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  1. My friend almost didint punch a granny with a snowball. My goshh you had no idea how much we laughed. He was all "Oops sorry." And my other friend with me were almost dead xD That was so fffffunny :]
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    2. xLyrie


      Face it, im unbeatable >:3
    3. vvk78


      As 10000000 fiery snowballs (!) converge towards the seemingly hapless Samurai, he looks up at them, raises his right hand in a Jedi salute, and instantly all 10000000 snowballs freeze (!) in mid-air inches away from him.. the Force is strong with him, for he is the JEDURAI!
    4. vvk78


      He blinks and the 10000000 frozen flaming snowballs turn into cute little beautiful butteries. As thousands of colorful butterflies flit gaily around the Jedurai, he smiles from beneath the shadow of his hat, and instantly vaporizes Cheesey!
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