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Posts posted by C0rrup73d

  1. Put the same application on NV and look at the results. There is no way to get around the fact that NV was released before it was market ready. The game is EFFed up and there is no denial.

    The fact there is not a forth-coming official patch that isn't reliant on Steam proves my point. The game isn't being supported. FO3 didn't rely on GFWL to patch the content.


    New Vegas is a hack job and very rushed and crappy DLC for FO3. It might be presented as a stand alone game but the attitude of the devs and the people playing the game proves otherwise. There isn't any truly new content being made aside from fixes. No new body mods, no new scipting, no new anything. The game is an imagination and creativity killer.


    So FO3 sucked and New Vegas is the 'cure'? :blink: Then New Vegas players have no business using FO3 content for their games, as FO3 was so horrible and wrong and anyone who played it was clueless as to the pure intent of Black Isle. I can only imagine the distain real Fallout fans and players for FO3 modders, whose content they crave.


    BTW, I have FO3 running smoothly without errors CTDs or any other foolishness since the 1.7 patch,(aside from the hardcoded male bodymod files).

  2. I found THE solution men .


    the issue comes from the CATALYST!!!!!


    i' ve downgrade from 10.10 to 10.8 and it worked fine for me! Try mitchcook and reply if it worked for you because we have both an ATI video card.

    I find that to be funny. I have 10.10 installed and I don't get any texture problems.

  3. You won't see any DLC for PC until next year. The first DLC is 360 only which should be here by the time it's new years maybe longer and yes you have to buy them through Steam.
  4. sif cheat levels.. such a stupid thing to do


    It's basically cheating yourself out of fun. It means less play time and that when you reach level 30 you won't feel like you accomplished anything because you cheated..


    guns.. ammos.. no clip.. even tgm.. i could level with you.. but permanently making your character a "cheat" character is pretty lame imo



    So I cheat in fact I use trainers to advance.

  5. Please don't bring up piracy into the discussion, nothing good ever came out of talking about it.

    Using no-cd cracks illegal? pish posh. It's very much legal.


    This is not a response about no-cd cracks, this is a response to the one that brought up the subject matter in the first place.

    What response. All i'm seeing is the one about "cracking IS legal".

  6. Really folks, you'd think it was the first time anyone played a computer game. Issues exactly like this have been going on as long as computer geeks like me have been playing games. The first time i bought Myst, i spent 3 days tweaking my system to get it to run. See for yourself, check the forums of any major release game, and you'll see threads exactly like this one. "this is the buggiest game ever" has been claimed on just about every big game. At some point, you have to realize that the PC platform is simply not a plug and play setup. every system is different, and many "bugs" are really issues with the game conflicting with how you're set up.I'm familiar with Gambryo, and knew it had issues with windows registry, so i spent the day prior to geting NV doing a clean install. NV started right up, and has given me no (major) problems aside from the usual stuff. A PC is like a car, if you don't keep it clean, updated, and do appropraite maintainence, it's gonna do strange and wierd things.

    Half-Life 2 wasn't buggy.

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