Kudos, Internet. Where would we be without your kneejerk, borderline-assholish responses? Someplace less fun, I think. Anyway. First off, yes, I know that it won't simulate blindsense exactly... but turning the world black and white and reducing view-range to around fifty feet would probably be a mite difficult. Second... the main reason I didn't put down exact numbers is because I haven't played the game extensively yet. I understand they downgraded the numbers a bit from Fallout 3, but I haven't gotten around enough to know where the line between 'really good' and 'outright broken' is. I mostly blame myself for not being able to make decisions, which is why I decided to attempt to do an RP run with someone whose opinions on most things are pretty clear-cut. For numbers, I have no idea on the trait or the item. If I go with the DT on the blindfold and the unarmored DT perk, I'd like to have them not interfere with each-other, so I'd probably say crit for the blindfold and DT for the trait. Killing your perception completely should be worth a little, but it shouldn't be ridiculous. +4s are tossed around pretty casually in certain perks and whatnot, so would, say, 8 break the game? As for crit reduction on the blindfold... maybe have it shave off 50% of crit damage? Not sure what the exact ratio on crit damage is, so, again with the not-breaking-the-game. The perks... for unarmored DT, I heard the best power armors run around 25 with a few 28s, so what about making it 1/level and calling it even for losing the chance at the various bonuses and resistances? For the unarmed damage... could you give me a perk name, TheRoc? I've been looking at the list and can't figure out which one you're talking about, unless you mean in one of the perk pack mods. In any case, I'm not sure what the top unarmed weapons run, and this perk is supposed to replace those, so... I read that the ballistic fist is the best unarmed weapon, with a damage of 80, so... what about 2/level for a final damage of sixty before strength/unarmed modifiers? Plus the default unarmed damage as well, I think. EDIT: Oh, and keep in mind on whether these are broken or not that if I run this, I won't be using weapons or armor, and thus with the gradual boosts based on level, it'll be an uphill climb the entire way.