Hi Nexus. I'm having a problem and I have no idea how to solve. I didn't find anyone with the same problem on the search engine so it looks a very particular problem :/, I'll let the screenshots do the talk: http://s14.postimage.org/gi7ktzbwh/TESV_2012_11_29_23_52_25_66.png http://s5.postimage.org/kedvugko7/TESV_2012_11_29_23_54_15_66.png http://s5.postimage.org/vf90zhcx3/TESV_2012_11_29_23_55_45_66.png (I set force weather to a cleaner weather to make the screenshots clearer) I thought it was caused by some mod, but I ran a backup of vanilla skyrim with only hearthfire, dawnguard, skse and smaa injector installed. I ran the backup with vanilla skyrim.ini and made a new save game, after having my hands freed I use a console command to teleport to winterhold and the problem is still there. Do you guys have any ideas?