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About joaonwo95

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi all, I wonder can anyone help me. I seem to have an issue with skyrim on the PC, I have a lot of mods installed so it is possibly to do with one of them. I am unable to harvest anything. I can only harvest ninroot, nothing else. There's no text or any letters when I aproach other types of plants. It's really bugging me. Any solutions?
  2. A rare polite reply after a misunderstanding from someone trying to help. I wish there were more like you. :tongue: BSAopt will allow you to unpack .bsa files to get at the sounds themselves. I'm not sure where that specific sound file is. You can replace the specific sound file with a silent one if you can find/figure out which one it is. From a short search I can offer you this as help. http://www.gamesas.com/attaching-sound-power-attacks-t345102.html I can't be of more help than that sadly, as character sounds are not something I have much experience in. Thanks. That will do my friend. :D Fixed.
  3. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41016/? Secondary version has attack/power attack removal only. Thank you for the quick reply, the mod doesn't fix my problem. I value the combat sounds, just think one in particular should be removed, not all of them. Nevertheless, I think I fixed the issue with some other mod, voice pack or something. Nevertheless, if you could instruct me on how I I can acess the voice files for the power attack I would be very grateful.
  4. Everytime I hear my male nord character scream while he does his power attack with his axe, I don't enjoy it at all. It sounds too boyish for me. So, is there a way I can fix this problem? It's the only problem left I have to solve, after hours of troubleshooting. He screams "Yah!". I want either to remove or replace the sound with a better version. Maybe older. Please help! I know it's a minor simple unusual request but it's like a stone inside my shoe.
  5. Guilty Gear was my fav. Good times.
  6. What I did: 1. Created a Quest. 2. Went to Topic. 3. Clicked Add Topic. 4. Selected Greeting. 5. Nothing happened ? 6. Blank window. Pls help me. I love to create, but s*** like this just make me want to destroy. Edit: Nevermind, it worked! It's their on your text display (under Top-level only) area on the left you have to resize it. Win 8 minimizes them for some reason.
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