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Posts posted by mrlordfinder

  1. Dear all,

    Recently I decided to expand the main level of Tenpenny tower for personal use. For this I am using a modified version (removing the exterior worldspace and using it as my active file) of the esp. included with Pinioncorps amazing Tenpenny penthouse. By doing this I am able to use his great assets for the rest of the tower. Everything went swell until I decided to load the mod in FO3 to do a quick test, seeing if the main shapes of the new rooms where alright. Unfortunately, for some reason it loads my additions seperately of the vanilla interior.

    Which, well, sucks.

    My additions, a new bed- and bathroom:


    Facing my modification ingame:


    Facing the vanilla part of the tower, standing inside my modification:


    As you can see in the last picture, some of the vanilla assets remain loaded whilst being in the new room.

    I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with fixing this annoyance! :smile:

  2. @semtex


    You sir, have founded a amazing and handy solution for the most of problems!


    Now, where to find a skilled modder who wants to add a breast slide and the other stuff...


    Without joking, i really like the idea of this thread. But if you only make a slide for in character creation, wont that only affect your character?

  3. Well the argonians need some leg adjustmend too ^^, and how much i would like the whole boots covered feet idea, i understand people would stick to the leggings, i will make their work somewhat easier!
  4. All the ideas are great!, keep them coming!

    And the idea of default outfits is very smart, as for breaking outfits... Cool! There is a mod for fallout 3 & nv ( tailor maid or something ) what let you do basicly the same. I would love to see a port for skyrim! ( with TES clothes ofcourse ;P )

  5. Seeing all the cool armors and clothes that are present in skyrim, i thought about how cool it would be to have a little more liberty in how you want to wear them!:


    Make every part of the outfit a single piece! Be able to wear pants of this outfit with the torso piece of that outfit!


    Be able to equip more stuff! Let the underwear be an equipable piece to! Wear it beneath your outfits ( or not ) and make it compatible with nude mods!


    Lets add dyes! Colour your outfits and make them truly unique!



    If you have also cool.ideas post them, and if you are an skilled modder, think about it! ;)

  6. I really think bethesda did their job on the beast races better this time, but they still dont really look ''beasty' if you know what i mean.


    i think it would be a great addition to the game if an experienced modder would completely revamp the beast races once the CK is released. I am not the only beast lover out here, so i really hope somebody could take the task of improving the beast races by giving them better feet ( Cat like claws for the kahjit, and amfibian like claws for the Argonian ), for the beast races is it maybe an solution if you remove the boots of the armor, otherwise you have a lot of work to do..


    Maybe is it also possible for a nude mod eventually, also for the werewolves. Why should the human characters get one and the beasts not?

  7. I really hope the body's of the beast races will also be chanced, maybe with some tweaks to make them more beastlike ( altered feet/ legs) because its a little strange if you can strip all the humans in the game, while the beasts keep their underwear...


    As is told in the dlc, the divide was just a town

    ( with a nuclear base ;) ) some where west of the

    mojave, in fact it was a pre war city called ashton.


    When the courier brought the copy of ed-e to the town he had created in ashton ( called the divide ) it awakend the nuclear boms in the silos of the US millitary base of hopeville, located by ashton.


    The boms couldnt get out of their silos and started to detonate beneath asthon, what resulted in massive earht quakes who cracked the ground and created the canyons. Ashton tumbled into those canyons, thus forming the divide as we know it.

  9. i think that the NCR has to many troopers to give them all power armor and plasma weapons, and in the mojave is only a small fraction stationed to keep ceasar at bay.

    if whe got the chance to travel to the NCR cities in the west i think that we will see much more restored industry, cars ( the wiki says the NCR has cars, only not that many ), factories and power armored troopers :)

  10. i think you have to put in the jokes of Wadsworth and Godfrey from fallout 3, together with a protectron comedian XD



    "I was going to a clairvoyant's meeting but it was canceled due to unforeseen events."


    "Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says, 'Does this taste funny to you?'


    "I once visited a crematorium that gave discounts to burn victims."


    "Two atoms are in a bar. One says to the other, 'I think I've lost an electron.' The other asks, 'Are you sure?' To which the first replies, 'I'm positive.'


    "A neutron walks into a bar. 'How much for a drink?' To which the bartender responds, 'For you, no charge.'"


    "A photon has mass? Huh, I didn't know they were Catholic.'"

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