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Everything posted by xLyrie

  1. xLyrie

    If i tell you..

    Thank you! Both. I indeed met some people,]. And it doesnt matter if theire crazy all i know is that i am already crazy! :D
  2. Hai thur fellow rainbow sheepian :3
  3. LOL were taking ovah teh wurld! :D
  4. Thanks, Happy New Year to you too!
  5. Rainbow sheep is hawt.
  6. Whats on my mind? Let me see....CAKE.IWANTCAKE. Yep, thats all im thinking of right now.
    1. Show previous comments  83 more
    2. Nadin



      Nuh-uh. If we're going to do this, YOU'RE the girl.


    3. CheeseyBall


      ROFL! XD

      (Eagle helped me there.)

    4. CheeseyBall


      *Emits technicolour yawn*
  7. Dont sheesh me and then "whatever , have fun". You didint smile while saying that.
  8. xLyrie

    If i tell you..

    That im new. Will you start doing jumping-jacks just to keep me amused? :whistling: Geh, explaining who and what you like things....to lazy knowing that its 4 a.m. here.
  9. Thankfully, no. Im someone even worse. -pats-
  10. You can say that. Im her evil twin :P
  11. Happy New Year!!!!! And so on..
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aenya


      Really? Damn!....
    3. Balagor


      Then the day after tomorrow must be....................well
    4. xLyrie


      And the day after will be the...."Find the Leprechauns pot before you giggle!"
  12. Its not gonna be THAT intresiting..
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