a larger budget than my prior days and so I'm considering a possible upgrade. However, I'm uncertain on whether or not I actually need an upgrade. The card has served me well as I already mentioned, but if there is a better card on the market then I'll be very interested. Is it smart to purchase a card now? or will there be a card released in the nearby future that would prove to be a much smarter purchase? I have a 'IntelĀ® Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz' and I'm wondering whether or not it's more important to upgrade this. Hell, can you even replace the CPUs on a computer, or do you have to buy a completely new PC? Is this a more important, or significant aspect of gaming? Is this a more important, or significant aspect of modding? I'm only considering upgrading one aspect of my computer right now, but if I have to do both then let it be. I ran the 'System Requirements' website for 'The Witcher 3' and I was alarmed at the fact that my video card was apparently fine for that specific game, but my CPU was not. Taking 'The Witcher 3' into account; I'll probably upgrade my CPU rather than my video card, but I still have many questions. (I'd appreciate if links were provided for specific computer components that I can purchase. I rather spend around 400-650$ or less (for each component), but more than that is fine giving enough reason.)
  5. Well.. I completely forgot about this thread throughout the entirety of December xD. Stop playing Skyrim for a bit, but I tried out Requiem as of recently & I was quite impress with it. Running with a much lighter set-up to avoid CTDs and so some of the mods I posted on the first page have been skipped this time around. I did somehow manage to get all those mods working before, but it was a bit of a hassle to managed that and so I didn't want to go through the trouble again. Despite this; I been having fun. Sometimes us glorious 'PC master race' gamers get addicted to mods and must install every single thing we see, but trying out things independently (if you have the time), can be stress free. Lol. Anyways; getting back on Requiem. Although I do miss all the extravaganza with the billions of perks SkyRe offered -- Requiem does feel heavily immersive & as difficult with just the standalone overhaul. Going to continue trying it and hopefully not be tempted to install CTDs xP.
  6. Yeah. I was about to say the same thing. Speaking on behalf of the perks module though: Perks are actually one of the more primary reasons why I decided to use SkyRe in the first place. The overhaul for that facet of the game is incredibly huge and surprisingly versatile. It brings out the idea of specialization at a much grander stage. I do enjoy leveling up; and being able to use your perk points to gain an ability you weren't able to use in the past. Many times an ability in which I can introduce new strategies into my game. I can see why this would make the game easier; bringing new tactics and ideas into play; and just being a more powerful character overall-- But I still find the game massively difficult. I'm just able to take out certain enemies through different manners. Rather than going full warrior, thief, or mage -- I tend to go somewhere in between two and maybe even all three. Hence why I enjoy bringing in multiple tactics into consideration prior to a battle. The more versatile and meaningful perk additions or changes; it just adds to this element of gameplay. Also. I can't believe I forgot to mention Locational Damage in my original post. It's definitely one I use and that should be use for these type of setups. Only thing I do for that mod is turn off locational damage for Draugrs. As I don't think a headshots should be taking them down. Thanks for also mentioning your mod baloo42; it's an interesting mechanic and reminds me of certain board games I played in the past (primarily war hammer).
  7. Ahh! I did this with my stealth character in order to lure the enemies away and either continue the ambush or flee. I never truly focused on it and just summoned weak-mediore creatures. I see how it can be useful with a mage build.. with slighty different tactics maybe. Conjured an ally, ressurect a fallen enemy and turn it into an ally! It is somewhat like having a companion, but I guess it techinically isn't xD. Perhaps also using the illusion tree and calm; or infuriate enemies. Along with the phantom images that are provided to you with the Illusion SkyRE perks. Place spell traps (similiar to the bear traps I laid with my stealth character.) The restoration and alteration tree can also bring in some interesting tactics. Hmm.. you're getting me thinking. I prefer to experience parts of the game solo, but maybe I will try a full mage build. I just never really focused on it. Thanks!
  8. I'm the type of gamer that prefers to have an incredible challenge. I automatically set the upmost difficult level within many of my games; and I even go as far as setting up little rules for me to follow, and balance out aspects of certain games. That being said, I'd be interested in seing a discussion on what exactly people do for this particular game, in order to make it incredibly challenging for themselves. While searching for answers throughout the internet. I have noticed that most folks have mentioned Requiem. I have not used that mod myself; and so I'm wondering what the popular opinion on that mod is and if it truly does make your game challenging? Is it also functioning with all DLCs and the latest Skyrim patch? I have heard many great things about this mod and hence I'm interested in trying it out. That being said, I have been using a different set of mods in which I think is equally -- if not much more challenging and to be frank... stupid hard (which I love). The current setup that I use to achieve this consist of the SkyRE modules, WTF - Random Encounter Zones, The Way of the Dovahkiin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time, Enhanced Enemy AI, Enemy AI Overhaul - Revenge of the Enemies, Ultimate Combat. Dragons are a different matter so for them I use Deadly Dragons, Mighty Dragons, & Dragon Combat Overhaul. Finally, I usually finish the list with any mod where I can have multiple followers. Of course I tweak all these mods through the MCM menu to make them all more compatible with one another. I know these are not entirely needed, but I also fancy mods that add a larger range of enemies to the game (Immersive Creatures, or Monster Mod). And I also fancy mods that make key immersive changes which in itself makes the game more difficult by adding a layer of micro-management (Frostfall & RND) Now, I realized that this is quite a list of mods and so I have indeed experience a decent number of CTDs. I have made multiple strives to prevent them from happening less. I don't have the best PC and so I manage to play with what I could handle. Any opinion on this current mod setup? Do you feel this truly makes the game difficult? If not, what do you use instead? Is this just bound to create too much of an unstable mess? or can a good PC handle it? Please tell me what you use! and explain the level of difficulty! I would like to know! Notes One of the more important matters is the timed block function that is automatically added with Ultimate Combat. SkyRE does indeed have Timed Blocks, but it requires a certain set of levels and perks to achieve this. Having timed blocks right off the bat is essential for giving beggining characters a fighting changes with much higher level enemies. As long as you can endure your poor reaction timing for a gruesome ten minute battle (my experience xD).Once more for Ultimate Combat & SkyRe's timed block functions. I set up the timed block ratio in Ultimate Combat to 0.4 (increase it from the default 0.3). I increase it by 0.5, & finally 0.6 only if I get the required perks through the SkyRe blocking tree. I'm also considering increasing the timed block function by 0.1 if I do decide to take any other timed block related perk in SkyRE, but I'm unsure on how balance this would be.Dragons are insane. I normally don't try them till a certain level and even then they prove to be a challenge. Fighting dragons was when I first realized how useful spell wards are.Sands Of Time has an intensive MCM menu. I modified it as I play through the game. As I learn of my eventual destiny as the Dragonborm and increased my celebrity status; I increase the chance of encounters. I make certain NPCs appear more often than another (Bandits for example). I always give wolves an Alpha male in their pack. I modified the spawn list depending on my sanity. Do I want to fight maybe 5 group of enemies at once at most? or perhaps 30!? (my PC can't handle that xD, but for those that can.)When I created a stealth based character for the first time. I had a very difficult start. I could have easliy taken out one or two bandits -- but once the other five have been alerted; I had difficulty fighting them all without a giant overcoat of steel protecting me. However, I was a quicker and nimbler character and hence I realize that positioning and movement was key. Even then the game seemed much more difficult than when I played with my prefered warrior of steel. In the end though. I think I had an overall stronger character. I was able to kill more enemies without alerting others and the perks that I obtain through SkyRe were much more flexible and abroad.Magic is very useful, but I never tried a full mage build. Honestly, I think a full mage build is not possible without having a companion with you 24/7.Having a companion is very useful. Having two companions is even more useful. Having three or more companions might be a bit too useful...Notes (In-Game Limitations and Rules) In game limitations and rules can be quite neat. They can make your game difficult without even having to add any mods. Restrict yourself from using weapons and armor pieces that are too powerful for your current level.Limit the number of potions and restoration spells you can use during a battle.Do not quick save during a battle; just fight it through all the way.If you want to be even more hardcore; do not quick save during a dungeon and/or quest.If you want to be even more hardcore than hardcore; do not save at all! Go ironman!I might have more to say, but I'm afraid I have to go. Thanks for reading and I would love to have your input on the matters I discussed.
  9. I discovered that the official DLCs in Skyrim have what are called 'dirty edits' and I'm just wondering if cleaning them (using TES5EDIT) is safe? I am running a good number of mods and I don't mind the occasional crash here and there, but I would like to do anything I can to help prevent that. Is it safe to proceed, or would there be further complications in doing so? Edit: I highly thank you for answering my question Lanceor!
  10. If anybody is interested in making one or perhaps a set of companions that feature the CSHBHC body exclusively? Update: Anybody?
  11. I tend to play in a much slower pace and in a heavily immersed manner. Not only do I enjoy the game more, but also for a longer period of time -- Rather than ransacking through everything in a couple days.
  12. I play similar to this style as well. Thought I was the only one o.o..
  13. This is surprising. I'm playing on the mastery level and find block to be extremely useful. The damage difference between being hit and blocking a hit has proven to be a good enough reason to get some perks from the blocking tree; Especially Elemental Protection! No way I would survive without it, I love my shield. :)
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