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  1. I have not actually clashed with them yet. Found out about the Wildlife Sanctuaries after trying to go to one, and it's just so stupid I can't handle it. Let me quote my rant posted elsewhere: There are a few ways it could be made more reasonable with being completely unbalanced. Having a limited response (they stop spawning after you kill so many,) or making the PID at the sanctuary hostile but not marking you as a criminal so you just have to deal with the ones already there. A great, immersive way to deal with it could be a side-quest that gets you a 'hunting pass' so you can enter and hunt the Pals there; you could even make it a separate pass for each sanctuary, with quests of increasing difficulty. Bribery, perhaps, would fit in with the game's harsh lore. I am playing single-player so I can just save and break the criminal charge, but the cheapness of the law enforcement system just really bothers me, so I went looking for a mod and didn't find one. If there's anything that can be done I'd appreciate it, if not, feel free to ignore me and I'll go do it the hard way later.
  2. Well, if you get rewarded for it that's true. But by 'sealing' I didn't mean any sort of magical thing, but rather something physical like a cave-in so nobody can get it out... for a good long while, anyway. The only force of good there is yourself. And your dead raider friend who set up the explosives.
  3. So, just went down into Dunwich Borers and got Kremv's Tooth. But I felt that one thing was missing that could be added relatively easily. I think, I can't actually mod, but it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to do. That last raider? The one by the exit door? He totally needs a holotape on him of him chanting something like: "Can't let it out can't let it out can't let it out stay in the light stay awake stay awake in the light and it can't get me it can't get me." That'd be the perfect end to that freaky little mini-quest. Hell, if you wanted to be more elaborate, you could have him leaving other messages. First why he's joining the raiders (acting tough about it) then slowly coming to hate the job (sob story ensues about why he actually went raider) then saying something about what happened with the one you find behind a crapload of traps outside of the mine, then about Bedlam starting to act funny. Slow creeping horror stuff about other raiders starting to lose it and him generally slowly freaking out about what's causing it until he finally finds out and you find him at the mine exit with that last chilling chant about keeping the world safe from it. Hrm, could even turn it into a mini-quest mod, if you were inclined. Just need a voice actor, drop the tapes here and there, and viola. Alternately, you could mod in a way to seal off the area with Kremv's Tooth, set up by our freaked-out friend but never used, as a quest mod to give the player your unique legendary instead of Kremv's Tooth, when you choose to seal it away rather than let it out. Maybe even change the final holotape when the player does that to something more hopeful... or if they don't, and retrieve Kremv's Tooth, end the chanting freak-out tape with a scream. All kinds of ideas. TL;DR: I think Dunwich Borers could be enhanced with more stuff from our mysterious final raider that sealed the path to the altar.
  4. Kudos, Internet. Where would we be without your kneejerk, borderline-assholish responses? Someplace less fun, I think. Anyway. First off, yes, I know that it won't simulate blindsense exactly... but turning the world black and white and reducing view-range to around fifty feet would probably be a mite difficult. Second... the main reason I didn't put down exact numbers is because I haven't played the game extensively yet. I understand they downgraded the numbers a bit from Fallout 3, but I haven't gotten around enough to know where the line between 'really good' and 'outright broken' is. I mostly blame myself for not being able to make decisions, which is why I decided to attempt to do an RP run with someone whose opinions on most things are pretty clear-cut. For numbers, I have no idea on the trait or the item. If I go with the DT on the blindfold and the unarmored DT perk, I'd like to have them not interfere with each-other, so I'd probably say crit for the blindfold and DT for the trait. Killing your perception completely should be worth a little, but it shouldn't be ridiculous. +4s are tossed around pretty casually in certain perks and whatnot, so would, say, 8 break the game? As for crit reduction on the blindfold... maybe have it shave off 50% of crit damage? Not sure what the exact ratio on crit damage is, so, again with the not-breaking-the-game. The perks... for unarmored DT, I heard the best power armors run around 25 with a few 28s, so what about making it 1/level and calling it even for losing the chance at the various bonuses and resistances? For the unarmed damage... could you give me a perk name, TheRoc? I've been looking at the list and can't figure out which one you're talking about, unless you mean in one of the perk pack mods. In any case, I'm not sure what the top unarmed weapons run, and this perk is supposed to replace those, so... I read that the ballistic fist is the best unarmed weapon, with a damage of 80, so... what about 2/level for a final damage of sixty before strength/unarmed modifiers? Plus the default unarmed damage as well, I think. EDIT: Oh, and keep in mind on whether these are broken or not that if I run this, I won't be using weapons or armor, and thus with the gradual boosts based on level, it'll be an uphill climb the entire way.
  5. I'm looking to run a little RP build, and I figured I'd try to possibly stay true to the character. This one, in particular, is blind. I think blindness could be an interesting trait... a natural condition that hasn't really been covered by any of the others. So, first off: Blindness I'm thinking either a bonus of some kind to unarmed attacks with a massive penalty to ranged weapons, in tribute to all the kung-fu badasses that get bonus levels when they blindfold themselves. Or reduction of your PER to 1 and somehow being immune to enemies using Stealth. Not sure if you can do that one, but PER 1 and some kind of side-bonus to your perception, like extra DT or critical damage/frequency deduction due to being able to sense attacks that would have tricked your eyes. Secondly, a way to make this obvious, a Blindfold. A penalty to PER, but some kind of minor bonus, maybe more of the above DT/crit-reduction. Or maybe immunity to the freakout the screen does when poison hits you. Original version is black silk, if anyone actually decides to model this. And a few more things to round this post out. Let's see... essentially I'd like to see a few perks to emulate the basic ones from the Monk class, D&D 3.5 if anyone's wondering. Specifically, a perk that gives you extra DT based on your level, but only if the armor you're wearing doesn't give you any DT. Should also work when not wearing any armor. Not sure if that's plausible or not. And a similar one that adds to unarmed damage based on level as long as you aren't using a weapon... any weapon, even unarmed ones. These two are meant to replace weapons and armor. While it'll be an uphill battle getting to a higher level, they should be very strong if not THE strongest options for unarmed damage and DT at level 30. So, to break it down. Trait: Blindness Item: Blindfold Perk: Unarmored DT bonus Perk: Completely Unarmed damage bonus Side Note: also looking for a qipao or cheongsam outfit (a chinese dress, wiki it if you're confused) and a hair-pack that has those cute little buns. These likely exist somewhere, and I intend to go asking, but if anybody shows any actual interest in this thread and I can't find them elsewhere, I'll probably come back and add them to the list. I think I heard about a mod that can make you short, too, which I also intend to look for. Pretty sure that already exists. Second Side Note: If any of these already exist, just slap me for cluttering up the forum and link me them.
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