that kinda fits. popping into view and a lot of things listed. Ugrid bug. Go to ini files, all of them, set it at 5 in all of them. then if there are not too many mods installed, esp's only, start with the very fisrt esp file just undr the last listed esm file in the load order, and load 1 at a time into the geck. all you need to do is get them to load. once they do, you can now change the players perspective views for each mod to match an overclocked / off the scale as you have seen. at the top, you click the file drop down menu item and select preferences. the only item here you touch is LOD sliders. Note: once you have them in sight, you slide all of these to the right. Notice after you set "apply and close and reopen this, the left side of the slider menu is forced back down. you grab these again and set them to the right,, set apply, close and set "save" the mod/esp as is. do this twice for every esp in order. when you are all done, your load order will be set as it was before you started out. NOTE: you must do all of them, not just a few. this is an internal LOD/ugrid settings encoded into each and ever mod you have and can not be altered once done. BY any outside programs period. It's a mean trick, it's 100% perfect too. and save the esps files you alter in this way into a package as an override preset for later, your special package. just copy them all into a folder and zip it up. is any mod manager to install your over rides. your done. Kitty I'm not trying to increase my lod persay, but trying to fix it. Many elements like buildings, trees, landscape, objects,water, everything is messed up things fade out/into view from like 10 feet. Re-installing doesn't help either